Status: New and active! Keep, or kill?

Passion Is In The Risk

And look at those legs!

I didn't get to watch much TV before Johnny, Zacky, and Val came walking through the front door. In less than a great mood, but that's okay. They did just lose one of there best friends. I started to wonder why I wasn't feeling as bad as I should, but shook it off.

Val came into the living room, the boys going into the back yard. She stopped when she seen me, and a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Wow. You have his eyes." she breathed.

I never really compared me to my dad, but then again, I never really did look like my mom. I'm short, much like her, but with my blue eyes, black, strait, hair and pale skin, you would never tell we were related.

I wasn't sure what to do; I've never been goos at comforting people, other than Ash. So instead of talking, I stood up and hugged her.

She hugged back and sobbed into the crook of my neck. She kept mumering incoherent things, but none that I could even try to make out. Val's sobs halted and she wiped her eyes and pulled me by the hand over to the couch to sit down.

She looked me over one more time before asking, "So you never even met him?"

I shook my head, "But I wish I did. I mean, I've listened to all of the songs he wrote, and think 'That's my dad. He did that.' but then I wonder what it would have been like to have been here while he was doing that."

Val nodded, "He really was great. And if you're anything like him, we'll be happy to have you in our home." she smiled.

I couldn't help but smile to, "Iwould love to live up to the Sullivan name." I paused, "Matt told you?"

Her eye's brightened up at Matt's name, "Yeah, I think it would be a great idea. And I would love to spend some time with you. You could help me design some of the rooms, and we would most definetly go shopping."

"Yes! Val that would be amazing! I've always wanted to do something like that, but May, my addopted mom, well she never let me do anything to her house. She's always like "Dannie, you better not call Home Depot while I'm gone" 'cause she works a lot as a real estate agent, and oddly enough her house is.. well crap. It's not bad, but you'd think she would have a real house! But nope, she lives in a studio appartment and-" she cut me off from my rambling.

"Danniel! Calm down and breath!" Val said, shaking my shoulders.

I took two really big breaths and smiled, "Thanks."

The blonde before me started laughing. "I think you're going to fit right in." She said in-between chuckles, "Lets go outside, yeah?"

I nodded, eager to be spending some real time with the guys. When we walked outside, I was surprised to see how late it had gotten. The sun was right above the horizon, getting ready to set.

We took our seats with the guys on the patio. I sat by Brain, with Val on my other side, Matt next to her and then Zacky, who sat across from me, and Johnny between him and Brian.

They didn't talk about much, so I was just looking around. The way the house was positioned on the hill, you could see all of the lights of downtown Huntington Beach, all getting brighter as the sun continued to descend. The sight alone took my breath away.

"..come from?" Zacky was finishing a question towards me, but I hadn't caught all of it.

"What was that?" I asked, pursing my lips out of habit.

He smiled, "I asked where you came from. You had to have lived somewhere else before you came here, right?"

I nodded, "Well, we lived in Bakersfield, but when May got a job offer, we moved to Santa Maria. Then I found out about my dad's.. you know, and May said it was okay with her that I come for a while. Oh! um she said to have one of you call her, to make sure she could talk to you about some stuff."

I took out my cell phone and pressed #1 on speed dial for May. Then Matt said he would talk to her. He went inside to talk, leaving us in a not-so-comfortable silence.

Not a lot was said, but then nothing had to be. Everyone was mourning, and I respected that.

However, my deathly frear of lady bugs got in the way. The red insect was crawling on the glass table right in front of me, eyeing me like it would eat me, if given the chance. I screached, jumping out of my seat and right into Brian's lap, much like Scooby-Doo.

"Are you serious? It's a lady bug!" Zacky yelled and Val joined in the last part, while laughing.

"Whatever! Have you seen those eyes?! And look at those legs! How can you just sit there with it like that?! Kill it!"

I let out another high pitched yell and burried my face in Brian's chest as Johnny picked it up and placed it on a tree leaf, still laughing at my childish behavior.

Brian's chest viberated as he chuckled, making me look up at him. His brown eyes met with my blue ones, and he smiled. I hadn't noticed how his right arm was hooked under my legs, and rubbing my leg. Then again, I hadn't noticed how gorgeous this man was either. I blushed at the last thought, getting up and huffing.

