Status: New and active! Keep, or kill?

Passion Is In The Risk

Pictures and Relief

"Babe.. Babe wake up," a voice cooed me to wake up.

I didn't want to though. I wanted to stay where I was cuddling with.. Wait, who was I cuddling with?! I slowly looked up and met with the green eyes I've become too close with.

"Zacky? What the hell?!" I moved away from him, and almost fell off of the bed, but he caught me before I could.

I groaned, a hangover taking place at my temples. Zacky chuckled, sitting up and letting the blankets drape down his bare chest. My mind started racing, thinking of all the possibilities that could have happened last night.

Without thinking, I ran for my phone, searching for any sign of something, anything really, that could make me remember last night. I tried to bring back memories of the day before. I remembered getting ready with Ash, opening gifts, drinking some Jack, making drinks for people, dancing with Nate, dancing with Zacky, drinking some more... and then body shots. That's it.

After no luck of searching for ten minutes, I finally took in what I was wearing. Zacky's shirt, and only Zacky's shirt. I sighed, giving up and sitting on my chair, far enough away from Zacky.

A lump under my ass made me shift and feel for something. It was my camera that Johnny bought me. I couldn't think of any reasons why it would be up here, so I turned it on. I wasn't surprised at the first picture. It was just Matt, Lacey, Johnny, Brian, Zacky, and me, all drunk, and lifting our shirts [and my dress] to rub our bellies.

The pictures kept going on like that until it was just me and Zacky in my room. At first, it was just us posing next to each other, but as they went on, they got more physical. We would be kissing, or groping. In one picture, I wasn't wearing anything, but I was pouting. Then in the next one, I was snuggling up to Zacky with his shirt on. And after that, I was asleep on Zacky, with his arms around me while he was kissing my forehead.

That was the last picture, and it made me sigh in relief when I realized we hadn't done anything.

"You okay?" Zacky's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

I nodded, "Yeah. Uh.. need some Advil? Fucking headache is killing me," I said.

Chuckling, he shook his head, "I'm immune to it by now, Babe. But thanks." He stood up from the bed, in his boxers.

I couldn't stop myself from admiring his body. I bit my lip, trying to keep the blood in my body from flooding my cheeks. He smirked when he seen me, the walked right in front of me. I gulped, standing up to show that I wasn't afraid.

He smiled, and cupped my cheek, "Dannie.. I don't know if this is good or bad.. but I know that I feel an attraction to you."

I wasn't sure what to do, so I kissed him. Confirming that I felt the same way. We didn't go all the way in it though. He moved so that I was sitting on his lap. We pulled away and just sat there smiling at one another.

Our moment was ruined by a very pissed off looking Brian with crossed arms in the doorway.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's short, I'm tired because I only had one hour of sleep last night. Anyways, here you go.


Thanks <3 Maria