A Modern Jack and Jill

fun only goes so far, then it's crunch time

In the morning, Sandrine slowly woke up to feel a body lying on top of her own and a mouth that was kissing her. Since it was typical morning drowsiness, Sandrine wasn’t quite sure what was going on, so she went along with it. She heard a growling male voice in her ear, “Good Morning.” She felt something click around her wrist, “Sunshine.”

She opened her eyes when Matt forced his lips upon her to silence her.

When he pulled away, he sat up dragging Sandrine with him. The click she had felt and heard was a pair of kinky handcuffs one on her wrist the other was on Matt’s.
“Come Sandrine, time to go.”

“What? I’m not dressed yet!”

Matt looked Sandrine up and down, it’s true she was in her underwear.
“You’re fine, plus you had no problem flaunting your assets to the band so… why not society?”

He tugged the leash so Sandrine got up and followed him to the elevator out the front lobby to the checking counter, he handed the clerk the keys.

“Have a nice day.” Matt smiled.

The clerk was in shock of the lack of clothing Sandrine had on. They left to the bus, it was cold morning so it was more of Sandi running to the bus as a quick as possible while Matt slowed her down at the casual pace he held.

“Matt I’m freezing; please can we hurry to the bus.” She pleaded.

“Well, sweetie pie, that’s how I felt yester night.”

He finally picked up his pace and boarded the bus. Matt allowed Sandrine to walk him towards the back of the bus when he stopped. She turned around, raising an eyebrow; he raised his arm up to his eyes, yanking Sandrine against him. He wrapped his free arm around her waist, securing her to him, and then lowering his cuffed wrist to her back, kissing her. He leaned back out of the kiss, smirking Sandrine questioned, “who are you and where is jealousy ridden, seething Mathew Sanders?”

“I’m right here, doll, but do you know what today is?” Sandrine raised an eyebrow like uh-obviously-not. “It’s our one year anniversary.”

“Oh, sorry, forgot about that, I don’t pay attention to dates anymore.”
She felt her other hand, the free one, get hand cuffed. Matt pulled away.

“Well, to start off the day, we’re going to a different town in France and on the way, we’re all going to watch REVENGE. It was quite hilarious. And… Then, well, you’ll have to wait and see.”

Sandrine rolled her eyes and sat down on the couch. She sat there for a couple of minutes, Matt, choosing not to stand there like a dumb ass, sat down next to her. She looked directly at him for a minute, “Got any bubble gum?”


“Cause I’m bored and that would entertain me for a bit.”

Matt got up off the couch and went to the little candy bowl and found a couple of round pieces of Bubblicious bubble gum. He unwrapped it, brought it over then stuck it between his teeth, “If you want it, take it.”

She thought about it, seeing if the piece of gum was worth chancing getting near Matt’s face but she leaned in taking the piece. She slowly chewed the pink sugar piece when Matt leaned her against the corner of the couch. “You know, there is always another thing to put your mouth instead of that bubble gum.”

“No Mathew.” She blew a bubble.

He slowly drew his fingers down her chest to her panties, “Why? You did it for Brian. Why not your boyfriend?”

“Because you disgust me. You don’t deserve one.”

“And Brian did?” venom seeped from his vocal cords and eye sockets. He had
grabbed Sandrine’s arm, pulling her to him.

“He, unlike you, never laid a hand on me.”

“And he, being the horny bastard that he is, got to screw you.” He had her on his
lap, grinding her hips to his, “What, am I not good enough, handsome enough, big enough for you?”

He had shoved himself up into her, barely but enough to make her scream.

“NO!” she started crying from the pain he had inflicted upon her pelvis, “You’re perfect; every girl’s dream; my every wish come true. I’m sorry. Please stop.”
Matt smirked, releasing Sandrine from his iron grip, “Good baby. My baby.”

Those words scared Sandrine. She didn’t know why, but she felt that Matt knew he had the upper hand and he was unstoppable. Her attempt to shove his shit in his face had only pissed him off and there was nothing any of them could do. He was the alpha male in this caricature.

A while later the guys all trudged to the front of the bus to lounge about anxiously and paranoid. They had seen Sandrine in her handcuffs and undergarments, Matt’s smug expression and the underlying tension everyone felt towards the movie and it’s results. Finally Matt smeared, “Hey, since we’re all bored, why not watch this ‘movie’. A friend gave it to me, it was a good flick, and we should watch it.”

Everyone fidgeted, “Sure.”

Matt popped the movie in then sat down. He silently pointed to the floor carpet between his legs that Sandrine moved to sit. The movie was REVENGE, just as promised. When it had started Sandrine had gotten restless with her handcuffs behind her back so she leaned forward, looping her hands over her feet. In so bring her hands forward, she had moved back a hair then when rising back up she was leaning against his groin.

She mumbled, “Sorry.” To him but he ignored her, it’s not like she had hurt him.

When it was showing the pictures, Matt leaned down, “Where are they?”

“I gave them to Johnny.”

Then it went to Jimmy’s lap dance, “Where’s the candy lingerie?”

“At the end I threw it away.”

Then it went to Brian’s part. He leaned down again, whispering, “We should make REVENGE 2. except only you and I. then show it to the boys I’d make you watch just to humiliate you. Then sell it to a porno producer and have them produce it, then I get the money, giving you a cut of it, maybe. You act like a whore; I’ll make you out to look like one.” Sandrine whimpered, “Unless of course you behave.”

Sandrine nodded vigorously, she paused, “May I get a drink.”

Matt shrugged like I care. She got up and went to the fridge. Brian followed her, being as quiet as possible.

“Sandi, what are you doing?! Why are we watching that?”

Sandrine opened up the fridge and took out the Vampire red wine that Brian had saved from last night. She uncorked it and took a swig. She looked him in the eyes then averted them shaking her head. The last line of the movie was heard, she again reiterated forever as a lone tear slid down her cheek. She knew that the line she had said wasn’t for Matt, that line was shoved in her face by her own voice. She could never get away from Matt no matter how hard she tried unless he let go first. She thought, ‘for a broken life at home, I thought I’d turn out alright, I guess all right wasn’t in my hand.’ she took a swig of wine and walked back over to Matt.

“Be careful darling, God’s greatest gift to man can turn into man’s worst curse.”
Sandrine was drinking the wine when Matt pushed up on the butt of the bottle, she started choking on the red liquid so he released the bottle’s end. He pulled her down onto his lap, licking up the liquor on her face. “Mmmm, sweet.”

The bus stopped not a minute after. He led her to the back of the bus, “I trust since the boys and I will be playing, you’ll sit here and be a good girl.” Sandrine nodded as he continued, “Good. After the show we’re going out to eat, and after that it’ll all depend.” He took off the handcuffs, “There’s a dress in the bathroom for you to wear. See you.” He left her.

She sat on the bed staring into space, then got up, cleaned up and changed. The dress was black, backless, a halter top, and had a long slit up her thigh. She slipped it on, flipped out her hair and put mascara, eyeliner and brown eye shadow on her eyes to make them look more enticing.

Not too long after, the guys came in; Sandrine greeted Matt with a kiss on the cheek then stepped aside to give him passage to the bathroom to clean up. She sat down picking up This Side of Paradise, by F Scott Fitzgerald and blending in with the walls or so she tried.

Sooner than expected, Matt emerged showing off a white wife beater under a still in progress of button up black pinstriped collared shirt and black jeans.

“Ready?” he asked.

“As I’ll ever be.” Sandrine smiled, better try to start on the right foot and act happy, excited, and loving.