A Modern Jack and Jill

as life goes on, we find ourselves returning to lo

Matt nodded, and they exited the bus. They got into a black car, Matt drove to a top of the line restaurant where they wined and dined. Most onlookers commented on what an odd, strange but beautiful in love couple they were. At the table, Sandrine was finally relaxing, thinking she had bested the worst of the storm, now all she’d have to do is ‘be good’ and not do anything stupid. If you don’t look for trouble, you won’t find it.

Matt paid the bill and they went to get their coats, Matt put his on first, then held Sandrine’s coat so she could get into it. When she had her coat on, Matt wrapped his arms about her shoulders.

“Did you have fun tonight?”

“Yes, thank you.” She nodded

“Good.” He purred, and went to work at her exposed neck, leaving a bright red hickey.

They walked to the car, hand-in-hand; Matt opened the car door for Sandi and got in himself.

“You left your mark on my boys; I left my mark on you.” He growled as he drove off.

He drove back to the bus, making petty small talk with her. He opened up the car door for her, scooping her up out of the car and carrying her into the bus. Since his hands were preoccupied, he kicked the door for someone to open it. Jimmy opened it, being drunk as he was. Matt hobbled up the stairs, and to the back of the bus. He had laid Sandrine on his bunk so he could close the door. Once that was accomplished, he turned and looked at Sandrine; her slip was gaping open so he could gorge upon her toned legs…

---now reader, again it gets a bit… graphic. But one must ask, why are you reading this story? This whole plot is suffocating with mental, sexual and brief moments of physical abuse, just in case you haven’t noticed… ---

He came down to the bed, kissing her slowly, taunting her senses. She could feel his excitement between her thighs, but his anguish within his branding kiss. This was his head trip, acting like he was pleading, begging for attention, but all this time he is in control, only manipulating Sandrine’s emotions. This ‘act he was playing was a rough persuasion; it could be the path for forgiveness or the walk of shame. She finally gave into his game, giving way so that he could swallow her into his world.

After Matt underwent his ecstasy filled endeavor of persuading his right to happiness, regaining Sandrine as his and refreshing his turgid pride, he hoarsely spoke, “Sandrine, give me one.” She huffed. “Come on. You know you want to.” He persisted.

She groaned, “Fine…” twisting her body downwards, until she was level with his hips. She enveloped him into her mouth, swirling and sucking, deep throating and tip teasing until he came not once, twice but thrice. Each time swallowing the salty sticky goo. On his third orgasm, Matt slammed Sandrine’s head all the way down and came, semen running down her throat. She pulled herself back up, leaning against his chest.
Matt kissed the top of her head whispering, “Goodnight Sandi. I love you.” But at this point Sandi already passed out.

The following days of touring were awkward. The guys weren’t quite sure what had gone down, but a definite and obvious change had occurred in Sandrine. She acted like the perfect little house wife, spoke when spoken to, cooked, cleaned, only came out if escorted by Matt or Matt’s appointed escort. The guys had all tried talking to her, but she insisted that she was fine and everything was great.

Whenever they brought up REVENGE, she’d reply, “Oh that silly thing, it was a mistake to make. It was fun to make, I admit but I wasn’t quite in my own head.”

She told them that they were accosting her with an empty purpose and should forget about what happened in Paris. Sandrine was still forced to walk about in her lingerie, but she pretended not to care or mind.

After about a month, they flew back to California to do a couple of local stuff but to chill out more by means of more meet and greet, autograph signings, radio interviews, or interviews in general, just not as much traveling but still active. Sandrine had started going back to the barn to ride; Matt often dropped her and Rhett off. She had been going there for a month when Matt had a few moments to spare so he followed her in.

Sandrine called, “Sunshine!” running opening one of the few doors in the place, grabbing this car seat looking thing that was made of leather and another leather ropey thing. She put both things next to a wooden sliding door with bars on it. She opened up the door put the ropey thing on it’s head the put the wool square blanket on the horse’s back then the ‘saddle’ as Sandrine called it. She buckled the strap around the horse’s stomach behind the front legs directly, then pushed her butt up onto the horse.

She asked, “Matty, could you get the gate for us please?”

Matt looked around, and saw which ‘gate’ she meant. He opened the heavy wooden panel and the horse walked in. Sandrine walked ‘Sunshine’ around the arena once then went to a faster pace. They went around for a few times then Sandrine made the horse go even faster. They went around the arena three times then the horse went back to walking. Sandi praised sunshine, saying that she was a good girl, and walked to the gate where Matt watched. Just they got close, sunshine spooked and reared up on her hind legs. Sandrine sat in the saddle, not falling out.

“Whoa sunshine, whoa! It’s okay, you’re fine. It’s alright.” She calmed the horse down going back over to Matt. “So, what’d you think?”

“I think I don’t want you on them.”

Her eyes bugged, “Why?! Sunshine got scared, that’s all!”

“You could have gotten hurt.”

“What else is new? You can get hurt riding a bicycle. Horses are like cars except better. Potentially you can die, but just don’t screw around and 75% of the time you won’t get hurt.”

“What’s the other 25%?”

“Either you don’t know what you’re doing, not paying attention, or an accident, like horse trips and you go flying.”

Matt nodded, “And that was an accident.”

Sandrine nodded, he paused, “A while back you said you would take us riding. Is that deal still valid?”

Sandrine beamed, “only if you and the guys are up to it. But lessons first.”

Matt nodded in agreement then turned to leave. Not a moment later, Sandrine jumped off Sunshine and went to speak with the owner asking permission to teach the guys to ride, the owner said it was fine and to pick what ever horses she wanted to use.
That evening when Matt came to pick her up, the guys came with her. They all got out of the car to go find her. “Sandrine?” they all called.