If Only

Fool in Tin Foil.

Sometimes I hurt. Sometimes I cry. Sometimes I feel like stabbing that knife inside of my heart and tearing it out.

I slightly let out a breath out, letting the white cloud of puff gliding up towards the sky. Chills jumped around my numb fingers from the autumn wind. My eyes stared down at the ground, letting my brown bangs bounce off of my forehead. The sun towered over me, trying to provide heat for my body, but epically failed me. My body laid on top of my skateboard as I stared in front of me.

Static appeared in my ear, but I ignored it. Almost every time of the day the feedback would bother me. My fingers crawled up to my ear, gently removing it so that it wouldn’t hurt me at all. Once I clutched the stupid piece of plastic in my hand, I tossed it. It flew high up in the air, and then pelted down in the lake that I stared at. Maybe it killed whatever lived in it, but in my mind I kept thinking it was worth it.

A warm hand crept on my shoulder, giving my heart a tiny attack. My eyes stayed down, not wanting to see who it was. In the back of my mind I knew exactly who the person that found me really was. Their presence moved over towards the front of my, kneeling down to look at me with their stupid smile.

It was her.

Her soft hands gently moved my bangs over towards the side of my eyes. My heart stopped. My heart fell out of my chest into her arms. For a moment that felt like a life time, our eyes met. They say that the eyes are the mirrors of the soul. I hope my soul didn’t linger some type of horrible hideous thing that would scare her off.

Her soul though, a different story. I noticed hope and faith dancing around. Soft spots of kindness signaled the butterflies in my stomach. A smile appeared on her face, I hoped that I wasn’t blushing like an idiot. Her lips stayed still, knowing to stay silent, because she knew it was useless to even say anything. If only my love for her was mutual.

“You’re so amazing,” her beautiful fluent voice giggled. My eyes stared upon her with wavy brown hair in the position where she looked perfect. Then again she always did. Only in dreams I imagined her voice, and it was absolutely gorgeous.

“So are you,” I smiled. Her arms wrapped around me as she jumped on top of me. I caught her, because I’d never let her fall and get hurt. Cheesy, I know.

“Kiss me my idiot in tin foil,” she demanded as she laughed. On her command I obeyed her, she controlled every last inch of my heart. Our lips collided, gradually massaging each other’s. Bubblegum flavored lip gloss caught up in my mouth. My fingers tangled themselves up her warm soft hair. Tomorrow was the last thing on my mind; she was the only thing that was allowed to occupy it.

“You’re obviously too good for me,” my forehead pressed against hers.

“On the contrary,” her lips scrapped my cheek. I finally realized why guys did those cheesy dorky things in movies; it made girls fall for them.

Leaves swarmed around us as the breeze blew them on their way around the park we sat in. I wish everything would be this perfect. If only love would be the cure to my disability.

If only.

Her hands nudged me again as my eyes flew open. She towered over me, blocking the sun from blinding my eyes. Her smile made my eyes stay open. Her eyes kept my days on going. She’s my savior and the reason I stay alive.
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Not my best, but I think it's cute(: