A Modern Jack and Jill

Let The FUN Begin!

Matt was at the front of the bus drinking his pity away.

The next couple of days consisted of driving and shows. Matt was still distant but drunk the whole time. He was acting like he had broken up with a long time girlfriend, but deep down inside it was all an act that Sandi would drop her plan of revenge. He knew it was coming and it wouldn’t be pretty.

They arrived at Paris in this huge fancy hotel is where they were staying. Both Matt and Sandrine were sharing rooms, just to save space and money. Matt asked Sandi if she would like to go on a date in Paris. She politely declined saying she had plans to go out already and that she would take a rain check. She kissed his cheek and got ready to go, dressing in a long sleeve low cut cream colored dress that reached just above her knees. She put on some dark eyeliner and deep red lipstick. She took her purse, pecked Matt’s lips and left to the door.

Matt sighed, “So I can’t persuade you to drop your plans and stay with me?”

“Sorry babe, it’s not polite to do that, especially last minute.”

She turned around humming a tune the walked out of the door. Matt walked to the door just in time to see Sandi turn the corner and hear her giggle. Matt’s brain went haywire with jealousy and concern.

In the elevator, Zacky awaited Sandrine, she giggled at his seriousness, “Is everything ready?” she asked when the door shut. She slid closer to him.

“Yes, everyone in ready, your requests have all been met.”

She walked her fingers up his shoulder, “But…” she licked her lips.

“I do believe Matt is scurrying down the stairs as we speak.”

“So?” she moved in front of him, running her fingers down his chest.

“So, don’t get your lipstick all over me or it’ll be obvious.”

“And I’ll have to apply more, but I’ll try my hardest.”

Their rooms were on the 13th floor and had now gone down to the 10th. She slid her hands up Zacky’s chest and draped them around the back of his head and neck. Zacky wrapped his arms around Sandrine’s waist, touching the top of her butt. She rose up and started to kiss him gently. She generally started to get more passionate when he leaned to whisper in her ear.

“Come on Sandi, if this is your revenge put your back into it.”

He nibbled her ear. She pushed herself onto him, moaning. She forced her mouth upon his, devouring his mouth with her own.

Zacky shoved her up against the wall next to him, in turn sticking his tongue down her throat. She bit his lip pulling at it playfully, moving her lips to his neck, kissing it on the jugular vein, leaving a bright red impression on his skin. The elevator dinged the 3rd floor and they got off each other so Sandrine could adjust herself. She spruced up her hair, wiped off the smudged lipstick and turned to Zacky who was also clearing the evidence off his face but leaving the jugular kiss.

He pointed to the kiss, “Why leave that?”

“My mark. It shows that I’ve screwed around with you. Marking my boys, if you would.” The elevator dinged to the ground floor they exited the elevator and walked across the lobby.

Zacky escorting he like a gentleman, cracked, “Well, you still had to apply more lipstick.” Sandrine giggled and glanced back to see a panting Matt burst through the stairway doors.

“He doesn’t trust me…” she stated more than asked.

“Nope, he barely trusts anyone.”

“Well at least he’ll have good reason no now huh?”

They kept walking as Matt caught sight of them, again disappearing around a corner.

“You suppose he’ll follow us?”

“No, he saw us. He ‘thinks’ you’re safe.”

Sandrine laughed, “Yeah, I am, it’s he who is not safe.”

The separated, Zack went out to the court yard and Sandi went to the pool area which had been closed off, since it was winter and 50 degrees.

Johnny leaning against a towel station, holding the digital camera, that he had given Sandi for her 23rd birthday.

“Are you ready Ms. Monroe?”

“Why of course, when am I not?” she posed with her hands up, Johnny snapped a shot. They took about 50 pictures, all different; some with Sandrine in her cream dress, others in her black undergarments, some with only her, and others Johnny joined the picture, setting the camera to automatically take the picture. Boy, were they naughty, nasty pictures.

She ducked behind the counter to slip back on her dress and change into her next entourage. She walked back out of the towel station looking almost exactly like she had before.

“What did you change?” Johnny asked as he escorted her to the elevator.

“Feel my tits, or ask Jimmy later.” She kissed his jaw line to the jugular.

“I’ll ask James a little later.”

She walked into the elevator and blew Johnny a kiss. The doors shut and she went up to the sun room.

She looked directly into the video camera and said, “You think it’s bad now? Wait till tonight.” She smiled devilishly.

The door dinged open at the top floor. She walked out and went into the sun room #1 and locked the door. It was decently dark in the room; the only light source was the moon. There was a tall shadow in the room, she walked over to him and ran a hand down his back.

