How to Be Popular

Lesson 4

Lesson 4
How do the popular people act?

I must've fallen asleep on the car ride there, because I woke up a few hours later.

We were parked in the driveway of a huge white house in a nice neighborhood.
I got out of the car and went inside the huge house.

There were 5 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, two living rooms, a kitchen, a dining room, a gym, a pool, and a game room.

"My God! Gordon, where do you work again?" I asked.

"Well,I was a regular boring old lawyer but now I'm a celebrity lawyer! And I got paid a lot of money to help Paris Hilton stay out of jail and to help Britney Spears get her kids back."

"Oh my god so you've met them?"

He nodded.

"Well, can you let me meet them?"

He shook his head, laughing.

"No, Bill. Besides, you don't even know English and I doubt either one of them knows German."

"Dammit. So which room is mine?" I wondered.

Before I could get an answer though, I started looking at all of the bedrooms so that I could find the one that I wanted before Tom could.

I ended up choosing a room in the back of the house with a view of the large backyard and pool.

The pool... I can already imagine the parties!

Everyone would be going wild, drinking, smoking, destroying the house while I'd be in here making out with some lucky person.

And then the neighbors would call the police because of the noise and I'd blame it all on Tom!

I can't wait!

After taping a sign to the door that said "Bills Room: KEEP OUT!" I went back outside to the moving van to start unpacking.

That night we all sat in the living room on a new giant couch and ate pizza.

"What do you all think of the house?" Gordon asked.

"It's really big!" I said.

"Yeah, it is. But that's a good thing! And we have two extra guest bedrooms so that you two can invite friends over."

"Cool," said Tom.

"Are you boys ready for school Monday?" Mom asked.

"I guess," I replied, trying to hide my excitement. I was going to be so popular!

"I just hope that there will be a lot of hot girls there," said Tom.

I rolled my eyes.

"Well even if there are a lot of hot girls there that doesn't mean that they'll like you! However, about me... I see a lot of girls in my future!"

Mom seemed surprised.

"Bill, honey, you like girls?"

Tom started laughing. My face turned red.

Even my own mom thought that I was gay? How embarrassing!

"Of course I like girls! I'm bi!"

She sighed.

"Bill, you know that we'll still love you if you're gay, right?"

Tom couldn't stop laughing. Even Gordon looked ready to laugh.

"Mom! I told you, I like girls! I'm not the old Bill anymore! Why can't you just accept that your little girl has grown up and become a teenage boy?"

There was a pause, and then we all burst out laughing. Well, except mom. It was actually pretty funny, though. But I didn't mean to say it that way!

Mom looked upset.

"I'm sorry it's just...Bill, why did you have to change? Do you even want to go on our weekly spa getaways and shopping trips anymore?"

"Mom! Why do you want a girl so badly that you treat your son like one?"

"But you never had a problem with it before!"

"Well I do now."

"But don't you want to go to the mall with me and help me pick out a new bathing suit for our pool? You can get one, too! We'll go tomorrow."



"Because I'm a 15 year old BOY and I do not want to go shopping with my mom! Sooooooo , Tom, Gordon, want to watch baseball?"

Mom started doing more unpacking as us boys watched baseball.

Truthfully, I have no idea how to play baseball and I was totally confused and definitely bored.

The one player tagged a player from the other team and everyone cheered, including Tom and Gordon.

"What did he do?" I asked.

No one answered me.

I went back to my new room to unpack stuff. It was then that I came across the book.

Although I was already getting the hang of popularity, I decided to read some more.

How do the popular people act?

Now that you have (hopefully) changed your appearance, think to yourself; how do the popular people act?
Do they eat lunch in the bathroom or sit in the back during classes?
They are friendly, but at the same time know that others have to be privileged to talk to them.
They know that they are better then everyone else, and they act that way.
Popular people don't let losers put them down.
They are strong, ambitious, and willing.
They don't take shit from anyone.
The key to popularity; be confident.
Confidence is Key.

Our first day of school came quickly.

It was already late January, so well into the school year.

Good, I could make a late entrance. Don't celebrities do that at parties/award shows?

