Status: New and active! Keep, or kill?

Passion Is In The Risk

Meet The Familia

~*February 13, One Month Later*~

Normal. It's what everyone wants, and very few have. I just so happen to be one of the very few that contain this happiness. After everyone had gotten used to Ash and I living in the house, some things changed, mostly in a good way.

Matt and Val act like there the loving parents every kid dreams of. The ones that are cool with what you want, but know when to put there foot down when enough is enough.

Val had finished one of the rooms on the second floor, but made huge mistake. She made us decide on who got which room. We both fought for the Den, but eventually I won, taking a poll from the guys. And because I've been there longer. I deserved it, and they all knew it.

Ash's room wasn't bad.. it's just that it wasn't the Den.

Speaking of Ash, her and Zacky have gotten really close. They bond a lot, and I think it's really good for them, I just don't want her to get her hopes up.

Johnny.. well he's just Johnny. I wish I could tell you more, but it seems to me like he hasn't been spending much time around us anymore. Like.. he's been being distant. Or maybe it's just me?

And for my infatuation for Brian.. it's as huge as ever. Every breath he takes away, every small comment, and every brush of skin contact makes me crawl in my own flesh, but in a good way. Hell, I get shivers down my spine with every other word he says that makes me blush. Every night I go to sleep cursing because the one thing I want, is the one thing I can't have. That and a tattoo.

The only bad change would probably be the subject of the one and only James Sullivan. Everyone is still touchy with the subject, but everyone has been saying how much I'm like him. Nothing in the world can make me smile like I do when I hear those words come from someones mouth.

All of the guys, and even sometimes Johnny, make us feel like we really are part of the family. When Ash and I enrolled in the school, we made some new friends, Sam and Nate. There triplets, but there sister is a complete bitch.

Sam is just awesome. She's the meaning of a blonde.. in a good way. She's loud and funny, and is always smiling. LIKE MEH! Ahem.. Sorry, that was Tummeh talking. Anyway, if you ask me, I think Sammeh has a thing for Ash.

Then there's Nate. He's SO cute, and just.. UGH! He makes you wanna go up and hug him like a fluffy teddy bear. And trust me, I did. He's not shy, and tells you his input on things, but he can get nervous sometimes for no reason. But a lot of people like him. He's not 'popular' like having girls on both arms popular, but people do like him.

There sister, Ruben, well, she's a slut. Not to be stereotypical or anything, but I'm talking about the kind of slut that wears short skirts, to-low-tank tops, and 4 inch heals to school. And that my dear friends, are the reasons why 88% of the male population at our school has slept with this girl. Including teachers. And out school is huge.

After I had noted all the groups of kids, I noticed that Isa and James were probably the only ones who didn't belong where they were put. Isa was.. too nice to be where she was. I had a couple classes with her, and she always seemed like a really nice person. So I really didn't get why she was always around Ruben.

The same goes for Jake. And if it wasn't obvious, James really likes Isa. That much was easy for me to figure out.. but I guess it wasn't as easy for Isa. She is completely oblivious to such things.

Another odd factor was that the whole, what.. three weeks that I've been going to school here, one guy seems to be on my ass the whole time. Literally. Every class I have with him, he finds a way to smack my ass. And frankly, I'm getting very sick of it. I've heard rumors about this Michael Kopelson already. Several were written on the girls stall in the bathroom.

So as for right now, well Sammeh, Nate Ash and I were laying on each other in my Den's living room watching Toy Story 3 and waiting for dinner. The twins before us have yet to figure out who my new family is, and I have told them on numerous occasions not to freak out when they did.

This was going to be an all out dinner. The band, some of there friends, and our friends. Val's cooking and the guy's are going to finally meet our friends.

Finally, I heard Brian call us down to the dining room. I wasn't sure who was going to be there, so I was just dressed in comfy clothes that matched Ash. Unlike us, the twins basically wanted to make the biggest impression in the world. I'm not gonna lie though, they both looked hot.

When we walked down stairs, I made sure to walk down before the twins. That way I could make sure things were going to be perfect when they meet the familia.

While I was checking everything, I took notice that there were some older ladies there that I didn't know. I just shrugged it off and gave the okay to Ash. I laughed when they stopped, tilted there heads with mouths open, and gasped at the same time.

"Matty, Bri, Zacky, JC, and Val, these are our friends Nate and Sammeh, or just Sam." I introduced them, "Nate, Sammeh, this is my family, Avenged Sevenfold. And Val." I chuckled.

