Status: New and active! Keep, or kill?

Passion Is In The Risk

His Dirty Little Girl

As it turned out, Brian was right. Right as we got to the park, the ice cream truck was getting ready to leave, but Brian would not have that. He practically jumped in front of the truck, and thought he could stop it from moving by holding up one hand, like a Superman pose.

Long story short, Brain fractured his left hand. But the best part? FREE ICE CREAM! So in a way, Brian getting hurt could come in handy some times.

After Brian refused to go to the hospital, we sat on a bench in the park eating our ice cream in silence until Brian spoke.

"So.. winter vacation is almost over huh?" he asked.

I thought about that, today was the 8th and vacation ends on the 13th.. so 5 more days.

"Yeah, in five days. Oh, what do you thinks going to happen? I mean, am I going to switch schools and and all that shit?" I asked.

He chuckled, "Do you always have such a dirty mouth? And yeah, it'll probably happen." he paused for a minute, "Who's Ashley? I heard Matt say something about her."

I gasped, "Ash just so happens to be one of your most beloved fans," I paused, pulling out my phone and texting Ash, "and still has no idea that she's going to be living with one of the most famous band members alive." I mumbled.

I re-read my text before sending it, Hey, did u hear the big news?

"So in other words, she's one of your friends that's going to bunk with you so your not alone?"

Nodding, I kept licking my ice cream, that happens to be cherry and vanilla swirl. Every now and then, Brian would ask a question, the small 'lets get to know each other' kind. I would respond with a nod or simple shake of the head. That kept going on until Brian's phone rang.

"Hey Matt. No we're at the park. Is it ready? Okay, we're on our way." he hung up the phone and looked at me. "Matt says to get your ass home. He has a surprise for you." he said in a sing song voice.

I groaned, closing my eyes and rolling my head back, "I'm too impatient for surprises!"

In the next couple moments I realized a few things. One; Brian is really strong. He came up behind me, picking my up bridal style, and carried me to his car like I weighed nothing.

Two: Brian is probably the only person that could make my face burn as red as it did. If I wasn't so concentrated on his arms that were wrapped around me, I probably would have noticed that his hand probably hurt like a motherfucker. And that my arms were around his neck.

Three: I'm starting to really like the way I feel when I'm in his arms.

When he placed me in the passenger seat, I let out a disappointed noise without even knowing it, making him chuckle lightly. The ride home was long, giving me time to think.

I might have a little crush on him. But I can't. He's twice as old as me for Christ's sake! Not only would it be illegal, but he probably doesn't even like me like that. He probably just thinks of me as a little girl that is the offspring of his belated band mate. And he's a freaking rock star! There's no doubt that he could get thousands of legal, prettier, girls in his bed. The knot in my stomach tightened at the thought.

Instead of beating myself up about it, I settled that nothing was bound to happen, and that my little crush would pass in time. Or at least I hope so.

When we pulled up to the house, I didn't wait for Brian, and just got out of the car. I walked into the house and looked over to find people talking, and an additional blonde headed girl I knew more than well.

"Jarhead!! You're here! Ohmi-fucking-gawd!" I ran over to her and sat on her lap, smothering her face in wet kisses. Yeah, I can be a puppy too, suck it!

She started laughing in her soft voice, "Down girl! I missed you too, Sully!" she used my nickname.

I giggled and looked around. Zacky is sitting next to us with an eyebrow raised. Matt and Val are nowhere to be seen, and Johnny was just looking at us with an odd face.

After I climbed off of Ash with a sly smile, I crept my arm around her, and placed it on her hip.Yea, I'm Bi. Love, hate, just don't discriminate. <-- That's my saying.

Brian came in and looked at us, but just laughed. I turned my attention back to Ash. She was facing me, eyes closed, and lips puckered. I knew what she wanted, and didn't hesitate to kiss her hello.

No, we aren't dating, we're just best friends like that. We did try though. Our 'relationship' lasted two months before we decided that we are just better off as good friends, and that's exactly what we are.