My mom insisted on taking Tom and I, so we got into the car and left.

I was dressed normally, with a green shirt and jeans. And, of course, Tom had on his normal wannabe gangster clothes. Pathetic...

Once we received our schedules from the office we went to our first period class.

I was glad to see that Tom and I had the same schedules. Tom may be an annoying, spoiled brat, but I knew that having an identical twin brother near me at all times will be better for my popularity. People just can't resist two good looking twins! Even if I was the better looking...

When we walked into the classroom, everyone in the room stared at us.

The old me would've hid shyly behind Tom.

But the new,confident and popular me gave the class a big smile. Then I showed the teacher my schedule. Tom did the same.

"Well, children! It looks like we have two new students! Would you like to introduce yourselves?"

"Hey,I'm Bill. And this idiot next to me is Tom."

Tom nodded. "Yeah, what he said - wait! Did you just call me an idiot?"

I laughed and said to the class, "See what I mean? Jeez, Paris Hilton is smarter then this airhead!"

"Shut up, asshole!"

The teacher sighed.

"Boys, be quiet and take your seats!"

Tom and I sat down in desks towards the back.

That period went by quickly. At lunch, however, things got more interesting.

Tom seemed to have already of found a group of wannabe gangsters to hang out with, so I was by myself.

I saw a group of kids who were clearly the popular kids - 3 girls - a blond, brunette, and Asian girl - and 3 boys, probably their boyfriends.

I decided to sit with them. If I wanted to be popular, I had to act like I was something special.

"Hey. can I sit here? I'm new, and you all look cool."

Did I sound lame?

"Uh...don't you have any losers to sit with?" One of the boys asked.

"Well, THAT was an original line! How long did it take you to think that one up? And are you implying that I'm a loser? You probably can't even SPELL loser!"

"Yes I can! L-O-O-Z-A-R. See? Now who looks stupid?"

"Still you apparently. Do your parents love you?"

The three girls giggled.

"You're cute! Sit with us?" The Asian girl asked.

"I guess," I said, trying not to make a big deal out of it.

"I'm Bill, by the way."

"I'm Miaka," said the Asian girl.

"Jessi," the brunette replied.

"Julia." The blond said.

I found out also the boys' names. Miaka dated Zac, the loser who couldn't spell loser, Jessi dated Alex, and Julia dated Dylan. All 6 of them, boys and girls, were hot, I have to admit. It's no wonder they were popular.

"So tell us about yourself!" Jessi said.

"OK. Well... I have an identical twin brother."

"That is so cool!" Said Julia. "Where is he?"

"He's the retard with the dreads over there." I pointed him out.

"Oh...really? Identical?"

I nodded.

"Can't you tell?" I asked sarcastically.

"Why is his hair like that?" Miaka asked.

I laughed.

"Well... he was young when he got the dreads and my parents decided to give them to him. I guess they don't like him very much."

They laughed.

"You are so cool! You must have been really popular at your old school!" Julia commented.

I laughed.

"You wouldn't be able to imagine... actually, my brother was pretty popular, too. I don't know why..."

Everyone looked over at him.

"Well... he is cute," said Jessi.

"Yeah. Too bad he's hanging out with those gangsters already," said Miaka.

I sighed.

"'s too bad. Oh well!"

As if he could hear us talking about him, he came over to us.

"Hey, I'm Tom. I see that you've already met my brother..."

Everyone introduced themselves. Tom took the last empty seat at the table.


"Wow... I can't believe that you're really twins!" Said Dylan.

"Who's older?" Alex asked.

"I am," replied Tom.

"can you two, like, read each others' minds?" Asked Julia.

I laughed.

"No...thank god."

Tom rolled his eyes.

Just then the bell rang for the end of lunch. I grabbed my books and stood up. A nerdy boy came over to me and Tom.

"Um...hello new students! I'd like to say on behalf of the science club - "

"Ew," I interrupted.

"Uh...well, um welcome to our school!"

He ran away to get to class.

"Freak," I said loudly. Tom and my new friends all laughed.

"So...will you two sit with us again tomorrow?" Miaka asked.