"You guys have no bounderies. I would call an exterminater. Now, if you don't mind, I'm off to bed. Night loves." I gave everyone a hug, including Brian, who made sure I wasn't able to breath.

After one last small wave, I made my way back inside, running into Matt on the way.

"Hey, uh, I have to talk to you. Meet me in your room, I'm going to get Val." he said giving me my cell phone, then walked back outside.

I was confused. May had just told me she wanted to talk to them to make sure I had a place to stay. Maybe Matt changed his mind and said he was going to send me back? I don't know, but it was really eating at my head as I made my way to the attic.

I sighed, remembering that Matt had closed the door thingy. Did he really expect me to reach that? I'm only 5 feet 1 inch, and I'll be damned if I didn't take pride in that extra inch!

So I had to wait for Matt and Val, but they took so long. I started my way back down stairs, but stopped at the end of the stair case when I heard hushed voices.

"Matt, are you sure about this?" I recognized the voice as Val's "I mean, we have no extra room and-"

Matt cut her off, "Val, would you please just trust me? We have a bandmate's daughter up there. If she had been here the whole time, would we just tell her to go back?" ther was a short pause, "I didn't think so."

This whole conversation was confusing, but eavsdropping can have that disadvantage.

I heard footsteps, but they stopped, "Matt, I just want to make sure that your ready for this responsability."

I heard him scoff, "Val, you know I am."

She sighed in defeat, "Okay then. Let's go."

The foot steps were getting closer, so I climbed back up the steps and leaned against the last door to the right.

Pretending I didn't hear anything, I jumped up and down when Matt and Val aproached me.

"You know, you have some pretty funny jokes if you thought I would be able to reach that" I said, cossing my arms and glaring playfully.

"Haha. I thought you could sing your way up." he retorted.

By all means, I thought it was not a funny comeback, but I could hear Brian laughing at the bottom of the stairs.

"I-I'm going home Matt!" he yelled inbetween laughing.

I just scoffed and waited until Matt lowered the stairs. I huffed past him and walked strait to my bed, taking a seat on the side.Matt and Val walked in, Val taking a seat next to me, and Matt claiming the small chair.

"Okay, so what's this about?" I asked.

"Well, I talked to May." Matt started.

"And?" I earged him on.

"She told me that she wouldn't be able to make it in January." he said.

"Oh. Okay, well then what's going to happen?" The words were just rolling off of my tounge, like I was bargening for an old antique.

"See, that's the thing. May has to go to New York for an open house, and was wondering if we could keep you here. Until the end of winter. She said that this is a big job for her, and she's going to have to stay there until next December, if not longer." he explained.

"So I'm going to stay here?" I asked.

They both nodded, "Yeah. And Ash." Val said.

I almost had a heart attack when she said Ash was coming.

"Seriously?!" I squealed.

"Yeah, May said that since she was going to be gone, she didn't have anyone to stay with Ashley, so she' coming to stay with us." Matt said.

I squeezed both of them, repeating how thankful I was while doing so.

"So that's it? That's all we had to talk about?" I asked.

They nodded and stood up. Val told me goodnight with one last hug and left, while Matt stayed behind.

"I think you're here for a reason." he stated. I gave him a confused look so he continued, "I think you're here to make sure that a piece of Jimmy is still with us. And I'm glad for that. We're all glad for that." he smiled and hugged me, really close.

"I love you Little Sullivan." he whispered into my hair.

"Aww, I love you too Matt." I said, letting go of him. He smiled again, showing his dimples, and left the attic.

I couldn't wait until Ash got here! She's gunna flip when she finds out she's going to be living with Avenged Sevenfold.

Quickly, I texted her: Dude, I'm ttly stoked 4 u! I cnt wait!

Five minutes later her dumbass replied: 4 what?

I could slap that girl sometimes, but I love'er!!! So I told her nevermind and good night, falling asleep myself after changing into my pjs that consisted of a navy blue wife beater, and a pair of Ash's blue plaid man-boxers.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay.. so I just got really bored and started writting.. this! I think it's rather long, and I'm damn proud of that!

Well, it is raining outside, meaning that I have to... give my cat a bath! So I hope you enjoy and tell me what you think xD

Comment- <3 Maria