How to Be Popular

Lesson 2

What can you do to change that?

So it seems that Jack was really serious after all. So far, he hasn't said anything like 'it was just a joke fag' or something.

Should I trust him?

But he told me that I had to keep it a secret. If I even told one person, then he wouldn't go with me anymore.

"Let's make it a surprise," he'd whispered to me after class.


I swear, I was so happy that I skipped to my next class.

And then I thought of all of the possibilities! If I hung out with Jack, that might make me popular!

That night at dinner my mom and step dad seemed happy about something.

"I have some very exciting news!" Gordon said happily.

"What is it?" I asked.

Tom seemed interested, too. I had a feeling that mom already knew whatever it was.

"I got promoted! And with my new job it's going to be a bit far so we're moving!"


Tom and I asked at the same time.

"Why would I joke?"

"OH MY GOD!!! This is like sooo cool! I can't wait!"

I knew that if we moved, then I would be going to a new school and start over. No one there would hate me, so no one to hate me.

However, Tom didn't seem as happy.

"How could you do this to me? What about my friends? My girlfriend? Everyone!"

"You can email them," mom said.

Tom rolled his eyes and went to his room, yelling, "This isn't fair! Why do you all hate me?"

"COUGHspoiledbratCOUGH," I said.

Then I turned to Gordon.

"So when are we leaving?"


"Cool! I can't wait. I wonder what it'll be like, and if I'll make any new friends...I hope so! Oh my god, this is going to be so awesome!"

I went to my room to read more of the book. I knew that I had to study up on how to be popular before we moved, so that I could make a good first impression on everyone. First impressions are lasting, and I knew that if I made a bad one then I might as well flush my dreams of popularity down the toilet.

Lesson 2

What do you think that you can do to change your social status?

There are many options to the above question. Many are difficult, however. It's not easy to become popular if you are already a freak. You have to really want it.

Ask yourself: how much do you want to be popular?

"I really want it," I whispered. "I need it. I want to be accepted and loved by everyone. I want to Tom."

It's true. I know that he hates me but I really admire him. I want to be just like him.

Popular. Outgoing. Loved.

Everything that I'm not.

It was Friday, the night of the dance and the night before we were going to be moving, and I was freaking out.

"Mommy! I can't find my eyeliner. Oh my god oh my god oh my god!!!! What am I going to do?"

I was yelling and hyper and excited and happy and nervous and about a million other different emotions all at the same time.

I can't believe that Jack is supposed to pick me up in twenty minutes and I can't even find my freaking eyeliner!

"Mommy, where is your eyeliner? Can I use it? I can't find mine and I have to get ready!"

"It's in the box by the kitchen table."

We had already started packing which made everything worse. I couldn't find a thing! Our house was a mess.

I quickly put on the eyeliner. Then I brushed my long black hair over my eyes and went outside to wait for Jack. He told me to wait outside, by the street, but I don't understand why....

After a couple of minutes of standing outside [wearing my favorite black sweater and black jeans] a limo slowly pulled down the street.

Jack was standing with his body halfway out of the sunroof on top of the limo, smiling at me.

"Hey, Bill. Are you ready?"

I nodded , smiling. he really came! It wasn't all a joke!

But then, with another smirk, he reached into the limo and pulled out something.

"Close your eyes Bill."

I did, and after a moment I felt something cold and wet hit me in the eye. And more things kept on hitting me. I heard him laughing.

I opened my eyes to see him throwing rotten eggs at me.

I started crying.

"Awww...did I make you cry, fag? Did you really think that I would ask a freak like you to the dance? You disgust me."

I ran away from there.

i went to a park and sat there, crying. I definitely wasn't going to go to the dance now, and I wasn't going to go back home like a loser after I told my mom that i was going.

I realized that I had had the book with me in my backpack [which I carry with me everywhere.].

I just stared at it for a couple of minutes.

As if wondering if this book could really hold all of the answers. Could it really help me to become popular? Can one little book really change my whole life?

I thought of all of the people who hate me.

Tom...Hayley...Jack....random people....

It didn't make any sense. I'd never done anything wrong to any of them. What is it about me that they hate so much to make my life miserable? I don't understand why so many people hate me.

It makes me hate myself.

I knew that I needed to change myself somehow. And hopefully the answers are in this book.

I opened the book to where I left off and started to read.

I assume that you are dedicated to becoming popular as you are still reading this book and haven't decided to use it as a doorstop or object in which to throw at people.

But what are you willing to do to become popular?

Are you willing to sacrifice your time, money, and nerdy yet true personality all to be cool?

We suggest that you try to start over in a new place where no one knows you. Move to a new school or get a new job. It's a lot harder to get people to like you if they already hate you.

I couldn't help but think oh how perfect it was that we were moving tomorrow.

I swear, Gordon's' promotion couldn't have come at a better time.

Especially after tonight with Jack I never wanted to go back to that school again.

Knowing him, I'd have to say that he probably had a friend inside the limo, taping it all.

He probably also told the whole school that he asked me to the dance as a joke and then threw rotten eggs at me from the sunroof of his daddy's limo [oh yeah, he's rich by the way].

I sighed.

I realized that i didn't even really care anymore.

There were plenty of assholes in the world, and they keep ruining my life. but that's because I let them.

I looked at the clock on my cell phone. I had only been there for 15 minutes.

The dance wasn't going to end for another three hours.

Maybe I could still go....

I could show everyone that I'm stronger then they think I am.

But first...

I had to do a little change.

I can't go to a dance as I look now, can I?

My hair is a mess and my eyeliner is smeared. I have egg goo all in my hair and on my clothes. And this all black outfit doesn't do a thing except make me look like I'm going to a funeral.

I looked at the title of the next lesson.

Look at the popular people that you know. How can you change your outer appearance to look just like them?

Teeheehee...this should be interesting

I stood up and grabbed my backpack. Putting it over my shoulder, I skipped to the bus stop, humming a song by Nena.

I had everything in my head that I was going to do and, luckily, a credit card.

A change is definitely what I needed, and I knew that in the end I was going to look absolutely gorgeous!
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lol I know that it was a little bit like the movie "Never been Kissed" but i didnt mean it to be like that! But still, it's a good movie =]

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