Status: New and active! Keep, or kill?

Passion Is In The Risk

*** You.

I looked up at them anxiously. It was kinda odd, sitting on my bed while they paced and looked like they wanted to scold a child. It's not my falt we're here, with no words to say.

Finally, Brian stops pacing to look at me.

"What- did we something wrong?" he asked in a stern voice. It clearly gave away the fact that he was pissed.

Was he really mad at me? Fuck that! I was not the one with all over a two certain chicks. What the fuck are they not understaning about this situation?

With that being said, I gawked up at him. "Are you seriously asking me that? After being all over your girl-" I stopped myself when something in my mind clicked.

"You.. you never stopped seeing them.. did you?" When they both looked down and didn't say anything, I took that as a sign. "I can't believe I fucked myself like this!" I stood up from my bed and glared at both of them, my fists clenched at my sides.

"You know what?" I asked rehitoricaly, "Fuck you. Fuck both of you. This was never supposed to work out anyway." I hissed. I saw them both flinch at the venom in my words, but paid no mind to them.

"Ever wonder what they would think? What the girls you're cheating on would think? Ugh! Just leave. I don't want to see your faces." I gritted through my teeth.

They hesitated before walking out of my room, and that's when everything hit me. They never stopped seeing their girlfriends. They lied to me. They fucking lied!

That night, I curled up in my bed, and stayed there for the next 48 hours.


"Come on Sully! If I have to go, so do you!" Ash yelled.

I groaned at the thought of stepping foot back into school. "Fuck off Jarmen! I don't wanna, so you can't make me!" I yelled back, pulling the covers further over my head.

She sighed, then yanked the blanket off of my body, sending a shiver down my spine.

"No! I don't know what happened that makes you think you can waste your life away in this bed, but you are going to school. Now get you fucking ass up and GET READY!" she was sporting her serious tone, so I huffed out a high pitched groan and jumped up.

Deep down, though, I knew she was right. I've been locked up in my room for the past three days, and now it's time to reconnect with the real world.

"Fine! I'll go to that fucking school! But I'm not talking! I'm not going to spit one fucking word, and you're just going to have to deal with it!" I retorted.

She pursed her lips, then nodded once before leaving the room. As soon as I was semi-decent for the public eye, I marched downsatirs, grabbed an apple, and started the long walk to school.


Lunch was odd. Well, kinda. Sam [see, I can't even use her nickname!] and Nate were there usual selves, but I guess they got the vibe from me and Ash, cause they kept the conversation to a minumim. At one point, Nate did talk to me though.

"Hey... you alright?" his soft voice asked. "You havn't been acting yourself."

I sat down against the big tree in the commons. This was my free hour to just fuck around, and Nate just happened to be in my class.

Nodding, I grumbled, "Just peachy."

He sighed, taking a seat next to me, "You know I know you're lying. You can talk to me Dannie. And even though I might not understand what you're going through, I can try to help."

I guess I could trust him. He's one of my best friends, how could I not?

"Have.. have you ever trusted two people with something so fragile.. like a champaine glass. You want to send that glass somewhere far away, but you don't trust just anyone to deliver it. But when two people earn your trust and say 'Oh, we can do it, we have bubble wrap.' you learn to trust them. Then half way through the delivery, it turns out that they both were lying.

"They didn't have bubble wrap, it was just plain newspaper. That one little lie broke that fragile champaine glass that could never be replaced, so you start to hate them. They lied, and you have to put up with all that pent up hate. How would you fix that?" I asked, finishing up my rant.

He looked at me like I was speaking a totally different language, but then softened his face when he seen the dispaire in my eyes.

"Tell them how much they royaly fucked up. Show them that you can deliver that glass on your own." he stated, resting a reashering hand on my knee.

With those two sentences, the whole world came together. I don't know what it was, but somehow, Nate flipped my whole attitued on this situation.

I was about to thank him when a loud voice sounded beyond a group of kids on the other side of the commons.

"Excuse me! Pardone me! Can I get through, please?! MOVE!" a small boy yelled, trying to get through the throng of teenagers.

That's when I noticed who the loud man-child was dragging. But then again, I could never really mistake his hair. It was Xavior.

The short boy dragged him, using many school-inapropriate threats, until he was standing right in front of me.

"Aww! You lied to me! She's even cuter than you said she was!" He exlaimed, pulling me up and hugging around my waist, his face burried in my chest. If he wasn't so darn cute, I would have thought it was kinda perverted.

"Caleb!" Xavior hiss/groaned. "We talked about this!"

The smaller boy, or Caleb, sighed, still not letting go of me. This was odd...
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey hey hey!!! Look who's back! Well, I know this is a lame exuse, but I figured that since there isn't that many chapters left in this part, I could strech them out. No, actually, my mom's been on my ass about school shit..

Anyway, here this is. I'm too lazy to list all those of you who commented for last chapter, so I'll do that next time ^_^

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Thanks <3Maria