Status: New and active! Keep, or kill?

Passion Is In The Risk

Damn Little Sullivan!

I giggled, being pushed my an impatient Johnny. The first present was from Matt and Val. It was a new make up kit. It came with everything I would need to last a few months if not longer.

Next I opened a box that was just from Val, it was a new iPod touch. I almost died when I seen how many songs were already on it.

The next gift was from Short Shit. He bought me digital camera with a memory card. It was shiny and green, my favorite color. He actually did a really good job.

I didn't expect Lacey to get me anything, mostly because I didn't even know who she was, but when I opened her little box, I couldn't keep the smile off my face. She had gotten me a necklace. It was really beautiful, and I made sure to thank her twice.

When I opened Zacky's present, I almost shit myself. It was a brand new, green, electric guitar.

I looked at him, "How did you know I play?" I asked.

He chuckled, hugging my shoulders, "There's no way you would play any other instrument besides the guitar Little Sullivan!"

I giggled, "Well you're wrong Mr. Vengeance. I play several."

He dropped his arm, mouth agape, then grinned, "YOU COULD BE A ONE WOMAN BAND!" he yelled, picking me up over his shoulder and spinning me around. I squealed and giggled for him to put me down.

Sammeh's and Nate's gift was pretty awesome also. They bought me an art kit. It had ten big canvases and several types of paint brushes, along with some fine paint. I hugged them, and laughed when Nate wouldn't let go for about twenty seconds.

Ash's gifts are always fuckin awesome, so I was really excited for what she was going to give me. I was confused when she gave me a little box, but opened it anyway. It was a $200 gift card to Hot Topic. I smiled and hugged her.

After all of my presents were opened, Matt took me and Ash, Sammeh and Nate into Ash's room to talk.

"Alright kids, here's the deal. Everyone is staying home tonight." As he said this, we all groaned.

"And this is because we can't have four drunk teenagers out wondering the streets. So, stay inside, and.. be careful around Zacky. He's a huge perv when he's drunk." he chuckled.

We were basically starstruck when he said we could drink tonight. But we didn't argue. Who the fuck would?

So we ran downstairs, leaving Matt standing where he was, and walk right up to the fridge. Even at 4 in the afternoon.

"What are you starting with?" Ash asked.

I shrugged, "A beer, I guess. Then some Jack." All of them nodded.

I heard laughter behind us and turned to see Zacky, Johnny, and Brian sitting at the table. It was Brian that was laughing.

"And that, my great friends, is what makes her a true Sullivan." he said.

I smiled evilly and forgot about the beers, reaching straight for the Jack. I nodded at Ash, she nodded back and went to the cupboard for four shot glasses. I poured them to the rim, and looked at the guys with the same smile.

We did them at the same time, throwing them back and letting the burning liquid slide down our throats like the pros we are. It didn't have much of an effect on me, but I heard the others curse.

I poured some more, and kept them coming until the bottle was three fourths gone.

"Damn Little Sullivan! You know how to hold your liquor." Zacky slurred.

"Dude, you have no fuckin idea. This girl is the shit when it comes to drinks. She's a saint. I don't know how she does it." Ash slurred back. She was already more than tipsy.

Her lips seemed to be really puffy and soft, I just wanted to kiss them. And I did. I put my hand on the back of her neck and smashed out lips together. This time it was a full make out; tongue and all. I just really liked the way her snakebites felt on my lips. After a few minutes I pulled away and smiled cheekily at everyone. I don't talk a lot when I'm drunk, I just act.

"Is it wrong that when you do that, I get turned on?" Zacky said all seriously.

I just smirked, then started to make us all some drinks. I made Sammeh a Mojito Diablo, Nate a White Russian, Ash a Tequila Sunrise, and a Kiss on The Lips for me, all in 5 minutes.

By the time I was done with mine, I was so into it that I hadn't noticed that everyone was in the kitchen now. Watching me.

"A raise of hands on who agrees that Little Sullivan is our own personal bartender!" Johnny yelled.

Giggling, I took a drink out of my cute little martini glass before taking orders from my 'customers'. I noticed that Michelle and Gena were both gone.

Smiling to myself, I went back to concentrating on the drinks. I made several that included Sex On The Beach, Blue Lagoon, Tokyo Tea, French Martini [Val's choice], Red Headed Slut, Porn Star, Polar Bear, and Zacky's favorite choice, Sweet Tight Pussy.

Not one request did I not know how to make, and everyone was impressed with me. Around 6-ish, Matt turned on some music. When I actually listened to the song I realized it was an Avenged Sevenfold song. Cocky much, are we Matt?

When I finished my second drink aside from the shots, I dragged Ash and Sammeh to the living room to dance. After Afterlife was done, Trey Songz came on with Bottoms Up. We squealed and started grinding.

I saw Nate leaning against the door frame watching us. I smirked and started walking towards him. He was focused on me as I took his hand, holding it above my head as I grinned on him as Pretty Ricky's Grind On Me started to play. His hands found there way to my hips as he got into it.

Soon the whole grinding thing turned into dirty dancing. Our hands roamed each others body, his lingering on certain areas.

By this time, I had a nice buzz going on, and it was right where I wanted to be at the moment. Some of the adults joined in on our dancing, but Ash and Sammeh were no where in sight. I smirked to myself.

Go Ash!

