Status: In the process of writing.

Let Loose

Tension in the air.

The next few weeks were somewhat calming for Charlie, all except for the fact that Tara was still missing. She wanted to contact the authorities, but Sam had told her he would take care of it and she trusted him. He had never given her reason not to. Jacob would go visit her frequently and surprisingly they had actually become good companions. She never noticed how sweet he was or how fun he was to be around. Though the first few days they tried the whole “Friendship” stage, he was so awkward in what he did. He didn’t want to open up to her and was stiff in his actions. But now he actually managed to laugh and joke around her without tension in the air. They hung out in the afternoons outside on her porch. They would sit on the steps and watch the sun go down. They would talk about anything and everything, it was quite enjoyable.

Jacob made her feel secure. He made her not afraid to be herself and be judge. After her and Steve broke up her had left her a self conscious, paranoid girl, but with Jacob she could feel herself again and who she was she liked. Jacob gave her, her confidence back.

She sat out on her porch steps leaning against the railing waiting for a certain someone like she did every other day. He didn’t even need to call her for her to know he would show up, he was pretty predictable, she smiled at that. How could she have ever hated Jacob was beyond her mind, he was such a delightful person. Bella was such an idiot to let him go. Jacob would have made her so blissful. She felt awful that Jacob did not get the girl he loved, but at the same time she deep down she was glad they didn’t end up together or else she and Jacob would not have become such good friends. It probably would have been a completely different story. She was sure Jacob could do better than Bella, not that she really knew who Bella was, but she had the impression Jacob would find someone that would make him joyful and feel loved.

Jacob had not really mentioned how much Bella meant to him, but she was pretty sure she meant a lot or else he wouldn’t stiffen up whenever she was mentioned.

The sun was nowhere in sight, not that she minded, cloudy days made her feel so jubilant. That was one of the reasons why she chose to stay in La Push. Everything seemed so right here. The people, the woods, the beaches. It was all so jovial. She closed her eyes and tighten her jacket around her as she took in the breeze that blew through her hair, making her tropical shampoo aroma more detectable.

“You know sleeping outside is probably not a very good idea” she opened her eyes to find a half naked Jacob in front of her. “There are bears and other wild animals around the area” he flashed her a grin.

“And walking around outside half naked is probably not a good idea either, you can catch a cold and not to mentions it’s unethical” she smiled back at him, not as phased by his nakedness as she was before. She actually kind of liked it not that she would ever admit it to him; he would never let her live it down.

He shrugged putting his hands in his pocket “I’m pretty resistant” his grin not wiping off “Plus, I laugh at the face of unethical”

She chuckled “was that you trying to be all macho man?”

“I don’t have to try”

She shook her head smiling “Jacob, Jacob, Jacob someday that had of yours will explode”
He chuckled sitting next to her.

“How did you get here?” she asked looking for his rabbit, which he usually parked next to her favorite tree right outside the living room window.

“I walked”

“You walked?!” she asked surprised.

“Yeah, so? It’s not the first time” he nudge her.

“Yeah, but it’s a 15 to 20 minute walk and it’s colder than usual today, and you’re walking around without a shirt!” she cried out.

He laughed “It’s not that cold, I’m quite toasty actually, feel me” he put his arm out for her.

“Geez Jacob you’re not toasty, you’re burning up!”

“Relax Gray” he said putting his arm around her shoulder. “I’m always like this, it actually comes in handy” he smirked.

She scoffed “How?”

“Like I can warm up my date or something”

She laughed “What date Jacob? You can’t get one”

He playfully nudged her again and glared at her “I’ll have you know I can get any girl I want”
She rolled her eyes, but grinned “That is if you don’t stutter and choke up like you did when we actually started talking without wanting to yank our hair out” she knew what he said was probably true. Any girl would have been ecstatic if Jacob would just look their way. Heck, even when she detested him she knew he was good looking. She had to admit the boy had a gift.

