Status: New and active! Keep, or kill?

Passion Is In The Risk

Sober Bartender

I looked up at Matt with all the serious-ness I could muster up, "What do you mean 'your adopted daughter'?" I asked.

He looked at me through the corner of his eye and chewed on his lip ring.

"Val and I were going to wait until everyone was over for dinner tonight, but I guess I let the cat out of the bag for you, huh?"

Nodding, I look at him with curious eyes, "So what do you mean Matt?"

"Uh.. well I've been talking with May.. and she thought it would be a good idea if.. Val and I had full custody of you. If you wanted to?" One of his hands left the wheel to rub the back of his neck.

I took three deep breaths before nodding, a smile making its way on my face. "Matt, I would love that! But are you sure about this? And Val, what does she think?"

Matt chuckled beside me, "Don't worry so much Little Sullivan. Calm down and be ready to get complemented." He said, pulling up to the house.

He was right, I needed to calm down. What a better way to calm down than a piggy back ride! I put my hands on Matt's shoulders and jumped on his back.

"Onward! To the castle we go!" I giggled.

We weren't even inside when my name was being yelled from upstairs. I giggled, Matt setting me down so I could walk inside and be tackled by Johnny.

"How the fuck does something so tiny and fragile like you beat the shit out of something that looks as mean and bitchy as Sam?!" he said poking my sides.

"J-Johnny! Get off of me right now!!" I giggled like the Pillsbury Dough-girl.

This man was squishing me to death! He's short and strong, all of that fat has to go somewhere. That's right, his ass.

"Oh! Okay." he got off of me, and gave me a hand up.

I was surprised to say the least, when Zacky came over and hugged me tightly.

"Brian and I have to talk to you later." he whispered. He didn't give me any time to reply before he let go.

Brian was a my side, in no time with one of his charming smiles on his face. I smiled back and skipped over to where Zacky was sitting. Now I had to know what was going on with him.

"Hey." I started in a chirpy voice.

I seen Brian and Johnny leave out of the driveway.

"Hello. How may I be of an assistance?" he asked.

I chuckled, "Well, I just wanted to talk.. about a something."

He raised an eye brow at my attempt at talking. "And what would this 'something' be?"

I bit my bottom lip, if I was going to be serious with Zacky, I might as well take away the awkwardness.

"I think it has something to do with your oddness." I said, poking his face.

He pretended to be hurt, "That's not nice! And since when does my sexy-as-fuck face give away any signs of this so called 'oddness'?"

I was laughing by now, "Wow, you are so cocky! It's a good thing your ego is only as big as the thing in your pants." I said, trying to keep a straight face.

Zacky, however, took it seriously, and started pouting, snake bite lip sticking out and all. "That was a verbal blow below the belt Dannie." He murmured.

"Aw, Zacky, I was just kidding! Comm'on! Let's go ask Matt if I can be bartender tonight! All drinks on Matt!" I giggled, pulling him up and into the kitchen where Matt was already making a Jack and Coke.

"Dannie, why are you beating on Zacky?" Matt asked.

I put my hand over my mouth, faking a gasp. "Zacky happens to be a grown man, I'm sure if he didn't like the pain, he would have said something by now." I giggled.

"That.. is very true." Zacky chuckled and started making himself a drink.

I looked at Matt and smiled, "Hey Matt...?"

He sighed, "No."

I gaped at him, "I didn't even ask anything yet!"

"YET. Meaning that there was going to be a question that I would regret saying yes to later." He said with a playful glare.

"Fine then.. you can make your own damn drinks tonight." I said walking towards the backyard.

"WAIT! What drinks?" He asked.

Yes! The power of a women when she has alcohol and major skills at drink mixing.

"Well.. after you tell eveyone, I wanted to be bartender again! I'll even be a sober bartender, I promise!" I said, not quite sure if I could keep that promise.

Do you know how tempting it is to drink when you're serving every kind of drink there possibly is? Yeah, that's like giving out Halloween candy to rich people and not even eating the crappy kinds. Fucking A.

Matt was contradicting in his head, standing in the door frame while lighting a cigarette.

"I'll tell you what.. If you focus on school more.. which means no fights, and studying for exams, you can be our permanent bartender at home. Val and I don't go clubbing much anymore, so you'll be our servent anyway." He said with a smile.

I nodded, then asked, "When is everyone coming over?"

"I told them to come back around five-ish, so.. in an hour or so." He checked his watch.

"Okay, I'm going to go shower and get ready.. I think I have some blood in my shirt..." I giggled, and made my way to the Den.

I hurried with all my might to get in the shower, and Johnny Fucking Christ, did the hot water feel great on my pale skin.

Once I was done, I dressed and curled my hair into a cheer-leader pony tale, but left my bangs down.

By the time I was done, Ash was home and in my room. I giggled as she stared at me.

"Oh hot damn. What's the occasion for the sexy beast to come out into the world?" she asked, coming over to kiss me softly.

I chuckled, "Matt and Val have some pretty intense news they want to share, and then me and you are going to break out the bottles. But we can't drink. Or at least you can't, I'm suspended for four days."

She groaned, "But.. but.. I don't wanna! Can't Val let me stay home or something?!" she whined.

"Go ask." I shrugged. "But that means that you wont see your girlfriend tomorrow." I said in a sing song voice.

"I know. And I think I'm okay with that for one day if that means I can get totally fucked up!"

I gave her one more peck before heading to my closet for my shoes. "Go get all prettied up then. Maybe if you look good enough, Val will cave in."

Alright! I head downstairs and hear the voices of people I know. I walk over to the kitchen and see Matt, Val, Johnny, Lacey, Brian, and Zacky.

We sit around the kitchen, all having a conversation, and watching as Val makes dinner. Ash joins us soon after wearing an awesome outfit.

We share a short kiss and then Matt clears his throat.

"So.. Val and I have some pretty great news.. We're adopting Dannie!" Matt exclaims.

There's a round of congrats before Val pipes up.

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HAHA CLIFFHANGER! OH! stupid caps.. So what you think? Tell me by clicking that comment button at the top of the page! :D

Thanks to my sexy bitches!
teenagesarcasm17(times like.. 20 lol)- Haha, I agree, I wish I could have punched that MRS. MAAAN too lol. You should see what happens to Ash and Sammeh soon...
KellShadows- I know. I wanted to punch something while I was writing that haha.
Neon.Condom- Thanks Hun (<-- haha now I'm a creeper too) and I'll check that out soon =]

So any predictions? Guesses are welcome and input is appreciated! Lets see... how about 5 comments? That shouldn't be too hard right?


Thanks<3 Maria