A Modern Jack and Jill

civil war reenacting!!!

The next weeks went by tortuously slow. Sandrine was cuffed to the bed bunk at all times, only let out to go to the bathroom. Matt either gave her finger food or spoon fed her on his clock. He even went as far in humiliating Sandrine as that he brought some blonde on the bus and psychologically forced her to join Matt and the blonde in a three some.

This torture worn Sandrine’s mind down to almost nothing from the constant brain washing and psychological abuse, but she still had one more trick up her sleeve. What she wanted to do the most of her completing her promise to Scott was to see her mother again. She finally got up the courage to ask Matt, “M, could we go to Gettysburg before we get married?”

“Why, what’s there?”

“Civil war reenactments. I did it when I was younger, it’s fun, you might like it.”

“Do I have to dress weird?”

“Not exactly weird but kind of yes.”

“Where do we get the threads for this ‘thing’?”

“We order them or sew them.”

“Order. Off where though?”

“There’s always ebay.”

“Sure. I’ll get you a comp.” Matt walked to the cabinet and grabbed a laptop off the shelf. “Spend wisely.”

He walked away to go do the sound check. Sandrine went to ebay and searched civil war costumes and came up with a couple’s outfit. It was $3,500 but defiantly a bargain. The set came with everything; from the men’s cufflinks to the woman’s undergarments to matching shift and dress. The dress was made of blues and greens with cream trimming. She clicked buy and sent them to the Eisenhower Hotel where she set a reservation for a room for two and two tickets to the ball.

As usual, the ball was held at 8pm, on a Saturday night, lasting till the wee hours of the morning. Typically the band either had a show to perform or a ‘boy’s night out’. Matt was a gentleman and declined the date with his band mates. It was his ‘alone time with my fiancé’ despite the fact that they wouldn’t be alone. Sandrine had gone into town that day dressed as a civilian, it was quite a shade easier to weave the streets in a pair of jeans rather than a hoop skirt. She picked up two small cork toppers, a cream shawl and some earrings. After leaving town full handed and empty hearted, she went back to the hotel. She had hoped to see her mother and say hello, but obviously she was absent.
She had to start putting herself together for the ball was in an hour.

Truly dear reader you would think it would not take so long but it does. Trust me…

After she was in her ‘under wear’, she started to do her hair since Sandrine absolutely refused to wear a wig. She put on some rouge and lipstick then slid into her dress. Matt came in dressed and ready, except for two small details.

“Darling, no one had lip piercing back then and I bought these to put in your gauges. It’s period appropriate, I suppose.”

Matt took out his lip ring and put the two cork pieces in the holes in his ears. They checked for their keys and tickets then left the room to enter the ball. They got there as everyone was taking pictures. The band was warming up, but who did Sandi see but Dede Hornburg and her husband. They were the demonstrators for the dances.

They connected eyes for no less than a moment before Matt subconsciously led her away. Sandi saw in Mrs. Hornburg’s eyes recognition and confusion. Her expression read, ‘don’t I know you?’

She turned to her husband, muttering something to him along the lines of, “What a gorgeous couple there, despite her almost flawless hair. Don’t we know the woman? I wonder, what’s with the corks.”

“I don’t know dear, but the girl does seem familiar.” He no doubtably answered back.

They moved on concentrating on the dances. Matt had moved her over to a corner of the room, he muttered, “I’ll get some drinks.” And went on his way. When he left, a man came over to her.

“May I have the first dance?” he smiled sweetly at her.

Sandrine looked up into ocean gray eyes, “DAN!!!”

“Hi Sandi. How are you?”

“Great! Wow I haven’t seen you in a long time.”

“6 years.”

“My have you changed Dan. When we first met here, you were still a boy really; peach fuzz and everything. Now, you grew up, pretty boy to a handsome man!”

She took his hand as he led her to the dance floor. “Who are you here with?”

Sandrine slightly faltered, “M-my fiancé.”

He raised his eyebrows in shock, “You wasted little time there huh.”