He ruffled her hair teasingly “No need to be hurtful”

“Alright alright” she moved away from him. “You want some hot chocolate? I made some and I also made some chocolate chip cookies and Tiramisu cake, I know how much you like that.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice” he said getting up and offered her his hand, she took it and he helped her up. They went inside and walked into the kitchen. Jacob leaned against the kitchen counter as Charlie looked inside the fridge for the cake. Charlie was enthusiastic in making desserts and also with cooking, but making desserts was her absolute favorite. She could go on and on making sweet little delights. She was recently attending a culinary arts school right outside of La Push and she loved it. Jacob had been pretty excited when he found out what she did; in fact he encouraged her to practice her sweets with him.

She took out the cake; there was a knock on the door. “Can you get it?” she asked Jacob.
He left the kitchen to open the door.

“What are you guys doing here?” she heard Jacob say.

“What we just came to hang out” the voice responded. Embry?

“Jake who is it?” Charlie called out as she took out plates from the cupboard.

“Just some idiots” he muttered coming back to the kitchen with Embry, Quil, and Paul.

She turned and smiled when she saw them “Hey guys”

“Sup” Embry Popped his “p”

“Hey” Quil waved.

Paul smirked and winked at her causing her to giggle and Jacob to roll his eyes and shake his head disapprovingly.

“Would you guys like some hot chocolate, cookies, and cake?” she asked the boys.

“Hell yeah” Paul said, the other boys agreed nodding their heads.

She handed them all a plate and they sat down. She served everybody some hot chocolate, cake, and put the plate of cookies at the center of the table. As soon as the boys took a bite of the cake and cookies a chorus of “mmm’s” and “yum’s” came from them.

“This is so good!” Quil exclaimed.

“It tastes like heaven!” Embry gushed.

“No wonder Jacob has been keeping you to himself” Paul piped in causing Charlie to laugh as a light blush appeared on her cheeks.

“Thanks” she mumbled shyly. She turned towards Jacob’s direction and found him smiling proudly at her. He sent her a wink.

Once the boys finished all of the hot chocolate, cake, and cookies they headed towards the living room.

“You really need to hang out with us more often” Embry put his arm around Charlie when they sat in the living room. “I mean now that you and Jake are all buddy, buddy it’s doable, right?”

“Yeah, seriously!” Quil added “Or do you still want to keep her to yourself, Jake?” Quil wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Paul and Embry laughed out wolfishly while Charlie’s cheek instantly turned pink.
Jacob rubbed the back of his neck and laughed nervously “Alright, just leave it alone, don’t you see you’re making the poor girl blush”

“Are we making Charlie blush or… are we making you blush Jake” Paul teased.

“Alright, alright that’s enough nobody is making anybody blush in my house” Charlie said wanting to end this embarrassing scene.

“Oh you’re no fun” Quil joked.

“No one said I was fun” she smirked sending him a wink.

“That’s not what little ol’ Jakey says” Paul imitated her wink. Again with the Jacob comments. What was up with them teasing him and her? They were just friends, nothing more.

She saw Jacob roll his eyes. Did it bother him that his friends would think there was something romantic going on between them? Then again it would be understandable, seeing as nothing was going on. However it didn’t mean it didn’t sting a little. It kind of blew a hit to her pride. What? Did she actually think he would be all goody goody with the idea of them being an item? She was being ridiculous and she knew it, but would it be so bad if something was going on between them? It was only logical for a guy friend and a girl friend to end up having feelings for each other, right? It was common, nothing out of the normal. So why did Jacob seem bothered by it?

She never really considered herself to be bad looking; did Jacob not think she was pretty? Why was she even getting on this subject? She shouldn’t have to worry about Jacob thinking she was pretty or them being an item. They were friends and nothing more.
A wolf’s howl was heard in the distance making the guys head turn to its direction. That was strange she thought. Why would a wolf be so close? The animals usually stayed away from the people’s homes.

“We should get going” Jacob announced getting up from his spot.

“But you guys just got here” she protested.

Jacob turned to give her a smile “We forgot we needed to do something for Sam”

“What?” she asked, hoping she didn’t come out as nosey.

“Stuff” Embry informed making her roll her eyes.

“Good answer” she muttered sarcastically crossing her arms.

“Oh look she’s sulking” Paul teased.

“I am not!” she objected making the boys chuckle. They all got up and headed towards the door.

“Bye, Charlie thanks for the goodies” Embry called out as Paul and Quil waved going ahead leaving Jacob standing outside on the porch.