Matt and Val were dancing over in the corner by the long forgotten cake, Lacey and Johnny were kissing and groping on the couch, Brian was still sitting at the bar in the kitchen drinking a beer. And then Zacky came over, taking Nate's place behind me, without me noticing. Nate had stumbled over to Brian, and was trying, but not succeeding, at making him a drink.

Something in me ticked, telling the more sober part of me to fuck off, and telling my brain to push up harder against Zacky. I smirked as I heard him groan.

"Ya know, I wasn't kidding when I said you two girls turned me on back there. Now look at what you've done." his breath was hot on my neck as he took my small, fragile, hand and pressed it against his growing member.

I smirked turning my body so that I was facing him, my hand staying in place, "Mr. Vengeance, if I heard myself correctly, it sounds to me like you're trying to get a fifteen year old girl in your bed." I said still smirking.

He stopped all movements, his hands loosening, as he just looked me in my eyes. Everyone was too engulfed in there own business to be minding us.

His eyes looked hungry, like he needed something, and I had a pretty good idea of what it was.

"And what if I am?" he asked, in a rather quiet tone. I almost had to ask him to repeat himself.

Now the song was playing Play House, another song by Pretty Ricky. I felt my buzz going down, being replaced with a headache.

I just nodded and said, "We'll see. I need a drink, you up?"

A smile curved his lips as he nodded and lead me to the kitchen with his hand on my waist. We separated as I went behind the bar and pushed Nate on the couch because he looked like he was about to pass out. Fucking light weights. He pouted, but obliged.

I went back into the kitchen and finished the bottle of Jack, flashing a bright smile at the two men in front of me. They chuckled and demanded that I make them a drink too. So of course I made Zacky his Sweet Tight Pussy and Brian his Red Headed Slut.

Then an idea hit me like a two ton brick. I held up a finger to the guys and shouted into the living room so that the remaining people could hear me.


Now it was only eight, and we were all enjoying the buzz, but it wasn't enough. We were celebrating my fucking birthday for Johnny Fucking Christ's sake!

They all came stumbling into the kitchen where I made four body shots for the guys, and Lacey, Val and I climbed on the table to make a U shape with our shirts pulled up and me at the bottom. Since I was wearing a dress, I just pulled in up and didn't care who saw my pink lace underwear. We each had a lemon and a salt shaker on a plate next to us.

For some reason, they just took one each, leaving me with two, but I shrugged it off and continued to lay there. The guys all had there shots, Matt was standing in front of Val, Johnny was standing in front of Lacey, and Brian, and Zacky both in front of me. They nodded at each other, deciding that Brian would go first.

He smiled as he leaned down licking from my navel to the bottom of my breast, and sprinkled salt over it, placing a piece of lemon at my lips. I kinda forgot what it was for, but then Brian said, "For after I take the shot" in my ear. I nodded and held it in my mouth.

Then Mat yelled, "One.. Two.. Three!"

Brian did the shot of tequila, then licked my stomach again, only this time he lingered. Once he licked all of the salt, he came up to me and smirked before he bit down on the lemon. When I didn't let it go, he moved closer and did what everyone else was doing, he kissed me.

I closed my eyes and focused on the taste of liquor and lemon on his lips. He passed the lemon slice back to me, making sure to brush his tongue against mine, and backed away with a goofy grin.

Everyone else was still making out, and practically dry humping in the dining room, so I motioned for Zacky to come closer with my index finger. He didn't hesitate to gently push me back down and lift up my dress again.

He took the time to look at my body, and take in what was literally laying right before him. His rough fingers glided up my stomach and in-between my breast. I gnawed on my bottom lip to keep from shivering.

He smiled, leaned down and kissed at my thighs, fingering the thin material there with his thumb. He trailed butterfly kisses up my stomach at an achingly slow pace.

As soon as he reached the valley of my boobs, he pulled away, and did a swift lick from where he started to where he stopped. His eyes never left mine, even as he put a layer of salt on me. His thumb came up to my lips tracing them once and placing a lemon at them.

This time, I knew what to do. I took the lemon happily and waited for him to down his shot. Once her did, the hunger was back in his eyes. He grinned evilly at me before ducking his head down to my stomach and licking it softly.

His mouth has a mind of it's own at he kissed one spot, then licked and then sucked in the same spot, being sure to leave a mark. When he got to one spot right on my hip bone, I nearly moaned, but managed to just gasp.

I felt him smirk as he lingered longer in that area, until I did, indeed, moan something that resembled his name. Right as he heard that, I heard him growl, yes growl, and quickly licked up the remaining salt.

His eyes were desperate for something only I could give him, and who was I to deny that?

In one light move, I was sitting up, the lemon was out of my mouth and replaced with Zacky's lips. God, his lips were soft. Instinctively, I wrapped my arms around his neck, and his hands went to my waist.

Nothing was processing through my mind of what I was doing, so when he picked me up, I didn't argue. No, instead, I encouraged him by wrapping my legs around his hips and he carried me up the stairs.

The rest was a blur, and nothing in the world would bring back the memories that happened that night. Ya know.. everything but a certain birthday camera.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really liked writing this chapter. Mostly because of the names of the drinks, and yes they are real alcoholic drinks.

Oooo.. What's on the camera? Did Dannie and Zacky do the dirty, or what? Ha ha that's for me to know and you to find out :P


Thanks <3 Maria

PS: 53 readers, 13 subscribers and 4 commenters.. think we can bring it up?