A Modern Jack and Jill

Can she bargin to stay away forever?

Every morning, she would wake up; go back to Matt’s house to feed, play and water Rhett, then go to work. She would work all day till about 4pm, go back to Matt’s house, grab Rhett, take him for a walk, bring him back, give him fresh water and kibble, then be back at Brent’s house for 7pm. Eat dinner talk and sleep. She wasn’t that worried about Rhett because the maid, Antoinette, came everyday to vacuum, dust, water plants, keep up the house in general. Plus, Rhett got along with her so he was taken care of every day. Sandrine just in case, left a not to Antoinette telling her about the incident.

Antoinette was an aged woman not old but, mid 50’s so she understood and wrote back ‘mum’s the word’ and cared for the pup.

This whole camaraderie lasted for about two months. Brent was well aware of what happened for Sandrine did eventually crack and tell him. Yet as aggressive as Matt was, he called the house to talk to Sandrine, every time he either left a message on the machine or Antoinette would pick up and say she was away. He put up with this for about a month. Antoinette would always have an excuse.

She’s at the salon, at a friend’s house, she’s sleeping, out with Rhett, on her jog, at the mall, always something until finally Matt got fed up with being lied to. No one could be that busy! Despite weekends. Sandrine was never a party girl, but she would run errands with her mom, go shopping fro some project, go to the grocery store, do business trips or just be busy. No one could be as much of a busy body as Antoinette was leading on.

He finally asked her, “Antoinette, where is Sandi?”

“I told you, she’s sleeping.”

“I want to talk to her. Wake her up.”

With Spanish superstition, “No sir, you don’t wake a sleeping body. You get bad luck.”

“Would you please wake her up for me. I’m sure she is anxious to talk to me. We haven’t spoken in a while.”

“I’ll tell her when she wakes.”

“No. now.” He was starting to get pissed off.

“But sir…”

“I don’t give a shit if you or the queen of England gets bad luck. I wish to speak with her.”

“No.” she said flatly. She also dropped a crystal bowl, it made a loud clatter.

“I’m sure that whatever drooped must have woken her up. Put her on the phone.” He demanded vehemently.

She said “No.” firmly.

“Antoinette, where is she?”

“In bed.”

“Antoinette, if she was in bed at home where she should be, then she would be answering my calls. Now again, where is she?”

Antoinette stayed quiet and he came in through the receiver, “Antoinette, ¿Que estaba?”

“No.” she yelled but couldn’t hang up. She felt like Diablo himself had called to put a tag on her head.

Matt spoke again, “If you don’t tell me where she is, it will only make it harder for her when I find her.”

“I can’t tell you.”

“Why?” he snapped.

“Because I don’t know. She works at McDonalds somewhere. Other then that I don’t know.” Antoinette was crying, she was scared for Sandrine, she knew what Matt was capable of doing but prolonging it would only make matters worse.

“Thank you Antoinette. When you do see her, do tell her I’ll see her soon.” He hung up. Antoinette was hysterical, he had become worse than before. He was going to hurt her, bend her, possibly break her. She could ignore the threat and tell her he will be back or even not tell her at all. She could or should tell her to run for her life. She finally chose to say nothing at all. Sandrine was a smart girl; she would do the right thing when necessary.

Within the next week, A7X had canceled the tour for now, but would resume ASAP. Matt walked into the house and only a healthy Rhett met him at the door.
“Well, at least you’re here.” He laughed, “So, I guess the bitch isn’t that heartless, she at least fed you.”

He picked Rhett up and tickled his stomach. “Where is she Rhett?”

Rhett woofed, and had an ‘I know’ look in those brown puppy eyes.

“Show me.” Matt demanded.

He put the dog down and ran to retrieve the leash. Rhett dropped the leash at Matt’s feet.

“I be damned! You do know.” He slid the harness on to the pup, attached the lease and they went out.

It was a bit difficult to be incognito without a hat and shades, but they managed; Rhett brought him to the park where Sandrine and Rhett would take their walk but then Rhett smelt something.

Matt asked, “Is it her?”

Rhett woofed and started to go with his nose to the McDonalds where Sandrine was working.

“Gotcha.” They turned back and went back to the house.