“Of course. Who would?” she joked. When the song ended, Dan led her back over to the table she had been left at, “Thank you for the dance Dan. It was nice to see you. Until we meet again.”

She smiled, he bowed and left. Matt was staring Sandrine down aggressively. ‘No wonder Dan left so quickly.’

“Who was that?”

“A friend I met here many years ago. Why?”

Matt neglected to answer the question, instead handing her a glass of wine, “Care to dance?” Matt asked huskily.

“Yes.” Sandi smiled, getting up and walking to the floor. They danced through the end of the second act. Sandrine’s eyes fell upon a distinctly familiar voice and face. Since Matt was exhausted, she offered to get water. She scuttled over, grabbed water then discreetly passed by a black haired woman, petite and shorter than herself.


The lady turned, “Yeah, who wants to know?” said a little short of arrogance.

Sandrine set a cup down, and then dipped a few fingers into the cup she held and flicked water at the woman’s face. “Loser.” Making an ‘L’ with her right hand on her forehead.

“SANDI!! OMFG! It’s you! I thought you forgot about me, and left me.”

“No, I just haven’t been allowed to use the phone and I didn’t know if you had changed numbers or something. How are you? And how did you get here?”

“Since that guy called and asked for you to marry him, your mom’s been so upset. I, in turn, tried to do what I could for your mom to help her through this.”

“Is she okay? Where is she? Wait. Where’s Laura?”

“Yeah she’s fine she’s over there. Laura, well, she isn’t here. She helps with her like but she is really busy.”

Just then she felt a hand land on her shoulder, “Darling, who’s this?”

“A friend.” Yasmine spat, “Who are you?”

“Her fiancé.”

“Darling, please. We were only talking. No harm done. Here’s your drink.”

Matt took the drink and walked a ways, just short of across the room. Sandrine turned back to Yasmine, “Can you take me to my mom?”

“Sure. But this doesn’t make sense. When that guy, I presume, said that he found you and was gonna care for you and… marry you.”


“Yeah. He said he’d marry you.”


“Around the middle of January last year.”

Sandrine’s eyes bulged, “My god. I, CO, that’s what it means. CO, co-worker, company.”


“I get it now.” Sandrine turned around and saw a woman that could almost pass as a much older version of herself, “MOM!!!”

The woman turned around as Sandrine ran and hugged her. “Sandrine, I’m surprised to see you here. Why haven’t you called?”

“I couldn’t, mom, I’m sorry. I need help. I can’t marry Matt, I wanna go home!”

“But dear, I’ve already given this ‘Matt’ my permission. I can not give that then revoke it a year or more later. He sounded very capable of being able to care for you.”

“Mom, please.”

“Sorry darling. I can’t.” Dedrie turned away talking with some other friend.

Sandrine’s face had dropped, How could her own mother try to drop her like that. What had she been doing while Sandrine had left? Drinking it up? Sandrine turned to Yasmine whispering ‘excuse me’ and hurried out the door. She left the hotel and ran into the middle of a field then shrieked until her lungs gave out, collapsing to the ground.

She cried for a while, but collecting herself walking back to the hotel; she had managed to look like a half way decent ragamuffin coming back from her running makeup, blood shot eyes and blotchy cheeks, tattered dress and dirty hands. What she hadn’t expected was Matt standing outside of the hotel, waiting. His expression was soft, almost understanding. “Would you like to leave?”

Sandrine nodded croaking a small, “Yes.”

Matt picked her up at the knee being well aware of the hoop skirt. He was nuzzling her hair and neck.

“I love you, my bitter beauty. My beautiful nightmare.”

Sandrine hadn’t heard him being in an unconscious state of mind called sleep. He had walked to the car, put her in and went to the room, grabbing what luggage they had to pack up and leave.

He picked Sandrine up, bringing her onto the bus, undressed her till she was in her shimmies and he, getting comfortable, lay down and fell asleep as well. Since the rest of the guys had come back, Matt had told Steve to drive to Las Vegas, Nevada. He proclaimed he had business to take care of.