Status: New and active! Keep, or kill?

Passion Is In The Risk

What Us?

There's a round of congrats before Val pipes up. "And..."

She takes a breath and smiles at Matt before continuing, "And tonight, I won't be joining you for drinks.. because I'm pregnant!" she exclaimed.

I screamed. Not in a bad way. An excited way. Val was fucking PREGO! That's like.. having my own JUNO! We all hugged her and congratulated Matt.

It was now 6 in the afternoon, Matt had steaks on the grill, the girls were already planning things for the baby, and I was making drinks for Brian, Zacky, and Johnny. They weren't the hard drinks yet, just some Jack and Coke for Brian, beer for Johnny, and surprisingly, an Arizona Tea for Zacky.

"We still need to talk, Dannie." Brian said, nodding with Zacky.

I smiled at them, "Anything for ma two best men. Just wait until after dinner, it's almost done."

They agreed to go down into the basement to talk after dinner, then started talking about something for there new idea for a song.

"Come eat!" Matt yelled, scaring the shit outta me.I nearly sprinted over to Matt. I mean come'on! It's FOOD!!

We all ate where we were before, except Matt had joined me Johnny, Brian and Zacky in the kitchen. Val, Ash, and Lacey were all in the living room, talking about what to get Val and when the baby shower would be. Blah.

"So are ya scared?" I asked Matt.

He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck, "Well, yeah. I mean.. I'm having a kid. It's not like having a dog.. you have to be with it 24/7, feed it, change it, nurture it. Then there's the fact that it's half of me and half of Val. This shit is actually happening." he now had a shit eating grin on his face.

I nodded, standing up and rinsing my plate. I told Matt I was going down to the basement to watch some TV and hang out, hoping that Brian and Zacky would get the hint.

The basement was nice, I've only been in there once to retrieve the guys for Val. I liked it because it had a recording studio connected to it.

Without actually thinking, I put on Paranormal Activity 2 and started watching. It wasn't that bad, some parts were too much for me to watch, forcing me to hide behind one of the big, fluffy pillows. But when your watching a scary movie all by your lonesome self, and two groan men come jumping out at you, yeah, you're going to be pissed.



"Aw, we're sorry Dannie. We just wanted to have a little fun with you." Brian said, trying not to give away his smirk and started tickling me, eventually straddling me.

The first thought that came to mind when he said that would not be appropriate for the moment.. but I won't lie. I liked what I thought.

"O-okay! Brian, stop! Please!" I giggled, trying to get away from him, but Zacky held my shoulders down.

Neither of them could contain there smirk now. "Say 'Brian is the best man in the world'."

I choked on nothing at this, but figured it was the only way out of this situation, "Brian is the best man in the world. Now let me go!"

"Now say, 'Zacky is a god that knows how to use his hands'" Zacky added.

"W-what the hell?! Come on guys! This isn't funny!" Brian

stopped, but just looked down at me, so I added, "Plus, we all know bassists know how to work every finger the right way."

At this point, they had stopped every movement and were just looking at me with shock all over there face. Hell yes I just said that! What now!?

Finally, Zacky smirked and looked me in the eyes, "You're growing up fast, and yet, you still know nothing abou-"

"Zacky, let's not push it. We still have to get to her." Brian winked at me.I raised a brown, pushing him backwards into a back bend.

It didn't seem to hurt him though, he just sat straight up and pulled me so we were sitting next to each other, his arm around my shoulders. Zacky set next to me, placing a hand above my knee. This was very odd.

"So what did you need to talk about?" I asked, standing up to change the movie, since the credits were already playing. I put in Grown Ups.

"Us." they said in union.

I gave them a questioning look. "'Us'? What 'us'? Last time I checked, there was no 'us'." I told them.I took a spot on the other side of the couch, so I could see them, and the movie.

That's where Zacky sat on the edge of his couch. "That's exactly what we mean. We haven't been anything since.. that one day, Dannie. What I said to you, about the feelings.. That was all true. What I'm saying is that.. we don't talk, or hug, or cuddle, or-"

"Zacky, the last time I checked, uncles aren't supposed to cuddle with there nieces. Hell, I don't think I know anyone that sees there uncle in a year, as much as I see you in a week. Normal families don't do that kind of stuff." I told him.