I laughed.

"You want Tom to sit here?"

"Sure! Twins = coolness!" Said Jessi.

"And you are nothing without your twin," said Zac, putting much emphasis on the word nothing.

"OK! Tom stays!"

" nice of you!" Tom said sarcastically.

i rolled my eyes.


They left to go to their classes.

I said to Tom,"You're lucky that MY new friends like twins, or else you'd be nothing right now."

He laughed.

"Oh, really? Well, you'll find out soon enough that popularity isn't all glamorous!"

"Well it's nice so far..."

He rolled his eyes.

"Whatever... let's get to class."

When we got home from school that day, of course mom asked how it was.

"It was alright," I said, trying not to sound lame.

But really, I had fun. My first day and I already have 6 new friends and they were popular! And no one was throwing things at me, or calling me a freak.

No...I just called someone else a freak. But that kid seriously had it coming. I mean, he was like in the science club! Disgusting...

"Oh my god the lead singer is like soooo hot!"

We were sitting in lunch and I was totally bored. Tom and the other boys were talking about sports and the girls were all obsessing over some new band.

"They are soooo cool! If Gerard Way went to my school then I'd definitely be his girlfriend! Guys who sing in rock bands are hot!" miaka said.

I entered the conversation.

"Wat a coincidence! I'm the lead singer of a band."

"Really?! you sing?" Jessi asked.

"A little bit."

"Well you have to play at our schools' Valentines' dance!" Miaka replied.

"Valentines' Day? When is that again?"

"About two weeks. But I'm sure that your band is amazing, so there's nothing to worry about, right?" Julia asked.

I laughed nervously.

"Of course we are amazing! And Tom is the guitarist, by the way."

"Cool! I can't wait to hear you guys1" Jessi said.

"Yeah well... 2 weeks!"

"We have a problem," I said to Tom after school.

"We? Or you?"


"I'm interested. What sort of problem is this?"

"Well... I told a little lie today.

"Get to the point!"

"OK! Well, I told Miaka, Jessi, and Julia that me and you have a band and that we would perform in two weeks at the Valentines' Day dance."


"Sorry! But it can't be that bad, right? I mean, you already play the guitar and I can sing! We can throw something together, please?"

"And what if i say no?"

"Then you lose your popularity. Remember? The 'twin thing'."

"Oh. Yeah. Dammit."

Mom came home from work just then.

"Boys! Tonight we are having a party and I invited everyone on the street so that we can meet our new neighbors!"

I groaned.

"Mom! Why do you have to do stuff like this? We don't want to meet the neighbors!"

"You will do as I say! Now go up to your room and do your homework. Tom, you too. The people will be here in an hour."

An hour later people started coming. They kept saying stuff like "Welcome to the neighborhood" and it was so boring.

I was sitting on the couch, staring at the TV, when a blond boy came up to me.

"What are you watching?" He asked, laughing.

The TV was turned off.

"I was pretending that I was watching Project Runway. However, my mom doesn't want me to have the TV on when guests are over. She says it's rude."

He laughed.

"My mom's the same way. Parents... can't live with them, can't live without their credit cards!"


"I'm glad you agree. I'm Andreas, by the way. I live three houses down."

"I'm Bill."

"Cool. So how old are you?"


"Awesome, so am I! What school do you go to?"

I found out that him and I went to different schools, but that didn't matter. We hung out for a while, until Tom came over to me, two boys with him.

"Hey, Bill! I've found our band!"

"You have a band?" Andreas asked.

"Well... I do now."

"This is Georg - he plays bass - and Gustav, who plays the drums."

"Hi," they said in unison.

"Hello. And Tom, this is Andreas. Andreas, this is my twin brother, Tom."

"Hey. You guys are twins? How lucky!

I laughed.


"Well, I'm an only child and I'd be happy to have a sibling. So you're both lucky."

"Hey, if you want a sibling so badly, take him!"

Tom rolled his eyes.

"Why do you hate me?"

"Awww, don't cry, Tom! Write a song about your pain, we're going to need one!"

