One Shots.

Give Me A Shot To Remember

ghost murderer kills 2 more victims

The mysterious murderer has killed 24 year old Katie Benson and 25 year old Stephanie Dawson.
Both girls were walking home from a hen night in Belleville New Jersey, early Sunday morning when the attack happened.
The attacks were made the exact same way as the other 2 attacks, using a butchers knife.
We are putting out a warning to all people aged 15-30, stay indoors and do not answer the door after 10pm until further notice.
You have been warned.

I read the paper in shock, a mass murderer has just killed a girl I went out I with in high school, I was speechless.
"Frank come look at this" frank was sat on the sofa, messing with his guitar. He came over.
"what?" he came and sat next to me.
"read the bit about the ghost murderer" I handed him the paper, he read it, I saw his jaw drop.
"isnt that Steph girl, the one you dated in Belleville high?"
"yes!" I stood up and went over to the window, 'holy shit', I thought to myself, the murderer is around this area.

"any way frank, it says we cant go out after 10pm, looks like your stuck here tonight." Frank looked at the clock.
"10 past 10, yep it sure does" frank smiled and jumped on the sofa.
"Movie time" he screamed grabbing the remote from the table.

1 hour later

There was a knock at the door, I got up to go answer it.
Frank grabbed my arm.
"your not allowed to answer it, its past 10"
"dont worry about it, its probably only mikey wanting the spare key" I snatched my arm away from frank, mikey was very forgetful when it came to keys.

I went over to the door and unlocked it, I automatically knew it wasnt mikey.
Mikey always says 'hi Gerard' before I open the door, this person said nothing.

I was doubting whether to open the door or not, I thought it might have been the neighbour or someone. I decided to open it.

There was no one there.

I went back to the film.
"who was it?" asked frank.
"no one"
"come on tell me?, I know it was someone" frank was poking me.
"seriously frank there was no one there" I pushed his hand away from my side, to make him stop poking me, it was rather annoying.

there was another knock at the door, once again I got up to go answer it. Once again it wasnt mikey, this time there was someone there.

Franks POV.

There was a knock at the door, I looked at the clock, 11:15, Gerard got up, I grabbed his arm.
"your not allowed to answer it, its past 10!" I looked at him, expecting him to sit back down
"dont worry about it, its probably only mikey wanting the spare key." He snatched his arm away from me, he was probably right, he normally is.

I carried on watching the film, while he went to the door.
Gerard came back with a confused look on his face.
"who was it?" I asked slightly concerned about why he looked puzzled, it was obvious it wasnt mikey.
"no one"
"come on tell me?, I know it was someone" I was poking him, it usually made him tell the truth.
"seriously frank there was no one there" he was serious, there wasnt even a hint of a lie in his voice, now I was concerned.

Then there was another knock at the door, Gerard went to answer it.
I didnt want to say anything just in case this time it was actually mikey.

Gerard had been gone for a long time, I didnt think any thing of it at first, he was just probably talking to mikey.
But then again, why didnt they just come in here and talk.

I went to find Gerard, he wasnt in the kitchen, he wasnt out side. I went to the door, to see if he was talking to some one.
I got into the hallway, and froze.

Gerard was on the floor, there was blood everywhere, on the carpet, on the walls, everywhere.
My first aid skills, well what I had of them, automatically told me to check his pulse, so I did. He did have one, but it was weak.

He needed an ambulance, and fast.

I dialled 911, and only just managed to keep cool while talking to the operator, I was shaking too much.

I managed to tell her what the situation was, the phone number and the address. But I didnt know what I was going to tell mikey or Donna.

I dialled mikeys number
Ring ring, ring ring
No answer.

I went back to Gerard, I held his hand, he was weak and cold.

The seconds felt like minutes and the minutes felt like hours until the ambulance came.
Tears were building up in my eyes, he couldnt die, hes too young, I have not told him how I feel about him.

The ambulance crew arrived to take him to the hospital, they had informed mikey and Donna.

I was sat in the waiting room, I couldnt bear to be near the hospital room, with Gerard in that state.

Mikey came out of the room, his face was pale and tear stained, it wasnt good news.

He shook his head.
I collapsed on the floor and cried like I had never cried before.