Status: New and active! Keep, or kill?

Passion Is In The Risk

Stupid Question

You know that feeling you get when you're anxious and excited at the same time? That's exactly how I felt right about now. Anxious 'cause I don't know what they'll think of me, and excited 'cause I was going to meet my idols, and not to mention famous legends. It broke my heart to know that my father was one of them.

Anyway, after we walked over I was introduced to everyone by Brian. Zacky, Johnny, Matt, Val and Michelle, then Sandy, who was my grandmother, and Lilley, my great aunt. I wanted to know who the man Sandy was with when I talked to her earlier, but I didn't question it.

After we made it clear that we would go to Matt and Val's after the funeral, they all went there separate ways, but I was never two steps away from Brian. Except once when I went to go find my suitcase that I told the gaurd to watch.

As people were starting to leave, I stood by Brian's side and waited until we were leaving.

Once we were at the gate, Brian stopped abruptly and turned towards me.

"Don't you have a ride waiting for you?... or do you need to call someone?" He asked.

I just shook my head. Then I said, "My addopted mom wont be here until the end of January."

He nodded and rubbed the back of his neck, "So.. who are you staying with? You have to have someone that will let you crash at there place. Where'd you come from anyway?"

His voice was concerned and annoyed at the same time, so I just shrugged it off, ignoring his question, and ran over to Matt, who was leaning against his big black Escilade, smoking a cigarett.

Matt is probably one of my favorite people here so far. He's just so mysterious, but then he smiles and I just knew he's a big teddy bear.

"Hey Matt?" I poked his cheak, making the cigarett in his lips move a little.

A small smile played at the tips of his lips as he looked down at me, "Yes Dannie?"

I smiled cheekly, but then remembered why we were in a cemetary and frowned.

"Hey, hey, it's okay to laugh Dannie. I'm sure Jimmy would want you to." he comforted me but embracing me in a hug.

When we separated, I nodded and looked down.

"What did you want to talk about?" he asked.

I jumped up, remembering what I wanted to ask, "Am I riding with you to your place?"

He chuckled at my sudden mood swing then nodded, "Sure, if whoever your with lets you."

"Oh, umm, well, that's what I wanted to talk about. See... My addopted mom won't be able to get down here until January, so I have no place to stay.."

He nodded in understanding, then said, "Well, we're having a band meeting after this, so we'll talk about it then. So c'mon, looks like we're leaving anyway."

I looked behind us to find the rest of the gang walking to there own cars. Only Brian was walking over to us, so I guessed that Matt had given him a ride.

Taking my seat in the back, putting my suitcase in next to me. It was quiet except for the low humming of the stereo. After seven minutes of just sitting there passed, I heard We The Kings playing We'll Be A Dream and let out a squeak.

"Turnitup,turnitup!!!" I exclaimed, making Brian smile and Matt laugh.

I started singing with the song,

"Do you remember the nights we
sit there just laughing
smiling for hours,
at anything.
Remember the nights we,
drove around crazy,
in love.

When the lights go out,
we'll be safe and sound.
We'll take control of the world,
like it's all we have to hold on to,
and we'll be a dream.

Do you remember the nights we,
made our way dreaming ,
hoping of being,
someone big.
We were so young then,
we were to crazy,
in love.

When the lights go out,
we'll be safe and sound.
We'll take control of the world,
like it's all we have to hold on to,
and we'll be a dream.

When the lights go out!
we'll be safe and sound!
we'll take control of the world!
like it's all we have to hold on to!
and we'll..

When the lights go out,
we'll be safe and sound
we'll take control of the world,
like it's all we have to hold on to,
and we'll be a dream."

I hadn't noticed that I was singing out loud with my eyes closed, but when I opened them, we were parked in a driveway and both the guys were stairing at me.

"W-what? Are we here? Great! Let's go ladies!" I said nervously, getting out of the car with my lugage and headign towards the door. Then I heard them laughing

Were they really just stairing at me?! While I was singing!! Then they started laughing!! What an ego boost for me.

Stupid doorknob!! why do they have to have locks on the inside!! Wait.. stupid question. So because of the door not haveing a choice but to stay closed, I waited for Matt and Brian.

While waiting, I took in my suroundings. The house was nice. Two stories with an attic and more than likly a basment. The extirior was simple, a pinkish that had purlpe/pink trimmings.

Finally, Matt made it and unlocked the door. It was homey and really beautiful. My favorite was the part that had the kitchen, dining room, and den kinda all together. It really was a beautiful home.

"Alright, well Dannie, welcome to our home. Make yourself comfortable an- oh, wait." he stopped himself and looked at me. "All of the rooms are filled except the attic. Are you okay with that. I mean, it's not that bad, but it's the only thing we have that Val is done taking advantage of." he rambled, walking my up the stairs and stopped at the end of the hall.

I stood there awkwardly as he simpley reached up and pulled a string that lett down a latter thing. He was fuckin' tall!

He wondered up the steps, and I followed, pulling my suitcases up with me. The room took me bysurprise. I imagined a cramped space that had boxed hidden beneith dust. But man, I was way off. There's windows and a bed and wooden floors with a white chair. It was fuckin' awsome.

Then I thought, this is like a hotel suit as I continued walking around to find a mini-kitchen, a bathroom, and a living room kind of thing that has a TV, bigger than needed, a brown and white funiture, with a treen in one corner.

"MATT!!! It's fuckin' amazing!!!" I screamed.

He chuckled, "Yeah, thank Val for that. She wanted to re-model the whole house and she just happened to start this before we went on our last tour. Now she's working on the second floor, hence the reason we don't have a room for you."

I just nodded, to excited to say anything. Then I thought of Val. "Matt, are you sure Val's alright with me staying here? I mean, does she even know?"

He thought for a second, then he smiled, dimples and all. "I'm sure she wouldn't mind having another shopping buddy."

I laughed and started walking down stairs into the living room and doing what Matt told me to do, make myself a home.
♠ ♠ ♠
YAY!! IT'S LONGER!!! eh-hem! I think this is the best chapter so far.. but then again, it is only the fourth chapter.. WHICH MEANS!!! More chapters to come! HAHA I'm in a great mood!

So I think you should comment, and if I do get any comment's I'll update again tonight or tomorrow morning! Cuz I'm a nerd and have no life.. JK!!! No really, I'm sick as.. well I dont know, but I'm really sick, and I'll be in quarantine for the next I don't know how many days. :(

Comment and tell me what you think.. Or tell me to get better?

Thanks <3Maria.

PS I just relized how long this is... so I'm going to stop.... now.