"Whatever. Georg, Gustav, do you want to see my new video game system?"

And they went off to his room.

Andreas and I were just starting up a conversation again when a girl came up to me.

"Hey, Bill!"

" I know you?"

"We go to the same school! Everyone there knows you - you're the new popular kid! Can I be your girlfriend?"

"Are you popular?"


"Then leave my house and never come back. Bye!"

She left sadly.

"So I'm guessing that you're popular?" Andreas asked.

"A little..."

"How do you get popular? I mean,it's not like I'm a loser or anything but things could definitely get better..."

"Well... I don't know if I can help you with that."

"Why? Obviously you did something to get popular!"

I shrugged.

"Not really...popularity just comes naturally to me," I lied. "It must be my stunning good looks!"

Andreas just stared at me. I laughed.

"I was joking!" I said, even though I really wasn't.He laughed nervously.

"Oh...OK, then."

After a while Andreas and everyone else left.

"So what do you think?" Tom asked me.

"About what?"

"Georg and Gustav! Do you think that they'll be good for our band?"

I rolled my eyes.

"They'll have to do, I suppose."

The next day at school I noticed people saying hi to me in the hallways more. And quite a few girls asked me out (of course I declined, they weren't popular!). It was weird, but I have to admit that I was loving the attention.

"Bill, have you see this?" Miaka asked me while I was at my locker. She had in her hands the most recent issue of the schools' student - ran newspaper. On the front cover was a picture of our table at lunch, and an article about me and Tom, the new popular twins.

"Well, it looks like the other students accept you!" She said.

"Really? So I'm officially popular?"

She nodded, smiling.

"I knew from the moment that I saw you in the cafeteria and you dissed my boyfriend that you were destined for popularity!"

I laughed.

"Aren't you mad that I dissed your boyfriend?"

She shrugged.

"Not really. Anyways, you're right, he is a loser."

"Well it was so obvious.."

"Yeah, exactly!"

"But why is he your boyfriend if you think he's a loser?"

She smiled.

"He's rich, and hot. I know that all of the other girls are jealous."

"Probably. But you can definitely find better then him."



"Like who?"

"Me," I whispered in her ear.

I knew that she knew what I was going to say, but she put a shocked look on her cute little face and giggled.

"You're such a naughty boy! Devilish!"

"I know."

"It's not a bad thing, though. Hey, do you want to skip first period and make out in the janitors' closet?"

"But what about your boyfriend?"

She laughed.

"What he doesn't know can't hurt him! Me and you are friends, right? We can have a little fun, can't we?"

I nodded.

"Sure. Let's go."

I put my books back in my locker and she led me to the janitors' closet. Most of the people were already in their homeroom, so hopefully no one saw us and was stupid enough to tell Zac.

The closet was small and all it had was a broom, a mop, a bucket of water, and some type of cleaner.

"Not very glamorous," Miaka commented.

I shrugged.

"It doesn't have to look pretty," I replied, as I pushed her against the wall and crashed my lips against hers.

Forty minutes later we were walking out of the closet at the sound of the bell. I went to the bathroom, trying to make sure that no one could tell what I had been doing. My hair was a bit messed up but I just quickly brushed it back into place. Tom came in to the bathroom.

"Where the hell were you first period?"

"No where."


"Yes. I just sat in here on the floor and listened to my Mp3 player."

"Oh, really? Because I heard differently."

"And what did you hear?"

"I heard that you were making out with Miaka, who by the way has a boyfriend!"

"So? It didn't mean anything. Truthfully, I don't even like her like that. We were just two good friends, having fun. It's not like we're dating or anything."

"But still! You've changed, Bill! That's something that not even I would do!"

"Oh, really? Or are you just mad because I thought of it first? No one's stopping you. Go find Julia, she's stupid, and make out with her second period. The closet's free."

"How can you just act like it was nothing?"

"Because it was nothing. Why are you making more of a big deal out of this then I am?"

The bell rang.

"Dammit, Tom! Now you've made me late to class! I might as well skip."

"And make out with someone else?"

"With who? Me and you are the only ones probably not in class yet."

