Status: New and active! Keep, or kill?

Passion Is In The Risk

Sooner Or Later.

The meeting had just gotten over and now the band had all gone to Matt's house. As they were all lounging around, everyone could feel that something was off. Jimmy kept zoning out, and everyone was worried.

Everyone was seated in the living room, Matt and Zacky shared one coutch, Brian and Johnny shared the other, while Jimmy was alone in a love seat.

"Hey Jimbo! Are you alright man?" Matt asked, trying to get rid of some tension.

"Huh?" he said as he was brought back into reality, "Oh, yeah I'm fine."

Everyone knew he was lying, but didn't push it. Instead, they desided to go swimming, but Jimmy refused.


It was getting close to dark, and everyone was sitting around the fire in the back yard, except Jimmy. No one has seen him in a while, but they just thought he went home.

Sooner or later, Brian had to use the bathroom, and was scared shitless of what, or more like who, he found on the floor.

A very pale Jimmy was spread across the linolium floor. Brian wasn't sure of what to do, so he ran for help. The band ran inside, Johnny calling 911, and tried to get Jimmy to breath at no avail.

The ambulance soon arrived, but declined the groups' request to ride with them.

Later, at the hospital, James Sulivan was announced dead. And from that moment on, Avenged Sevenfold was never the same.
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OKAY!! well, this came out shorter than I wanted... so I'll post again tommorrow. And I know I said Jimmy would be alive in the begining [and technically he was] but I kinda just want to get the sad part over and done.
This is just the start, and it'll get better, cause I know I suck at 3rd person POVs, so the next one will probably be in someone elses POV

Comment and tell me what you think?!!

Thanks! <3Maria