Status: New and active! Keep, or kill?

Passion Is In The Risk

I'll *** You Up Again

*Dannie's POV*

It's been a week since I've been grounded. I miss Sammeh and Nate so much but everything is almost back to normal. Almost.

I don't know what's wrong though. Zacky won't even look at me when I'm with Brian, and when I'm not, all he does is stare. I want to talk to him about it, and I promised myself I would find the time to do just that.

Oh, Ash and Sammeh are now the new thing in school. I guess they got together after they woke up in bed, naked, and laughing. No one at school expected Sammeh to be dating anyone, and no one discriminates because they know Ash. And they know she wouldn't hesitate to beat some ass.

School is a bitch, and I was not looking forward waking up on this gracious Monday morning. I showered, dressed, then put my hair in a sloppy ponytail. What? It's just school.

I laughed at Ash when I walked into the kitchen. She was wearing on of the most funniest things I've ever seen on her. And that says a lot. I guess you could say she has a fetish for funny shirts.

*At School*

We were on our way to our lockers now, and someone I really didn't feel like talking to stepped in front of me.

Ruben smirked at me, an evil glint in her eye. What the fuck was this chick's problem. Her little posse stood behind her, smiling because they thought they could. As if.

"What do you want, Ruben?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest and glaring at her.

The smile on her face was instantly gone, replaced by a scowl, "I'll tell you what I want." she looked over at Ash in disgust, who was standing next to me, "I want your little dyke of a friend to stay the fuck away from my sister. As if she's weird enough, I don't need people telling me how she's deep throating a fucking c-"

Her words were cut off by my fist hitting her strait in the nose, but she didn't fall. I heard a crack, but paid no mind to it. Without hesitation, I put my hand on the crook of her neck, pushing my thumb into her collarbone, and squeeze hard when she tried to pull away. I pulled her hair, tilting her neck back, and kneed her in the gut.

"Listen here, bitch. Don't EVER talk about her like that again. Ash is my best friend, and she just so happens to be dating your sister, so the next time you have an issue with that, I suggest you keep it to yourself. Now get the fuck out of my face." I said it calmly, but what I meant to say was 'Bitch, talk about Ash like that one more time, and I'll fuck you up again!'. Yeah that's more like it.

I threw her head to the ground and looked at her 'friends'. All of them looked at me in horror, except Isa and James, who were both trying to hide there smirks.

Ash giggled, smacking my ass and did a wanna be wolf whistle, "You're such a turn on when you punch blond bitches in the face."

I couldn't hide the grin that was on my lips. Fuck that felt good. And honestly, I've been wanting to do that from the first time I seen her.

A few minutes passed, all spent by Ash telling Nate and Sammeh what I did, and when she wasn't, she was kissing her girlfriend.

The bell rang, signaling for us to proceed to our first hour. I had Science first, but it seemed to go by quickly. Within the first 20 minutes of my second hour, English, I was sent to the office for obvious reasons. I walked slowly, trying to get my words straight so that I was prepared for what was about to come.

At the window, I seen a relatively big silhouette sitting in one of the waiting chairs, meaning that Matt was already here. I sighed, might as well get this over with.

I walked straight up to him, expecting him to lash out at me, but he stayed calm.

"What's up?" I asked him, just to see what was up with this.

I took a seat next to him, and watched as he turned to me with a small, barley noticeable, smile.

"Oh, ya' know, just picking up my a girl I know from school for fighting... The usual."

I chuckled, then figured that I wasn't in trouble. The door to the principle's office opened, and out walked a beaten and bruised Ruben. Through the corner of my eye, I saw Matt's eyes widen under his aviators.

Mrs. Abote walked out and asked for us to take a seat in her office. She was a rather short women, but I'm not one to judge. She didn't wear the uptight getup that regular business women do. She wore a pair of jeans, one of those swishy jackets, and a beanie. Yeah, a beanie.

"Mr. Sanders, do you know why you're here?" She asked.

"Call me Matt. And I was told Dannie was in a fight?" he questioned.

This wasn't the Matt I was used to. My Mattie was a big goofball that used the 'that's what she/he said' line too much and just liked to have a good time. This Matt Sanders guy was all... business-y. But I guess this could be a time for Business-y Matt, so I ignored it.

"That's right. From what Ruben told me, she had walked up and punched her for no good reason. Is that true Miss Sullivan?" she turned to me.

My mouth hung open as those words leaked from her mouth. That bitch is fucking crazy, and now I'm even happier that I beat her ass.

"Listen, I know that I could have used different actions to confront her, but I did have a reason to hit her. She stood in front of me and called my best friend a dyke because she's dating her sister. Mrs. Abote, if I hadn't of stopped her from talking, worse words would have been said from her, and I would not have just stood there and accepted what she was saying. If I hadn't have done anything about it, no one would have." I told her with all the honesty in my bones.That whore deserved it.

She nodded, "I can understand that, and I'm glad that you know your actions were wrong, but considering that you did injure another student and it was not self defense, I'm still going to have you suspended. Four days sound fair?" she asked Matt.

"Yes." he replied.

Then her eyes were one me, as if to ask if it was alright with me also.

"Fair and worth it." I stated with a smile.

"Okay then, I guess we're done here. We'll have your work ready for you around three. We'll call you when it is. It was nice to meet you Matt." She said, standing up to shake his hand.

She probably thought I didn't see the smirk on her lips as we left her office, but she would be wrong.

I started walking to my locker to get my work, when my phone buzzed in my pocket. It was a text from Ash. No. Fucking. Way.

The first picture message was a picture of me, when I was holding Ruben's neck, and 'talking' to her. You could see how pissed off I was, and Ash was right, I looked pretty damn sexy. The next one was of the bruises on Ruben's face. Purple was not her color.

When I had my belongings, I walked to Matt's SUV and saw him leaning against it smiling at his phone.

"Nice work Little Sullivan. Jimmy would be proud, and I know the rest of the guys are going to be when they see these." I was guessing that Ash had sent him the pictures.

We climbed in the car and started on our way home. It was too quiet for me.

"So I'm not in trouble?" I asked.

He chuckled and kept his aviator covered eyes on the road. "Like you said, Little Sullivan, it was fair and worth it. So no, you're not in trouble. Just.. not too many more fights. I really don't like going back to school. And I'm so glad I'm done with high school. But I guess it would be okay for my adopted daughter."

We laughed and continued to drive home. Wait.. his adopted daughter?
♠ ♠ ♠
GO DANNIE!! She knows how to throw a punch haha.

This chapter is dedicated to teenagesarcasm17. I asked for 6 comments, and she made sure to comment.. 6 times lol. Also thanks to KellShadows and cobra9874 for last chapter comments xD

Alright lets all go crazy and see if we can get.. 8 comments? [from different people if you could?] lol. Except you, teenagesarcasm17, you can comment all you want =] I wont stop you.

Thanks <3 Maria