"Yeah, and we're brothers. I don't think that even you would go that far."

I laughed.

"Why are you laughing like that?"

"Oh...Tomi! Don't tell me that you've never thought of it!"

"Of what?"

"Kissing me!"

"What?! We're brothers, that's wrong!"

I rolled my eyes.

"I won't blame you, I mean, I am gorgeous!"

Toms' mouth dropped open.

"And a narcissist! You're crazy, Bill!"

"Am I?"

I walked closer to him and put my arms around his waist. He tried pulling away but I had him tight.

"'re starting to scare me!"
I laughed and brought my lips closer to his.

"Come kiss?"

"But you're my brother!"

"So? What does that have to do with anything? Lips are lips, does it matter whose lips those are? And besides... being brothers and twins, we have a special bond."

"What are you talking about?"

I leaned in all the way and slowly kissed him. Tom gasped, surprised (as if he didn't see it coming!) but he didn't break the kiss. I deepened that kiss, as I leaned closer to him so that we were touching. When the kiss ended, I pulled back, smiling. But Tom didn't look as happy.

"What the fuck was that?"

"A kiss. And a really good kiss, too."

"I know that it was a kiss! But why?"

I shrugged.

"Because I felt like it. But I like it, didn't you?"

"How could I? You're my fucking brother, we shouldn't be kissing each other!"

"Well, OK, maybe it is wrong, but doesn't that makes it even better, taking a risk with it?"

"I don't know!"

"Well you should know! And you never answered my question! Did you like it?"

Tom sighed. It took a while for him to answer.


"I knew it!"

"But this doesn't mean anything!" Said Tom.

"What do you mean?"

"Well... this doesn't mean that we're dating or anything, right?"

"Why not?"

"Because we're brothers! Twins!"

"So? How much do you want to bet that a lot of people in this school are dying to see us make out?"

"What? how could you say that?"

"It's the truth! If you saw two hot twin girls in this school, wouldn't you want them to make out?"

"Hell Yeah!"


"But what if we did kiss and everyone thought that it was gross and hated us?"

"Well what if we were drunk when it happened?"

"And how are we going to get drunk?"

"Valentines Day. Miaka mentioned something earlier about a party at Zacs' house after the dance. It's perfect."

"Well I don't know..."


"OK, I'll think about it! But I think that we should get to class."

"You do know that if we go to class now we'll get detention for being late, right?"

"I don't care, I just want to get away from this madness!"

"OK. See you later, cutie!"

I smacked his but as he left. Well, he pretty much ran out the door...

When Tom got home from school, he seemed mad.

"Where were you for the rest of the day?"

"Is that how you greet me, baby? How rude!"

Tom rolled his eyes.


He kissed me.

"So where were you?""

"Oh... yeah... I decided to skip the rest of the day and I came home. Oh and when's our band rehearsal with... what were their names?"

"Georg and Gustav."

"Yeah! Them! The ugly ones!"

"They aren't that ugly..."

"Well, next to perfection - I mean, me - they are."

Tom laughed.

"You are so vain."

I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, shut up, you know you love me!"

"Yeah... and I don't know why... But anyways, it's tomorrow."

"Dammit. Did you write a song yet?"

"Yeah, I wrote it during math."

He got a piece of paper out of his backpack and handed it to me. I read it.

I'm popular
You love me
can't get enough of me
I'm hot
I'm cool
i own a really big house
with a pool!
yo i get what i want
when i want
cus I'm a fucking star
you know you love me
don't hide it
I'm hot, I'm fierce
and be really jealous that you're not me
so sad you know it
I'm a player not a hater

It was too painful to read. I held it up in front of his face.

"This" - I ripped it in half "- is -" I ripped it in fourths "-shit-" I threw the pieces in his face.

"What? But I spent all period on it!"

"So? It's terrible!"

"Well if my lyrics are so terrible then go write some yourself."


He smiled.

"Good, have fun with it, Bill!"

Why do I have the feeling that he purposely wrote sucky lyrics just to get me to write them instead?

God, I don't have time for silly things such as this!
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please comment because i hardly get any comments! =[