Status: New and active! Keep, or kill?

Passion Is In The Risk

I Could Be A Lion

Don't wake up. Don't wake up. Don't wake up! Dammit!

In the middle of the most perfect dream ever, my mind decides that now would be a great fucking time to wake up! Ugh!

I roll out of bed, and proceed to take my morning pee. Who was the person that said the toilet is the perfect place to think? Well.. then I would like to send that parson a fruit basket. Yes you heard me right, a fruit basket.

While take a pee, one of the best ones I've had so far by the way, all the happenings of last night.. or early this morning came rushing back to me. A stupid grin wouldn't leave my face as I got ready for the day.

My birthday.

Most teenaged girls would be happy on there birthday right? Not me. I guess you could say that I've already hit that stage where you feel older every year on your birthday. I guess I just hate getting older.

I sighed and started getting ready before Ash comes and-


Too late. Chuckling, I got dressed, did my make up, tousled my hair, leaving it in it's natural waves, put my shoes and walked down stairs, all in a record of time.

When I walked into the living, everyone was there. Matt, Val, Zacky, Johnny, Brian, Sam, Nate, Ash.. and Michelle and Gena. Yay.

I stopped walking when I seen the last two, but then continued to walk at a slower pace.

"Happy Birthday slash Valentine's Day!" everyone yelled when I was all the way in the room. The people before me said there best, even Michelle and Gena, then went back to there conversations. Johnny had a girlfriend too. Her name is Lacey, and I really liked her. She had a nice face like that --> :)

I couldn't help but smile at everything before me. They had made a wicked banner that said, "Happy Birthday Little Sullivan". In the corner was a table with a cake that was surrounded by presents. I could tell it was Ash who made it. She's the only person that I've told to make me a green cake with a giant cupcake on top.

They went all 3rd grade and made a box that said 'love notes' on the side to put valentine's cards in. I laughed at Ash, she was sitting on the floor making hearts with construction paper and glitter.

When Ash seen me she jumped up. "Nonononono, I told you to get up, not get dressed, now come on, we're gonna go get all prettied up together" she said dragging me to her room, despite my groans.

She sat me on her bed before going to her closet and bringing back two beautiful dresses.

"Well, which one ya want?" she asked, chewing on a piece of gum.

I smiled shyly, biting me thumb, which one to chose.. Finally, I pointed at the more florescent pink dress. She smiled and nodded before throwing it at me, and pushing me towards my room.

"Take a shower, shave, straiten your hair, then come back down here so I can do your make up." she instructed.

I jumped and squeaked giddily before doing what she told me, making sure not to miss any hairs on my legs and under arms. I rinsed twice, then got out of the shower to towel dry.

Once I was sure that my hair was dry, I slipped on a robe and began to straiten my hair. I made sure every strand of hair was pin straight before bringing the dress over my head and tying the string in the back.

When I was finally in it [the string kept being a bitch] I separated my bangs, pulling the hair above them up, and teased the roots, continuing that all over the place until it looked like I had some major volume. I could be a lion if I wanted to. I giggled at the thought.

I finished my hair with some hairspray, then walked out of my Den and back into Ash's room where she made my eye's all dramatic.

She did her own make up and I headed for the door but she stopped me.

"You really thought I would get you that dress without shoes and a coat? I heard it's supposed to be kinda chilly tonight." she said with a smile.

Ash disappeared back in her closet, coming back with a black coat that was almost longer than my dress, and some black heels. She always had a good fashion taste.

"How the fuck- never mind, I'm just going to shut up and wear it." I giggled.

Twenty minutes later, we were both sexy as fuck, for what I wasn't sure. Ash had a coat that was kinda like mine, but different in a was, and some other shoes. Where did she get this shit?

Checking each other out before we left the room, Ash stated that she would 'fuck me like monkey's on steroids.. twice' making me giggle.

We walked out into the hall, and Ash told me to wait a second before going down stairs. I furrowed my brows, confused, what the hell is she doing? But then I heard Ash say, "Okay everyone, hear is your B.E.A.utiful birthday girl!"

I gaped, not knowing if I should go down, or run back up to my room and never come out. It was too late though. I started walking down the stairs.

It's not too late ya know. You could just turn around now and hide in your Den.

Dude shut up, I'm already screwed as is, might as well get this over with.

Okay I'm officially crazy, having conversations with myself? What the duck?

I finished walking down the stairs, that felt like it took foREVer.

Everyones eyes were on me, and I felt my cheeks start to burn. The guys all looked like there eyes were going to fall out of there faces, and the girls looked at me with envious eyes.

"Girl, that dress is beautiful!" Val gushed.

"How did you do your make up?" Gena asked.

"Your hair is absolutely gorgeous." Lacey told me.

"Can I fuck you tonight?"

We all turned to Sammeh and start laughing.

"Anything for the birthday girl!" Val yelled.

Matt cleared his throat, getting everyones attention. "Usually, I would yell, and tell you girls to go cover up-"

Ash piped up, "Cause Mattie dearest is a up tight, hard ass."

That earned a round of chuckles and giggles. He scoffed, but ignored her.

"But it is your birthday, so I'm going to let it slide."

"And now that he shut his money making mouth, LETS OPEN PRESENTS!" Zacky yelled. He was already on his way to a drunken land.

This is going to be fun.
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha so I was writing this, but I kept going. Then I relized how long it was and had to cut it in half! Yea, so I'll probably post again tonight.

Thanks to teenagesarcasm17 She commented twice in a row :D

