Seize The Night


Halloween for Zachary James Baker was like Christmas for a child. He loved every moment of it at this moment he was looking in his standing mirror, Looking at his reflection. ‘I’m going to do it tonight.’ he thought to himself. All his friends around, in front of everyone. It meant the world to him right now.

One more glance, he giggled as he looked at himself in the mirror, scarecrow. Yeah good luck for anyone taking him seriously.

One shaky step at a time and was making it down the stairs, Glenda was standing there making Carmel apples. Gracefully making her way throughout the small kitchen, to grab whatever she needed. He watched for a moment in complete awe at her body.

“The guests will be arriving in about 30 minutes so close your mouth and help me out here.”

Zacky realized he was looking like a fool staring at her. He quickly corrected himself adjusted his shirt or um rags and walked over to his girlfriend. She handed him a stick. He quickly realized he had no idea what the fuck he was doing. Noting his confused face she instructed him through.

“Put the stick into the apple and dip like so.” She demonstrated

Zacky did it and within 20 minutes they had over 90 apples made.

“Do you think this is enough?” Zacky questioned.

“With Brian in the house, no but that’s all we can make.”

They looked and started to clean their kitchen. It was spotless in 10 minutes right then Zacky heard the door bell ring. He opened the door and there stood Brian in a devil costume, Jessica in a angel costume, and AJ in a sexy nurse outfit. Zacky giggled.

“Shut up at least I’m not made from straw.”

“A devil Brian? Really? You could have tried harder.”

“What? Devil? No no no no you have it all wrong dearest scare crow. For I am Andrealphus the prince of lust.”

“I’m sorry, I don’t know my rulers of hell Sir. Gates. But that does explain why they are with you.”

Brian smilled and walked into the kitchen. Looking for his ‘treat’ he took three carmal apples with him. And went to the living room.

Guest continued to arrive and in an hour almost everyone was there dancing in his makeshift dance floor.

Most of them were gitting tipsy. Matt showed up in a priest and Jane showed up as a nun. Jimmy and Kameron shoed up as prince charming and Cinderella and Johnny showed up being, as he called it “little big bird”

Zack saw his beautiful Brianna, and decided the moment was now. So he gotten everybody’s attention by clinking a glass and a fork together.

“I would like to ask something to my girlfriend In front of all of my family and friends. Okay so here we go.” He took a deep breath got down on one knee, pulled out a velvet box and spoke from his heart, in a poem she would never forget. “ You're the first thing I think of
Each morning when I rise
You're the last thing I think of
When I close my eyes

You're in each thought I have
And every breath I take
My feelings are growing stronger
With every move you make

You're an angel from above
who takes away my pain
My love for you is so strong
It's always just the same

You're the miracle in my life
Who can always make me smile
Just knowing that you care
Makes my life worth-while

You've touched my heart and soul
Which you have from the start
Your warm soft words
Will never leave my heart

You are everything I want
You're so pure and true
I love you with everything I have
And I love everything that you do,
Brianna Kathrin Young, will you marry me?” She nodded her head as he slipped the ring around her slinder finger. She hugged him tightly and kissed him deeply. And then as everyone cheered around her she grabbed the same glass and fork and clanked them together to stop the cheering. Everyone looked at her.

“I was going to say this in private but I think now would be a good time.” She smiled lightly and nervously spoke. “I’m pregnant.” Brian laughed loud as Zacky’s vision became blurry and he ended up in a heap on the floor.
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So i don't own Zacky and A7X at all or the little poem thingy