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Passion Is In The Risk

The Step Stool

Viberation. That's what woke me up in the morning. My phone was buzzing like no ones business. I chucked it at the wall, making the battery fall out, and got out of bed.

No one could be as lucky as me. A whole floor all to myself. I mean sure it's small, all mini sized, but it has a kitchen!

After I used the bathroom, avoiding the mirror, I dragged my lazy ass down the stairs, almost falling twice, and walked into the kitchen where I found Val making chocolate chip pancakes. Ma' favorite!

"Morning sunshine. How many would you like?" she asked in a chirpy voice. Great, she's a morning person.

"Two, extra chocolate chips, a layer of peanut butter and ketchup and hold the syrup." I mumbled, with my head rested on the table.

I kept rolling my forhead on the table and waited for my breakfast.

Matt walked down the stairs, dressed in a sleavless shirt, and some black jeans, hair slicked back.

"Morning girls. What's for breakfast?"

He rubbed his hands together like he was just given Mission Impossable. Two.

"My specialty! Chocolate chip, and aperently, Dannie got her daddy's taste buds. Ketchup and all." she told him.

He groaned, "You too? God, Jimmy always ate the strangest things." His eyes glistened with the memory, "Ketchup and mayo sandwiches. Peanut butter and Bologna. Scrambled eggs and grape jelly, Frito's and caramel sauce-"

Val placed my pancakes in front of me.

My head shot up and I cut him off, "Hey! You should be greatful to even know of such a delicacy! So.. shut your face!"

They looked at me like I was crazy, but then started laughing like it was the funniest thing in the world. I huffed and started putting the ketchup on my pancakes. It's freakin' good, don't judge!

Just then, the door opened and the reat of the band came in and looked at me oddly.

"You too?" Johnny asked.

I glared at him playfully, 100% aware of the ketchup on the side of my mouth, "Shut it, short shit." I joked.

That caused everyone to bust out laughing, excluding Johnny.

"Says the one who's afraid of lady bugs." he retorted. "And I'm pretty sure I'm taller than you." Now everyone was laughing, at me.

I stopped laughing, glaring at him for real and returning my attention to my pancakes. Great, now they were soggy and all mushy. Yuck.

With a loss of apitite, I threw the rest away, rinsed my plate and put it in the washer. Everyone had gone into the living room but when I turned around, none other then Johnny Christ stood before me.

He scrached the back of his neck, "I'm suposed to, um, appoligized. So.. I'm sorry for being a dick. Or whatever that was back there" his eyes were everywhere but me.

"Dude, it's okay. I always get all but hurt when I get made fun of.. it just, kinda comes naturally." I said, feeling bad for making him so uncomfortable.

"Alright then.. Uh, I'm also suposed to tell you that we're going out.. so get ready." He turned on his heal and walked into the living room.

I took a deep breath and walked up the stairs and to the end of the hall. There was a step stool in the corner part, making me laugh. Matt.

I used it to pull the stringy thing that I decided to call my Lace Line. Because I said so. Then I put the step stool back and walked up to my home inside a home.

The bathroom was stalk with everything I needed to take a shower, which by the looks of my reflection, I really needed one. I took a 15 minute shower and was walking to my closet, in my towel might I add, when there was a knock on my floor-door thingy.

"Yeah?" I asked.

I guess they took that as a 'come in' because the floor-door opened and in came Brian. I smiled to my self at his presence.

"Oh! Uh.. sorry. Um.." he turned around quickly when he seen me.

I chuckled, "Brian, it's fine. What did you want to say?" I asked.

I guess you could say that I'm not one of those girls that care if a guy sees them in a towel. As long as I'm covered, I'm fine. I don't blush easily either, unless it's up-close action.

Brian turned around, but avoided looking at me, "The guy's wanted to get to the studio early.. and since I already have my cords down.. they said... I have to stay with you." He explained

He kept streaching out his words every time his eyes even came close to me.

"Where's Val? She isn't here?" I asked, walking over to my closet that wasn't even three feet away from me, and started looking for close. I felt his eyes following me. I went through my close as he kept talking, still streaching his words.

"She.. had to go to a paint store to.. get more colors for one of her.. rooms she's working on.."

I chuckled, "Brian, stop acting like I'm going to scream bloody murder. The only thing I would scream for is if you wer-" I cut myself off, not willing to finish the sencence, "Never mind. So what are we going to do?" I asked.

The door for my bedroom that conected to the living room part was one of those old fashoned western kind that swings. So I just went behind the swingy door thing and dropped my towel.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Brian's eyes widen. I smirked and asked again, "Brian, what are we going to do today?"

"I-I don't kn-know. Uh.. W-what would you like to d-do?" he stuttered, scratching the back of his head.

"Uh.. We should go.. um.. can we go to the park? Or we could go swimming, I need to work on my tan." I chuckled, knowing that I would just burn. I never tan, and I have all of the white-ness to prove it.

"Yeah, sure. Finish getting ready and we'll go to the park." He said really fast and headed towards the floor-door.

I could have sworn I heard him mumble something about me screaming. I just chuckled and continued getting ready.

My outfit was simple, black shorts, green tang top with a black design, and green flats that have ruffles on them. I only used a little makeup, eyeliner, and mascara. Before I left my Den, I grabbed my celland Fanta sunglasses.

I left the Den, and walked into the living room to find Brian watching tv, but I could tell he wasn't paying attention to the show that was playing, Intervention. What a loser.

He had his hands intertwined behind his head. I walked over to the arm of the couch and fell backwards, my head landing on his lap. Brian's eyes shot open, and he looked at me with wide eyes.

"Ready?" I giggled.

He chuckled, patting my head, "I would need my legs first."

I pouted, "But your so comfy!"

"Don't you want to go to the park?" He said.

"That I do, but your just so comfy, I could take a nap."

I heard him chuckle, then, I hit the floor. "Sorry, Little Sullivan, but I am no ones pillow. Now lets get a move on or we'll miss the ice cream truck!" he exclaimed like a little kid.

I huffed, dusting the invisable dust off of me."Alrighty then! Who is ready for a day full of awsomeness!!" I yelled, running past him and to his SUV.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eh, I'm tired, so I thought this would be good enough xD
Um.. not much to say..

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