Status: Hey this is my first story like this and my first story on mibba XD please tell me what you think :) thanks!

What The Hell Happened To Me? (All These Questions, So Little Answers)

Chapter 1: So many questions


~ Chapter 1 ~ So Many Questions ~


I waited and waited for someone, anyone to come get me that night. All i knew was that my head was bleeding and I was lying half naked in an ally. I stood up, stumbling around a bit, trying to get out of the ally. i made it and i heard a bunch of gasps. I was getting lightheaded and i knew i needed medical help. All I remember was a Lady coming up to me, asking me if i was okay and what happened. she wrapped me in her jacket and that was all before everything went black. I woke up the next day, here in the hospital, confused of what happened and why I am here. I tried to sit up, but my head was throbbing. I groaned and laid back down. What is going on? Why am I here? What happened to me? All these questions were running through my head. Who am I? How old am I? I heard the door open and a doctor came in.

"Ah, I see you woke up. Do you know where you are?" he said to me.

"The hospital?" i said, not completely sure.

he smiled and nodded. "yes you are." he walked over to me and pulled out a flashlight. "alrighty, i need to check your eyes but to do that I need to use this flashlight, alright?" he said as he showed me the flashlight. I nodded confused and he shined the really bright light in my eyes. He pulled away and smiled at me. "very good. you have aconcussion." once again i was confused and I think he could tell.

"Do you know who you are or what happened to you?"

I shook my head. "what am I doing here?" I asked. He sighed.

"A woman said you stumbled out of an ally way half naked. Your head was bleeding and you asked for help. She called 911 and rode with you here. you had passed out in her arms when she asked you what happened because of loss of blood. She is in the waiting area and has been all night. You were hit in the head very hard. We did surgery to fix as much of the damage as we could. Do you have any idea what you were doing in the ally last night?"

I shook my head as a tear ran down my cheek. i honestly don't remember.

"what's my name?"

"we're not sure yet. We are trying to see if anyone recognizes you by alerting news stations and the police to see if we can get any tips on what your name is. We can't do fingerprints because we are not authorized to do so unless no one has alerted us with in the next few weeks. Right now all we know is that you were brought here with severe blood loss, brain damage, and that you have amnesia. We believe you are about 26 and you were wearing an engagement ring which will be very helpful because it means you have afiancéeand when he sees the alerts, he will come see you and identify you." he said and and a few more tears ran down my cheek. i nodded and looked away.

"Can I meet her?" i asked, choking on my tears. he nodded.

"of course you can. I will go get her but she can't stay for long because you need to rest okay?" he said. I nodded. he walked out to get the woman that saved my life.i sat there in my bed, staring out the window, scared that no one would come for me and i would never know who i was.

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I hope you like it :) thanks for reading :)

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