“Sorry we have to leave so early” he apologized.

“It’s ok” she gave a small laugh “I can’t expect you… or the guys” she added quickly “To always hang out with me. You guys have other things to do, I get it.”

“Well, don’t say it like that! " he groaned "It makes me feel like I’m ditching you”
“Well aren’t you?” she teased.

He rolled his eyes offended “of course not”

She smiled “I kid Jake”

“Sure, sure” he said waving her off as he walked away causing her to chuckle.

“Silly Jake” she said when she thought he was out of hearing range.

“I heard that!” he called out and disappeared into the woods.

She rolled her eyes, how the heck did he do that?


His oversized paws connected gracefully on the soil as he raced to catch up with his pack members. His pack member’s thoughts coming into view almost like a movie playing inside his head. That was one of the peculiar things he hated about being a shape shifter. There was no privacy. He didn’t have the freedom to think about anything without having someone invade his thoughts. Nothing was kept a secret. That’s why he was always cautious on whatever passed his mind.

What are you trying to be so cautious about?” Embry’s thoughts flooded Jacob’s head.

“What?” Jacob asked a bit disoriented.

“You said that’s why you were so cautious on whatever passed your mind” Embry explained. “So what is it?”

Jacob was in total oblivion that he had actually had thought that, so much for being cautious.
“Yeah Jake, tell a story” Quil pressed.

“It’s nothing, just let it go” Jacob concealed his thoughts immediately not wanting his pack mates to hear anymore of his thoughts.

“Sharing is caring Jake, sharing is caring remember that” Embry said.

Jacob rolled his eyes. He had actually become better at hiding his thoughts from his pack mates ever since Bella, his pack members had made it clear that they didn’t want to hear him whining about his Bella dilemmas. So it forced him to keep to himself, which indeed it came in handy. They didn’t have to hear him think how making amends with Gray was the best decision he could have possibly ever make.

Gray was so distinct to the original concept he had of her. Where he thought her a bitch, she was possibly the most soft-hearted girl he had ever associated with. Where he thought she was self centered, she was everything but that, in fact she didn’t give much credit to herself and he honestly couldn’t fathom that. She was magnificent.

“So what’s going on?” Jacob asked shaking off Charlie from his mind.

“Sam said there was a weird scent east of the border” Jared informed him.

“Does he know what it is? ” Jacob perked up in interest.

“No” This time it was Sam who spoke. “ But that’s why I wanted you all to come along, so we could check it out”

The shape shifters ran along besides each other. Their paws thumped on the dirt harmonizing with each other as they raced to their destination. The harsh wind blew against them making their velvety fur fly in different directions. As they soon reached east of the border a distinct smell passed through their nostrils. It was something that they had never come across. They came to a halt and analyzed their surroundings. It was silent. Instantly they could feel a presence changing the atmosphere adding a tension in the air. It wasn’t that sickly sweet scent vampires gave out. It was different. They couldn’t quite perceive the smell.

“What is it?” Seth asked alert looking around.

“I don’t know” Sam vigilantly looked around.

The pack members looked around standing on their paws ready to pounce on whatever dared to defy them. A blaring wind blew through the forest, the trees rumbling wildly causing the shape shifters to crouch in hurt as their ears absorbed the eerie sound.

“Ah! What is that!” Embry cried in pain.

“Shit, shit, shit!” Paul yelled shaking his head vehemently.

Their sight was blinded by the wind puffing against their eyes. Soon enough the wind died down and they were able to look up without pain crossing them. They got up quickly scanned the area.


“What the fuck was that?” Jacob cried out.

“Did anybody see that shit?!” Embry bellowed as he shook his fur.

“What are we going to do?” it was Seth who spoke.

Sam was struck with silence, not knowing what to do. What was that? Sam cleared his throat.

“We don’t know what it is, but you all know what that means. We are going to have to double the shifts until we figure out what this is.” Sam announced, trying to shake off his shock. The boys for once did not complain, knowing something was definitely not right.

But what could it be?
♠ ♠ ♠
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Did that sound desperate??? I hope it did.. :)

Have a Happy New Years Y'all! :)


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