His face showed no emotion, but his eyes are what told me that he was hurt. But instead of showing it, he just said, "I never claimed to be in a normal family. Dannie, we just want to get things straight here."

"What we want to know, is how you feel when you're around us." Brian said in his soft tone.

I was confused at first, but then I got it. "I-I don't know." Then a thought came to mind, and even though I wish I didn't, I'm kinda glad I said something about it. "But what I do know, is that you both have girlfriends." I nearly spat the word like venom, "I refused to be second choice with all the other boys, and I'm not going to change that now."

There faces stiffened when I said 'other boys', and I definitely noticed. But ya know what? I'm not going to stick around so they could try to talk me into something I would feel guilty for later. Cause chances are that they would probably win, and I would not have that. So I walked up the stairs and into the kitchen, making myself a Jack and Coke.

"Hey there Little Sullivan!" Johnny slurred. I chuckled at him, taking a drink of my liquor. "You wanna dance?" he asked, suddenly in my bubble. Yeah.. my bubble was not made for two.

I was about to protest, but he grabbed my hand, spinning me out, then back in where his other hand landed perfectly on my hip. I was impressed to say the least. Even without music, we did a kind of tango dance all the way to the living room, where the girls and Matt were. They watched us, eying our moves to perfection. Every sway Johnny made, I mimicked, every twirl was right on time, and we were never too close for comfort.

I was laughing, having a good time. Then Matt put on some music in the stereo, the Mexican kind that has all the beats to it. When he did that, Johnny pulled me closer, flush against himself.

I chuckled as Val and Matt danced together, and Ash with Lacey. None of them were as good as Johnny and I, but I'll give them credit for grinding.

Johnny started going slower with the music. We were closer than close, and I didn't mind. We danced together in sync and when the song changed to something a little more 'Dirty Dancing' style, I started to walk away, but Johnny kept me in place, and pleaded with his eyes to stay, so I did.

I danced dirty with him, wrapping my right leg around his hip, then bending backwards. He let his hand move from the top of my collarbone, to the valley of my breasts, to the bottom of my navel. I pulled myself back up, ignoring the eyes that were on us, that now included the two that weren't there before.

We danced together for a few moments before I hooked my other leg on the outside of Johnny's, bringing my right leg up so that my knee was touching my chest, pointing my toe, and and was suddenly thankful that my jeans weren't as tight as they looked.

When I was sure that the song was coming to an end, I brought my leg down, and danced smutty with Johnny, letting his hands handle my curves and then with one last spin out, he pulled me in so that our chests were flush once again, our breathing heavy, right as the music ended.

Everyone, excluding two, clapped, telling us that it was perfect, right out of the movie. I just blushed, hugging Johnny one last time before excusing myself to bed.

Though bed was my intention, Brian stopped me in the upstairs hall, blocking me from my floor-door.

"Yeah?" I asked.

He looked at me with nothing but a blank expression, "Can you tell me what the hell that was?"

I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest, "It was just dancing Uncle Brian. Don't go all psycho jealous boyfriend on me. You have your girlfriend for that." I tried to walk around him, but he wouldn't budge.

"I am not. I.. I just.. don't.. like how.. how close you were.." he struggled for his words.

Shaking my head, I stepped closer to him to show how serious I was, "It was just for fun, Brian. Something that you've clearly forgotten in the short time you've been with that.. that bitch. Now, maybe we could try it sometime, when you stop thinking with your dick, and use the head on your shoulders to figure out what's best for you. Or more so, who's best for you."

It was true too. The whole time he's been with that Michelle chick, he's canceled on me plenty of times, he's blown me off to go fuck her instead, and the worst part? A good part of the time that we were hanging out, he brought her along too. I love Val to death, but sometimes, I wish she wasn't a twin to something so.. Bitchy. All she does is complain, whine and cry. Nothing. Makes. Her. Happy.

Brian brought me out of my thoughts b pushing me against the wall, and pressing his lips to mine. I had no chance to prepare for what came next.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so I'm tired, sorry if there's spelling errors, I'll come back and fix them in the morning. Along with those who commented.


Thanks- <3Maria