A Modern Jack and Jill

guess she couldn't last in the real world too long

Sandrine was working the cashier when she heard a barking outside. She looked out the window and saw a blue healer. Wow that… that looks exceedingly like Rhett. But he’s at Matt’s …wait.’ She cursed her bad eyes, but regardless, she recognized the wicked smile that the man illuminated across his face. The man said something but obviously since Sandrine was no great lip reader, she had no clue. Instead she pretended not to see him, and carried on with her job.

When he had turned around and left, Sandrine went to her boss and asked for the next couple days off, or at the very least different hours. Her boss gave her two days off, two days with different hours but Friday she had to work normal hours. She finished up her work day and went directly home to Brent’s apartment. She told him now her week was going to flow and the reason why. He was fine with it and that was that.

Sandrine cleaned the house for the first two days also waking up at 4am to run to Matt’s house, to feed Rhett. It was a danger to go in but, Rhett had to be taken care of. Sandrine did the laundry all day long at Brent’s house because he had so much of it, then dusting, making the bed, cleaning dishes, and so on until she sat down to watch TV at 5 on both days. Brent and Sandrine had glasses of wine and diner that Sandi managed to make and not burn between all her chores then watched more TV and went to sleep.
The following two days were the same 4am wake up to feed Rhett, but strange thing was, there were notes. The first one was

Sandi, why don’t you talk to me?

She ignored the note at first but it was in her mind the rest of the day. Then the next day brought the note that was, in a word, reckless.

Come home or else.

Sandrine had noticed this note on the refrigerator when she was filling Rhett’s water bowl. “Shit.” She whispered as she read the note and dropped the bowl in the sink. It in turn made a din most likely stirring a sleeping Matt.

She filled the water bowl, gave Rhett a kiss then left just as Matt came around a corner. He yelled after her but the door was shut. He ripped open the door screaming out her name, running after her. She, having ran every morning for a while and while Matt had not, she quickly out ran him.

He growled in frustration, but turned back and roamed back to his house. Sandrine ran home, she locked the doors and windows, but wasn’t sure if even that could keep Matt out.

Sadly, Friday came; she was shaken but went to work regardless. She walked in at 8am; she was paranoid till about 10:30am. After that she was okay and did her job, no problem. Then at 12 noon, a black van pulled into the parking lot. Sandrine had over looked it and did up the orders at hand. Someone had walked in for the bell on the door rang. Sandrine went to the cashier, “Hello, welcome to McDonalds, can I take your order?” but when her eyes registered who the costumer was, her face dropped with fear.
The man smiled back menacingly, “Hey Baby Girl, where’s the boss?”

Sandrine stuttered, “C… Catharine?” her boss came to the counter, “this costumer wishes to speak to you.”

She started to walk away when Matt said, “Oh, come on Sandi, stay here.” She pivoted and stared at the floor anxiously.

“Catharine, is it?” her boss nodded, “May I have a word with Sandrine out side?”

“Sure, but I’ll need her back in a few minutes.”

Sandrine walked at a snail’s pace over to Matt. He grabbed her wrist, “Hello darling.”

Sandrine knew she was in for it, and her worry rose tenfold. He flipped her over his shoulder.

“Oh, Catharine, she won’t be coming back.”

With a struggling Sandrine, Matt walked out of the fast food restaurant to the van.
When he set her down she broke out, “What the fuck Matt?! What’s your problem? I’m not your god damn property.” She slapped his hand away.

“Oh, on the contrary, you are.” He aggressively grabbed her arms, tying them with a bandana shoving her in the front seat and buckling her hands down with the seat belt. Since she had nothing else to do, she stared out the window. In the van, the whole band was present. Why, it wasn’t quite clear.

When they got to the house, Matt dragged Sandrine into the house, “Why didn’t you come home?”

“Why should I?”

“Because it’s home, and you have no where to go. Where were you staying?”

“A friend’s house.”

“Male or female?”


“Don’t lie Sandrine.”

“Why not? You have this whole time, no doubt.”

“Now you are lying to yourself. I have yet to lie.”

“Then what was all that shit about you owning me?”

“When I first saw you I thought your face looked familiar then I saw a missing person’s poster that was from Massachusetts. I called the number and told your mother you were fine and that I would take care of you and that she shouldn’t worry about you.”
Sandrine’s expression went from anger and rage, to one of a feeling of betrayal. “Is that all she said?”

“Yes.” He said slightly hesitant.

“Oh, well, I’ll be with Rhett.” She walked out of the room ghost white, how could a mother do that? she guessed she could see why, the whole ‘male protect female type thing’. But it was a shock.

“Sorry.” Matt leaned against the door. “I just, I don’t want to lose you. You are my girl, it’s just I didn’t think you would walk out on me. Baby girls don’t grow wings and fly away. That’s what you are in my mind.”

He was hugging her, swaying side to side, trying to soothe her, but not much could soothe her but at least she wasn’t crying.

Matt stayed home for a week, but had to leave to go on the tour that had been delayed. He had sat Sandrine down and had talked to her. Heart to heart, sentimental stuff, which, in turn, eared Matt his ‘second chance’.

Sandrine thought to herself, well, even though he hasn’t been quite honest with me, he has shown me remorse and that I’m not some cheap fuck for him. As far as I know he hasn’t cheated either so, I suppose some half truths I’ll let slip… and his aggressive behavior…

Before Matt left he had taken her to a barn. He had spoken to the barn manager/ owner and had gotten the ‘ok’ Sandrine could come down and ride any horse. Her face had lit up like a candle on a dark night.

Matt had said that if she would not pull the stunt she did ever again, she was given keys to his car to drive down and go at her hobby.

So quickly Matt had left her, she was constantly at the barn. She rode everything under the sun, especially one particular palomino mare, Little Miss Sun Bar, great, great, grand niece to Doc Bar. She also had some Poco Bueno in her blood along with this up and coming cutting horse, Pony Boy Sundance. Within a week, Sandrine re-taught herself how to ride. She would take Rhett and ‘sunshine’ as she called the mare, out on rides in the hills all the way until Christmas Eve.

When she came home with Rhett on Christmas eve, who was home but the boys to surprise Sandi.

“Well, well, well, what a pleasant surprise to come home to, hey Rhett?”

The pup woofed in delight, leapt from the car to go ‘greet’ his guests. Matt launched the pup up into the air, catching him like the dog was a child. “Hey Rhett, d’ya miss me that much?” he bolstered.

Sandrine walked up to Matt, “Hello sir, may I help you?” she asked sweetly.

“Why yes you can, little lady.” He set the dog down then lifted Sandi up, twirled her in a circle and set her back down. “Hello darling.” He hugged her, “I missed you. Merry Christmas eve.”

“Hey pumpkin, I missed you too, and merry x-mas eve to you as well.”

They walked into the house, where Sandrine and Antoinette had decorated the house. Sandrine sat on the couch next to Matt, “How long are you staying?”

“A week, but next tour, we are going to Europe and you are coming with us.”

“Really?” she exited the question.


“Oh, god I’m going to faint. I’ve always wanted to see the world.” She was tickled pink and grinning from ear to ear, “Oh, I should start packing!”

“Why? You have till after Christmas.” He suggested so she calmed down and they sat there chatting.