We didn't get too much into it, no tongue, just your average lips curving together, and hand on cheek kiss. It lasted the maximum of 10 seconds, then her embracing me in a tight hug.

We pulled away and looked at the guys, who just stared at us in surprise. I giggled and looked at Ash.

"So you guys hit it off well?" I asked.

She nodded viciously, "Fuck yes! Dude, I cannot believe you're living with Avenged Fucking Sevenfold!"

"Well believe it babes, 'cause you are too! Have you seen my den?" I asked.

She shook her head. This girl has seriously been missing out! I dragged her upstairs, leaving the guys there still dumbfounded. She laughed at my step stool, then climbed the stairs behind me. I giggled at her reaction, which was amazed, of course.

"It's a fucking condo! Well, kinda like a Midget Condo.. but still! Are we both going to be living up here? Or are you going to move out or what?" she asked.

I stopped laughing, making my face go serious, "Yeah right bitch. I was here first. I guess we're both going to stay up here, Val's still remodeling the second floor." I explained.

We made our way to the kitchen, Ash taking the blue seat, while I just hopped up on the counter.

Ash nodded, "So where'd you and Mr. Synyster Gates go off to earlier?" she asked and poked my cheek.

I looked down at my swinging feet. "We went to the park to get ice cream. He said we were going to go swimming too, but his hand is fractured so I don't know if he's gonna be up for it." I said, still looking down.

"I know that face" she sang, "You wanna be the new Dannie Haner and make babies with the Syn-man!" she yelled before I could cover her mouth.

I glared at her, "And you wanna be Zacky's dirty little girl, ain't that right?" I said, laughing at the end.

That shut her up. I laughed and nudged her to come on. We changed into our bikinis, I grabbed tanning oil [for Ash], and towels, then hurried downstairs.

The guys, including Matt, were all in the kitchen when we walked downstairs, munching on cereal straight from the box. Ugh, boys. They all seemed to forget what they were doing when we walked in, and there eyes fixed on us.

"Uh.. girls, do you really think it's appropriate to be wearing such.. revealing clothes?" Matt asked.

"I agree. Young ladies should not be showing that much skin." Johnny piped up, avoiding looking at us.

"Matt, we're just going swimming. And plus, we were things like this to the beach all the ti-"

"You wear that in public?!" Brian shouted. What's up with the attitude?

Ash spoke up then, "Oh yeah! You should see all the boys that go after her sexy body."

I got what she was going at, and smirked, "Anyway, we're just going to right out back. Unless any of you would like to go swimming with us.."

"Hold on, I want Val's opinion on this." Matt said, with the rest of the guys nodding. "VAL!" Matt, Johnny, Brian and Zacky all yelled at the same time. What the fuck? They all have issues.

I heard feet shuffling down the stairs, "What?! What's wrong!?" She yelled. Val was wearing one of those icky green mask things, her pink and whit polka dotted robe, and her hair in a messy bun.

"Wha- Oh, um, nothing. But look at what the girls are wearing." He said in a tattle tale voice.

Vals eyes looked me and Ash up and down before a grin was on her face, making the green mask crack.

"Oooh those are so cute! Where'd you get them?" She asked, making us spin one at a time so she could see the backs.

Ash and I started explaining how we bought them from a small boutique back in Bakersfield, but then the guys started groaning, making Val turn her attention back to Matt.

"That's not what we meant, Val. Don't you think that it's to exposing for fourteen year old girls?" Matt asked.

Val looked around like she was missing something. "Uh.. Honestly, Matt, I can't tell them that." she said.

"What? Why not?!" he whined, stomping his foot.

"Because it would be hypercritical. I used to wear stuff like that all the time when I was fourteen." she told him.

Ash and I smirked, blowing kisses and waving to the boys before going outside into the slightly cool afternoon. We looked at the pool for at least five minutes before smiling at each other, dropping out things, taking off our shorts and jumping into the chilly water.

After that night, I decided that the rest of the year was going to be the most awesome year ever. Oh, how I wish I could believe that for the rest of my life.
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This is really long, so be proud! I really enjoy writing this.. so tell me if you like reading it!

Thanks <3 Maria