“So, you said you wanted front row tickets?” she grabbed a hold of his tie, dragging the poor guy to a chair and shoved him into it, “Add this to your collection.”
She stripped off the dress, her bra and underwear to show off the candy bra and thong she wore underneath.

She slid to sit on his lap, sliding around making him hard. His hands were roaming her sides, squeezing her closer to him, also eating at her candy bra. Jimmy had gotten so crazed he shoved her off his lap, to the table where he pressed his erection against the beads of her candy thong. He slipped his left hand down and put a few fingers into her causing an embarrassing pleasurable moan.

Jimmy did this a bit more, getting a hit off of the music that was erupting from Sandrine and the pain of wanting it more from his toy for the moment. After a final thrust with his fingers, he extracted them licking off the sweet sing they had created. Sandrine half assed throwing her dress back on and tossing the candy undergarments.
“Taste good, doesn’t it?” she whispered kissing his jugular.

She turned around receiving a slap on the ass and walked out of the room. She went to the elevator and met Brian holding the Vampire wine in an ice container, two glasses, and a rose. Well it was on a cart with Brian.

Sandrine smiled and walked into the elevator, kissing Brian as the doors shut. The bell dinged as the doors opened, Brian pushed the cart to the room, Sandrine following. The room had 20 candles lit about the bed. Brian popped the cork and poured the wine. He handed a glass to Sandrine; she tasted it, “Sour but good.” She said and asked, “Before we go at it,” she swayed closer to him, “Would you like to be marked now or after you smell like sex?”

“After.” He whispered in her ear, “It’ll be more of a slap in the face.”

He moved to nip at her neck. She leaned into him, guiding him to the bed, removing his shirt, hat, and bottom attire. He in turn, lifted the dress off of her exposing the white skin she wore over her blood and bones. She went to her knees and did the act she caught Matt doing; she blew Brian’s mind away. They moved both on and into the bed where they made love, not fucked, for an hour.

At the end when they both climaxed, they heard a thud against the wall and Matt’s muffled voice, “Brian, quit hitting your hussy’s head against the wall. It’s getting annoying.”

Brian chuckled, “Yes dear.”

He rolled off of Sandrine, grabbed a pack of cigarettes and lit one up. “So,” he reached over looked into the camera, “Matt, you have no clue what you were missing out on.”

Then shut the camera off, he picked it up gave it to Sandrine to finished up and edit.

She took the camera kissed Brian, “Thank you.” Kissing his jugular and went to finish off the tape. About a half hour later, Matt knocked on Brian’s door.
Brian answered, “Hey Matt.”

“Did your hussy leave or can I take her for a while?”

He flatly asked, “I thought you were on quarantine?”

“Come on man, I’m so horny, I need it. And Sandi’s not home yet.”

“Sure…”he sighed, “I’m disappointed man,” he turned his head, “Sara?” A blonde girl came out of the room with a big bag on her arm. “My friend wants a bit of company for a while. Can you occupy him?”

She smirked, “Sure, I always have time for rock stars.” She walked out of Brian’s room and into Matt’s room, “Hey babe, before we get started I’m gonna wash up so I don’t smell like your friend. Kay?”

Matt nodded, “Sure.”

Sara continued, “In the mean time, my friend game me a video, I watched it, it was pretty good. Watch it.” She gave the video over to him; there was a white label on it that read REVENGE.

Matt shrugged and popped the tape in the VHS player. The movie started out with the song, Story of a Girl with some girl sitting in this room on a chair about to cry until some one yells “Wait!!!” the camera swung around showing Sandrine’s face, “Why cry about something when you can take revenge?”

The movie switched over and played out all the events of that evening.
At the end of the video Sandrine’s face appeared on his screen, “The girl came out of the bathroom but Matt’s eyes were glued to the TV. Sandrine said, “The only thing you’ll get is this curse on your lips.” The woman kissed Matt tenderly, “I hope they taste of me forever.”

The woman pulled away and repeated “Forever.”

Matt looked at her and it wasn’t Sara, but Sandrine, “Hi babe.”

“What? Wait.”

“Expecting Blondie Sara?” she showed him a wig then set it on her head, she had played him. “I guess that promise you made my momma ain’t too valid huh?”

“Your promise isn’t either.”

“What promise?”

“You wouldn’t leave me.”

“Well I left because you beat the shit out of me. But no, you can’t stand that a girl dumping you.”

He seethed, “Get to bed Sandrine Beech.”

Sandrine rolled her eyes, but obeyed nonetheless, as much as she wanted to fight about this matter, the events of the evening had drained her energy. She turned her back on him and crawled into bed and passed out.