Nate and Sammeh looked at me calmly, then walked up to them and shook hands with each individual. I was surprised to say the least. I thought they would go all 'ninja crazy ass stalker fan' on them. But nope! They just greeted each other, of course Sammeh had a slip up and had to hug Matt. For a while.

While everyone went to take there seat at the table, I helped Val bring out the food. She had gone all Mexican on us with tacos, burritos, nachos, enchiladas, tamales and several salsas. When the food was served, everyone had there own conversation going on.

The ladies that I happened to think were really pretty and nice.. now have a reserved place for there names on my shit list. I eavesdropped enough to find out that they are Zacky and Brian's newplayboys girlfriends. One, the blonde, she's Zacky's girl. Her name is Gena. And the brunette is Michelle, Brian's girlfriend.. and Val's sister.

The thought of Brian and her made my stomach churn, and I could only imagine how Ash was feeling over Zacky. But when I looked up, she was smiling. I was taken aback, but ignored it and went into my own world, thinking of how many times I thought Brian actually liked me.

I was on the verge of tears when a certain conversation caught my attention.

"So, since no one has said anything about it, I want a raise of hands of who knows what tomorrow is." Ash said, still smiling, and loud enough for the whole table to hear.

No, Ashley Jarmen, do NOT do this to me. Not now.

I just love it when people can't read your minds when you want them to the most. <--- That was sarcasm.

Everyone raised there hand, excluding me and JC. LOOK! It's the first time we have been in the same circle since last month!

"Yeah, it's Valentine's Day. So?" Zacky asked. It was probably just me, but I think I heard a bit of harshness in his voice.

"Not only is it Valentine's Day, my dear friends, but it is also the lovely Dannie's birthday!" Ash explained, jumping up and down.

She looked at me, seen my pained face, then stopped her excessive jumping.

"No shit? How awesome! Well, Little Sullivan, let it be my honor to make this the best birthday of your life!" Matt shouted.

There was a round of cheers, and everyone finished eating. I had suddenly lost the bigger part of my appetite. After dinner, the twins must have felt the tension because they said they had to leave, without a ride.

I silently washed the dishes, then went up to my Den to think. I made sure to put the string up so that no one would be able to come through the floor-door. I went to my bedroom window, and climbed out, sitting on the roof part. I loved coming out here to think. The view is beautiful. The pool could be seen a little to the left, then beyond that was just lights. All the way until you couldn't make out the little specs of one of man's most brilliant inventions.

I hugged my knees closer to me, not wanted to leave this part of my life forever. Then, suddenly, I thought of my dad.

And for the first time since his funeral, I cried. I cried for believing that Brian would ever like me, I cried for even feeling like the way I do because of him. And I cried because I didn't have my Daddy to talk to.

Sometime after I started crying, I had drifted off into a soft sleep. I hadn't noticed until I felt a pair of familiar arms pick me up and carry me to my bed. When I registered what was happening, I shot up in time to find Brian sitting in my white chair, head in his hands.

"W-what are you doing up here?" I asked.

A small smile tugged at his lips, but it didn't show in his eyes, "I wanted to be the first to wish you both a Happy Birthday and a happy Valentine's Day." he said.

I looked at my phone that was charging on the little shelf above my bed to see that it was 12:03 am.

"Thanks." I muttered, getting up and going to my kitchen to pour me some orange juice. I didn't offer any to Brian.

I hadn't known he was behind me until he asked 'what's wrong', making me jump and hit my back against his chest.

Shaking my head, I turned around, rinsed out my cup, and walked back into my bedroom.

He stood in the door frame a while before talking, "If this is because of your friends, I like them. So you don't have to worry about you not hanging out with them.." he said.

I just nodded, and turned my back to him. I heard him sigh, then come sit on the edge of my bed.

"I don't know what's wrong Dannie, but if you talk to me about it, I might be able to help."

I snorted, but then I decided to take my chances, "Have you ever liked someone, but you knew you didn't have a chance with them, and when you finally think things are right and.. normal it just.. blows up in your face?" I asked turning my torso to look at him in the moonlight.

He looked at me intensely with his brown eyes before nodding, "I've known the feeling, and it's never the best, but sometimes.. you have to wait for things to fall into place." he said.

Nodding, I kissed his cheek, knowing that it would probably be the last time for a while, and turned back around, closing my eyes. He didn't move for a while, and then when he did I felt him kiss me. Not quite on the lips, and not quite on the cheek, but in the middle where my smiling creases are.

He left soon after, and I couldn't help but smile like fool. That night, I didn't get to sleep until 4 in the morning, all because of on simple little peck.
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YAY!!! 2nd update AND even longer!!


Thanks <3 Maria