Speak Slow, Tell Me More

If you fall just get back up


I don't even know why I did it. Maybe it was that I don't want to lie, that I like being an open book.

But maybe.

Maybe she was the first person all day who hadn't treated me like shit. Maybe I couldn't take my eyes off of the way she kept pulling that cute hat over to the side, giving it an eccentric tilt. Maybe it was that her eyeliner made her eyes look nearly black, but couldn't stop them glittering. Maybe it was the way she had to keep pushing her scarf over every 5 seconds because of the wind, and never once thought to just wear it differently. Maybe it was how when she found something kinda funny, she'd smile this huge smile, then cover her mouth with her hand like she didn't want someone to see. Maybe it was the passion in her voice, and in her gestures, when she talked about something that to her, really mattered. Maybe it was the fact that the order of colours you have to eat mnms in was one of those things she talked about so passionately. Maybe it was the way she felt so larger than life but stood a head shorter than me.

And maybe it was because she spoke about love with such sureness she'd never feel it, that it wasn't real. And maybe I wanted to prove her wrong.

Hell, maybe it was just because I was starting to fall. Whether she liked it or not.


What was I supposed to say?

Well I knew that. I knew he was naive, he was stupid. He was believing in nothing, he was wasting his mind.

But the hand on my shoulder was practically burning into me as he gave me another one of those shy smiles that I swear to God he must have been practising in the mirror. One of those looks that seems to ask, "is that okay?". I was so tempted to cure him of his ridiculous obsession with love. But I can't pretend that I didn't, just for a second, want to be proven wrong. Still, that would have been stepping out of the character I'd kept going for almost a year now. Since...

Well. Since. And I wasn't just going to break character for a pretty boy. I regained my composure and launched straight back into the standard response.

"No you don't. You don't fall in love. You lust, like any other mammal." I look into his eyes on lust and step away from the hand on my shoulder. "You make the classic human error and convince yourself you need more, you can't be fulfilled with base instincts. You con yourself into believing it's something more, different, better. But you're never in love. You can't push that far. And then it all ends, and where does it leave you? You're nobody. You're nowhere. You're like every Godamn waste of space on this stupid planet."

Ok, so I sounded like I was ranting. I was young, I was harsh, I was, to coin a phrase, a bitch. But he needed to be told, or so I thought.

Instead of being dissapointed at me saying that everything he so obviously believed in was a waste of time, a huge grin spread across his face.

"It's cute that you believe that. I can't wait to prove you wrong."
♠ ♠ ♠
Short again, but this one kinda matters for telling the story.

Animal cookies for whoever notices the quote from an amazing film.