Status: Active

Hate Me Not Our Child

chapter eight

Loud laughter erupted from the middle of Tilly’s Teacup luckily we were the only ones there otherwise people would have probably started complaining. Oh you’re probably wondering who we is. Well we is, Val, Michelle, Leanna, Lacey, Maggie, and me of course. Since the boys were watching some game at zack and I’s house us girls decided to have a girl’s day out. I took a sip of my peppermint tea, leaned back into my chair and crossed my arms over my chest. “So Leanna….” I smirked, “I heard a little secret about you; care to tell us or do I need to do it?”
Leanna fidgeted in her seat across the table from me, “oh uh well um I err Johnny and I are engaged!” everyone gasped and squealed even me, I leaped out of my chair and ran around the table and grabbed her hand so we could all see the ring “oh my god I’m so dolphin (fucking) jealous of you, you dog (bitch). This calls for a celebration! Let’s go to the bar and get wasted!”
“Mommy what’s a bar and what does wasted mean?” Magg’s asked. I thought for a minute and smiled, “sweetie a bar is a place where adults go to eat lots of ice cream and wasted is when we get sick from eating ice cream.”
“Oh! I wanna go to the bar and get strawberry wasted!” Magg’s squealed making everyone laugh. “Wow using a line from grown up’s. Nice.” Val laughed. I grinned and sat back in my seat. “Hey grown up’s is the best parenting movie ever!”
“Okay so were partying tonight at Benny’s? Or should we hit up a new bar?” lacey asked. “I vote Benny’s!” I threw my hand in the air. “Me too!” Val threw her hand in the air along with Michelle, Leanna and lacey. I giggled, “Sweet, then zack and Magg’s can have daddy daughter time.” I sent zack a text telling him about tonight’s plans. After we left Tilly’s Teacup we all decided to go see a movie.
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comments please.
ill make the next chapter better
xoxo nadia