A Modern Jack and Jill

a proposal to die for

The 15th came around as they all saddled up to the guy’s gratitude, didn’t need helmets. Sandrine was in a little white dress, sleeveless and simple. They were led by Jimmy and Zacky, then Brian and Johnny and Sandi and Matt at the rear. It was about an hour ride there, with beautiful weather and grand company, effecting to the extent of everyone in high spirits. They left about 10:30, arriving at 11:30, allowing the guys to horse around, while Sandrine and Matt lay under a great oak tree, they ate lunch and hung out a bit, Johnny in particular taking an afternoon nap.

Matt leaned over, “Can we go for a walk?”

“Sure.” They got up, linked hands and went off.

Matt led them to a hill where the trees had left a small cave for them to be alone in.

“Sandi, there is something I need to ask you.”


Matt got down on one knee.

“Sandrine Abigail Beech, since the first day I saw you, you’ve make your way into my heart and have carved your name there. Today, I wish to do the same act, but have my name there forever. What I’m trying to say is Sandi, will you marry me?” showing her a ring.

Sandrine smiled immediately saying, “Yes.”

Matt rose from the ground, slipping the diamond ring on her left ring finger and twirled her around in happiness. He set her down and she kissed him. The scene was so majestic, fantastical and beautiful that one could have described it as a scene from a fairy tale.

They walked back to they guys, close as they could. The guys were “Awwing” and teasing the newly engaged couple. They all packed up then went home.

At the house, Matt said, “Sandrine, hun?”


“In a couple of weeks we’re going to the VMA’s and I want you to come with us.”

“Alright… wait… VMA’s like MTV VMA’s?!” Matt nodded. Her eyes bulged,

“That means I need a dress, huh?” Matt nodded again, “FUCK!!”

“What?” Matt asked confused, “Don’t chicks like shopping?”

“Yeah, but… TV if you look stupid, tons of thousands of people see you!”

“Self conscious?”

“Surprisingly enough, yes.”

“I thought the cool kids were stupid and didn’t count.”

“Well… yea… but I don’t want to look dumb.”

Matt rolled his eyes, “We’ll go shopping together soon.”

“Together? I thought guys hated shopping.”

“We do, but I want to see you in the dress you choose.”

Sandrine rolled her eyes and walked away to sleep.

The day they went shopping was Matt’s birthday. The ‘we’ll go in a few days’ turned into a month. Sandrine was wondering why they were shopping at the mall on Matt’s birthday. Isn’t the mall and shopping one place men don’t want to be on their birthday? Yet she went along with it regardless. They went into one store in particular, she surfed about the racks finding few dresses. On her way back up a light ice blue dress caught her eye. Matt was bulled off the side to see it. The dress was very plain, it looked like two pieces but was only one. It had a white strip on the brim and white embroidery of tropical flowers in a curve on the right chest. It was a tube top and had to be hemmed about five inches.

The dress fit Sandrine like a glove, Matt saw her in it and bought the dress on the spot. They put the dress in a box as Sandrine got dressed. After she reappeared they took the dress and left.

Not much happened between then and August 26th which was the date of the VMA’s. The group was a strange sight to see. The big, goth or at least they were mostly dressed in black then there was ting of light Sandi. The pre show for the VMA’s was the worst of the day/ night.

Lucky enough when they arrive they guys did not have to perform, all they had to do was smile at the camera and look sociable. As they were walking, saying hello, signing autographs, one scrutinizing reporter shimmied over to Matt and Sandrine.

“And here we have lead singer of Avenged Sevenfold, M Shadows. Hi Shadows how is your night going?”

“Great so far.”

“Tell us, the viewers I mean, what’s in store next for the band.”

“Well there’ll be a short tour till around Christmas. We’re gonna be home for the holidays and maybe something else.”

“I’m sorry Shadows, but I have to ask, who is this adorable young lady you are escorting.”

Matt brought Sandrine in front of him, “She is my fiancé. And the ‘something else’.” The reporter’s eyes rose from shock.

“Well congratulations to you and”

Sandi leaned forward a hair, whispering to the reporter her name.

“And Sandrine. Have fun at your wedding.” She smiled plastically. A bunch of photographers standing near by had heard and swamped the couple. The reporter had turned away, Sandrine faintly heard, “So there you have it folks, you heard it first on wireless TV, our M Shadows is engaged.”

After being ambushed by white lights, they made their way to the arena to sit down. They were nominated for their hit song but knew that it was a bit old so were more for musician support.

It turned out that, like they had planned, they didn’t win but didn’t care. They went to the after party, got drunk, and went home.

A few days after, the guys went back on tour going to the mid west and east coast, since having done so much local things they went abut there. Matt called Sandrine everyday, making sure everything was ok.