Status: New and active! Keep, or kill?

Passion Is In The Risk

Whoa, whoa, whoa

*Brian's POV*

Shaking her head, she took a step closer to me. If she was trying to show me how serious she is, she was doing a great job at it, "It was just for fun, Brian. Something that you've clearly forgotten in the short time you've been with that.. that bitch. Now, maybe we could try it sometime, when you stop thinking with your dick, and use the head on your shoulders to figure out what's best for you. Or more so, who's best for you."

Her words hurt, but I knew she was right. I felt shitty for making her feel like this towards me.. but all those times I canceled.. or just said no, it was because I didn't trust myself. I felt so.. sick for liking Dannie the way I did.

So I got Michelle. I wasn't going to let myself get carried away with Dannie. I couldn't. She's not even 16 for fucks sake!

But right now, in this moment.. I couldn't stop myself. The way she was talking to me, the way she got closer so we were only a foot away from each other.. the way her eyes stayed on me, showing that I had her undivided attention, I just couldn't.

I knew it was passed 10 so Ash, Matt and Val were all asleep, and Johnny was probably passed out by now. I just really wished Zacky left.

Without thinking, I placed my hands on her shoulders, giving her a little push up against the wall, not hard enough to hurt her, I could never do that, but hard enough to make her gasp. That was all I needed to press my lips to her soft, fluffy ones.

It disappointed me that she didn't kiss back, but that's okay. We were interrupted anyway.

A groan was heard at the other end of the hall, "Dude, this was not what we agreed on." Zacky said, walking over.

"Z-Zacky.. This isn't.. I-" Dannie stuttered, giving me a quick shove to put some space in between us. That hurt.

"We know, Dannie. It's okay." Zacky told her, walking over and hugging her.

I'll admit that I was a little jealous of that, but Zacky and I talked about it a while back.


I was about to head home after a photo shoot, but Zacky stopped me, "Hey man, can I talk to you?"

Nodding, I walked over to the couch in the corner of the room. Zacky sat in the matching love seat, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Listen.. uh.. I don't know how to say this exactly, so I'm just going to ask.. and uh, promise not to get mad?"

He sounded nervous, so I decided not to be a dick and just nod.

He started playing with his hands, "Uh.. h-how do you feel about.. Dannie?"

Needless to say, I was taken back by his question. Was I that obvious? He was my best friend, so I didn't lie to him.

"Actually.. I don't know. I.. I just want to be around her.. all the time. I don't know why. I just do. And when I am.. I'm just happier. I like knowing that she's comfortable with me, and that she can trust me." I told him.

I don't think he expected me to be serious about this, but I was 100% serious.

Then, I think I knew why he asked. "How you you feel about her?" I questioned.

His eyes looked far away as he talked, "It started out as just caring for her well being.. but then I realized how smart she is, and caring, and pretty, and.. just about everything. But after what happened when she left.. we haven't been as.. together."

I nodded, understanding where he was coming from. "So.. what now?" I asked, laughing dryly.

"I-I think we should find out how she feels. Then.. see if she would be comfortable with.. us?" he asked.

Nodding once more, we figured it out, talked about Dannie some more, and then headed home.

*End Flashback*

So when he held Dannie, I wasn't as jealous as I would have been, if he had not known how I felt.

"So.. y.. you're not mad that he just kissed me?" she asked him, suddenly taking off her gray boots.

He pulled away and sighed, "This is what we wanted to talk about earlier, Dannie. I.. We both like you. And we want to know if you're comfortable with that." he said.

I felt my cheeks flush as he said this. I have never pledged my liking towards Dannie as a crush, but as I looked in the situation that we were in now, I realized that that was how it looked like.

"So you want to share me?" she asked, her tone a little on the harsh side.

I shook my head, "It's.. well, it's kinda like dating. You can see different people, go out on dates and everything, but it just wont be official until you want it to be."

Dannie looked at us multiple times before biting her bottom lip and nodding. A smile was on my lips as I picked her up into a hug.

"But." she started.

I stopped squeezing her, and set her on her feet before asking, "But?"

"But I still stand with what I said before. I refuse to be your second choice. You have girlfriends." She whispered the last part for what seemed to be the twentieth time today. She looked down at her feet, avoiding our eyes.

It was quiet for a minute, all of us thinking about the situation. I didn't need Michelle. She's cheated, maxed out two credit cards, and I'm pretty sure I heard her hitting on Johnny before. Fuck that, all I want is my Dannie.

"Then consider me a single man. I just.. I want to make you happy Dannie." I told her, taking her hand and pulling her into me.

"Same here, Little Sullivan. Gena never made it official anyway, she just like to show me off." He said.

Under the circumstances, I was happy for Zacky. Gena was a bitch too, just no where near as bad as Michelle.

Dannie stood there, and for a second, I thought she was going to say something, but she just yawned. I chuckled as she stretched, arms high in the air, raising her shirt just enough for me to see a certain piercing that wasn't there before.

"Whoa whoa whoa, Little Sullivan! Where did that come from?!" I asked, grabbing her hips, leaning down on my knee and jerking her navel to my face for a closer look. It was odd, but that's the effect four Jack and Cokes have on me.

"Oh, don't you like it?! I bought it at Hot Topic the other day, and Ash bought a pink and black one to match!" she said, lifting up her shirt to show off the green and black jeweled skull that dangled from a ring that was painted black with green zebra stripes.

"Yeah yeah, it's pretty, but how? You have to be 18 don't you?" Zacky asked, leaning down to eye level with me.

She giggled, music to my ears, "I did it. And Ash's. It's not that hard, but Ash wouldn't stop squirming. She hates needles."

I smiled, realizing how comfortable with us again. Then, I seen how we were positioned. Her shirt pulled up. Me on my knees in front of her with my hands gripping her hips. Then Zacky bending down with his hands on his knees, eye level with her chest now.

Zacky seen how my face look and smirked, nodding at me. I leaned forward, without hesitation and started leaving butterfly kisses all around her navel, eventually going lower so that I was at her pant line.

She didn't respond, making me look up to find Zacky kissing her neck fiercely. I chuckled lowly when I remembered that we were still in the hallway. I guess it wasn't that quietly, because they both looked down at me.

"I don't know how this would work.. in the hallway and all." I said, continuing my kisses, "You know, you would look pretty bad ass with a tattoo down your side.. especially in a bikini.. Damn." I said, imagining how sexy she would look..

I seen her blush, but she pushed it off as she grabbed me but the collar of my shirt, making me stand up with her and Zacky.

"I have to be 18, don't I?" she quoted Zacky. I chuckled, just loving how close we were.
♠ ♠ ♠
I like this one xD Oh, and I have the next one written up too, so I'll post that up after this one =]
It's interesting... But yeah.. I'll go do that now ^_^

Com/ Sub?

Thanks <3Maria