Status: New and active! Keep, or kill?

Passion Is In The Risk

Hot English Guy

*Dannie's POV*

Oh. My. God.

I.. That was.. fucking fantastic.

Nothing like that has ever happened to me. It felt so great, like nothing I've ever felt before. The two men I've dreamed of since I was... well since I can remember, just did some of the things I've never really thought of doing. Not for a while at least, and here they come, making me feel like.. I don't even know.

I felt kind of slutty, doing that, then just leaving the room. But once I was in the protection of the Den, I went straight to bed. Fuck me if I wasn't tired.

I woke up the next morning feeling so great. I did my morning routine, slipping on some loose fitting sweats and a black wife beater with my hair in a ponytail, then headed downstairs.

No one seemed to be awake yet, so I started making breakfast. I made everything I could think of because I had no clue what everyone liked.

I made eggs; scrambled and sunny side up, bacon; both crispy and rare, ham and sausage, pancakes; chocolate chip and blueberry, breakfast burritos that had a mixture of eggs, ham, sausage and bacon, then some toast and coffee. As I was finishing up, I felt two strong arms wrap themselves around my waist.

"Is there anything that you don't do?" Zacky's husky voice whispered in my ear.

I giggled, "I can't ride a unicycle."

"Damn, and to think of all the things we could have done on a unicycle." he chuckled.

I smiled up at him and pecked his lips bravely, before checking that everything was ready and washing my hands.

"Go ahead and eat, everything is ready." I told him.

As if on que, Matt, Val, Brian, Ash, and a very hungover Johnny came walking into the kitchen.

"You made all of this?" Val asked in amazement, "It takes everything in me just to wake up and make cereal" she said, making herself a plate.

Shrugging, I brought out a box of Fruity Pebbles and made a bowl for me.

"So you're going to make this, then not eat any of it?" Matt asked, taking his overloaded plate of food to the table and digging in. Fuck that man eats a lot!

I stuck my tongue out at him, "I like Pebbles more than greasy food in the morning." I told him matter of factually.

"Oh, well then." he said, pretending to be hurt.

Giggling, I finished my cereal and put it in the dish washer. Everyone was talking about what they were going to do today.

Matt and Val were going baby shopping, Ash had school, Johnny was spending the day with Lacey, and Brian and Zacky weren't sure.

I told everyone I was going to go swimming, but none of them were paying much attention to me. I went upstairs and changed into a polka dotted bathing suit.

It was such a nice day for a swim. I love how warm it is in Cali. I put my toe in to see how cold the water was, and shivers ran down my spine. It was pretty cold, but I dived in anyway.

I was on my sixth lap when I noticed a person sitting on one of the chairs watching me. It was really hard not to notice him. His hair was a bright cyan color, with a big patch of white on top that blinded in to the rest of the cyan.

He was watching me, looking over my exposed body. I felt odd just swimming there, so I got out and walked over to where he was sitting, pulling up a chair.

We sat there for a while before I started giggling. Mr. No Name gave me a questioning look, raising his eyebrow.

"Hi." I giggled out.

A small smile made it's way onto his face, "Ello." Oh god! He has an accent! I could have jizzed my pants right there.

"Why is there a hot English guy watching me swim?" I asked.

Oh shit. I just called him hot to his face! Why am I such an odd person?! Oh, that's right, my father was Jimmy the Rev Sullivan, that's why.

He was chuckling. Great. "Thank you. An' I work here. I'm tha yard worker. I.. though' you knew tha'?" he asked.

Was I supposed to know? Fuck.

"Uh.. no, I didn't. I'm Dannie.. but you know that.." I said, looking at him threw my bangs.

"Yea', I'm Xavier. Nice ta meet you, Dannie." Xavier said, grabbing my hand and lightly kissing the knuckles.

I blushed, he was such a gentlemen.

"You never answered my question.. why were you watching me?" I asked again.

He smiled, showing his straight, white, teeth. "Matt wanted me to keep your company. He said he though we would like each other, so I agreed."

I nodded, "Wanna come inside? I'll make lemonade." I said in a sing song voice.

"Sure." he said, standing up and offering his arm.

Giggling, I linked arms with him and we skipped into the kitchen. I heard the TV in the living room, so I poured Xavier a glass of lemonade and told him to hold on for a second. I walked into the living room and found Brian and Zacky watching something on the news.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" I asked them.

They looked at me and smiled. That's when I remembered I was still in my rather wet bathing suit. Brian stood up, followed by Zacky, and walked over to me.

"Hey, we just came to check on you Little Sullivan. We wanted to know if you had time to uh.. talk." Brain said, reaching for my hips.

I wanted to say yes, take off my little amount of clothes, but I remembered Xavier was in the other room. I jerked back shaking my head no.

"What's wrong?" Zacky asked.

"Nothing. I have a friend over. We were just getting something to drink." I told them.

They starred at me for a few seconds before talking, "A.. friend? Like a boy?" Brian asked.

"Uh yeah. His name's Xavier. He's in the kitchen." I said, nudging my head towards the door, hoping they got the hint.

They didn't.

"Does Matt know you have a boy over?" Zacky asked.

Nodding, I told them, "Matt sent the boy over."

There mouths were agape, but they nodded. "We're going to be in the.. basement. Don't do anything I would do. Seriously though, don't." Brian said, kissing my forehead, letting his hands roam to my ass.

"O-okay. Uh.. have fun." Zacky said, trying to hide a big problem in his pants.

I giggled, walking back into the kitchen.

"Sorry about that." I told Xavier.

"S'okay. So what would you like to do?" He asked.

I thought about it for a while, then started dragging him to my Den.

"Welcome! This is my Den, you break it, you bye it." I teased, giggling at his expression.

"It's like.. I mini house, inside of a big house.." He said, looking around.

I nodded, walking over to my closet and digging out the painting set Sammeh and Nate bought me for my birthday.

"Ready to paint each other?" I asked, an evil smirk on my face.
♠ ♠ ♠
So here.. this is. I wasn't sure what I was thinking while writing it, but I've had worse, so I guess it's okay.

Thanks to these Fan-Fucking-Tastic people right here:
