How to Be Popular


Table of Contents


Lesson 1
What is it that makes you unpopular?

Lesson 2
What do you think that you can do to change that?

Lesson 3
Look at the popular people that you know.How can you change your image to look just like them?

Lesson 4
How do the popular people act?

Lesson 5
What activities can you participate in to make yourself appear "cool"?

Lesson 6
Who do you have to leave behind on the road to popularity?

Lesson 7
In the end,was being popular really worth changing yourself?

I saw the book in the mall. It seemed to be calling out to me. As stupid as it sounds, it's the truth.

How To Be Popular

It said in bold lettering.

It caught my eye immediately.

I've been praying for something like this since I started school and all of the other little kids threw animal crackers and crayons at me and called me a freak.

It was as if god was finally answering those prayers in the form of a book.

I read the summary on the back.

Have you ever felt alone? Left out? Under appreciated? Were you always picked last in gym class or had to work by yourself on group assignments? Well that's about to end! In this book you will go through seven lessons on how to become popular. Whether you are looking for popularity in the classroom or in the work office, we've got the answer!

I had to buy it.

Even though it was expensive and I had to use a whole months' allowance, I didn't care. 15 years of being an outcast was more then enough.

And finally, those days were over.

"What'd you buy that for?" Tom asked when I had gotten home.

He picked it up and examined it.

I grabbed the book back out of his hands.

"It's none of your business!"

Tom laughed.

"You're never going to be popular. It's hopeless."

"Shut up, Tom!"

I ran to my room and shut the door.

He didn't understand what it was like to be unpopular. Everybody in school loved him.

To him, I must be such an LBR!

And LBR is a Loser Beyond Repair. I got that phrase from a book, The Clique Series.

Oh god... maybe I am an LBR! What type of boy reads The Clique Series? How gay is that?

Maybe it is hopeless.

I don't know...but I'll give it a try.

I opened up to lesson one and started to read.
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I know that it's short but as it's just the introduction the other chapters will be longer =]