Status: New and active! Keep, or kill?

Passion Is In The Risk

What's With The Paint?

The whole time I was with Xavier I hadn't stopped laughing. We started out painting each other on the canvases, but then he made me look like a ladybug. A fucking ladybug! So I showed him what a real ladybug looked like, and painted his face red. He looked really pretty, but then made a face like --> :O that. Needless to say, we had a lot of fun spending time together.

Right now, we were sitting in my kitchen, still covered in paint, and talking to each other. I took the liberty of making sandwiches for the both of us.

"So, how many lads are after you righ' now?" he asked randomly.

I was pretty sure my face was drenched in confusion. Why would he want to know, or better yet, why would he even ask something like that? I thought of Brian and Zacky.

"Uh.. two, actually. They're really nice, and I like them both a lot, but I don't know about the whole situation. It just seems really.. complicated." I told him, picking at the corner of bread on my sandwich.

One of the biggest things I had noticed about Xavier was that he seemed really.. feminine. He knew how to talk to girls, like they were just an object. He could carry a conversation, and talk about anything in the world. I had come to the conclusion that he was, in fact, gay.

I didn't want to assume things, so I decided to ask straight out, get to the point.

"So how long have you been.. gay?" my voice came out calmer than I expected it to. I thought it would be more quiet and careful not to offend him.

His face was blank, so I started to worry. His muscles were tense for a moment before he relaxed, a more softer look taking over his face.

"Not really gay, but bi. More ta tha guys though, like they kinda know how ta talk to me and stuff. There's been a few lassies though, beautiful gals." he said, smiling.

I nodded, "Do you want to get cleaned up? I think I could find some clothes you can borrow from a roommate. They wont mind."

"Would ya mind? I'm kinda OCD like that, but I don't want ta be a bother." he said, biting his lower lip.

"Not at all, I'll go get them. The shower is right there, everything should be good." I said, pointing to the bathroom and pushing him in.

When I was sure the door was closed, I ran downstairs and into the basement. Zacky and Syn [I was starting to like his stage name] seen my flushed face and were instantly at my side, asking questions.

"What's wrong?"

"Where's the kid?"

"Did he hurt you?"

"Did he rape you?!"

"What's.. with the paint?"

I giggled at them. They could be so over protective sometimes, but it was nice to know that I had people that cared about me.

"Nothing. In my room. No, and no. We had a painting fight.. thingy.. He's in the shower, and I need clothes for him to borrow. Think you could help a girl out?" I smiled at them.

I knew they were worried about Xavier and me alone, but I thought it would be best if I didn't tell them he was into guys. It wasn't my place to speak anyway.

They looked at me like I was crazy. "So you're telling us, that a boy in upstairs taking a shower, naked, in your room. And you want us to lend him some clothes?"

Nodding, I said, "That's exactly what I'm telling you. He should be leaving soon anyway, he's been here for a good two hours."

They seemed pleased with that, so Syn lead me up to his guest room, handing me some boxers, socks, gray jeans, and a black Metalica shirt. I gave him a thankful kiss and ran back upstairs.

Xavier was walking around aimlessly waiting for me.

"Here. They're clean, and about your size, so I think you're good." I handed him the clothes.

He smiled, kissing my cheek and walking into the bathroom again. I stood there for a moment dumbfounded. It's been a while since someone other than Ash, Syn, and Zacky have kissed me. It just felt.. strange to know that someone else had done that, on the cheek or not.

Xavier came back out, fully dressed, and smiled. The shirt was a little big, but I could see how that was with Syn's broad shoulders and all. Everything else looked great on him.

I walked him back downstairs, wishing him a good day and watching him leave, before walking back into the living room with Syn and Zacky.

As soon as I was on the couch, Syn had his hand on my knee and Zacky's arm was around my shoulders. I smirked at how mush they missed me.

"Can we talk now?" Syn asked, licking the shell of my ear. Something told me there wouldn't be a lot of taking going on soon, with me all painted in my bathing suit and all.
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Sorry it's short!


Thanks <3 Maria