A Modern Jack and Jill

Avenged Sevenfold concerts change lives

The next morning Sandrine got up early, sucking down breakfast and went for a walk, in order for her to soak up her surroundings and find a job. She was walking when she spotted a pair of golden aches. Sandi ran over to the fast food restaurant and went out back unintentionally hearing two voices.

“Ya know what Daniel, I quit! I’m sick and tired of you pushing me around! I’m your girlfriend for Christ sake!”

“Krissy, come on! I don’t push you around. You out of all the workers have the best and most constant hours. While we’re at work I’m your boss not your boy toy. So go ahead and quit, I don’t care.”

“Fine cause you know what, I JUST DID! Good bye Daniel.”

This little red head came stalking out around the building huffing and mumbling about how stupid ‘Dan’ was. Sandrine walked out back to see some stick skinny manager guy sitting on a trash can sulking. She spoke up, “Um, hi, I’d like to apply for a job here.”

“What can you do?”

“Whatever is open.”

“Will you work hard?”

“Yup, any hours, any day.”

This Dan character looked up from his knees as if he just witnessed Jesus’ birth, “You’re in!”

Sandrine smiled widely thinking, ‘well, that wasn’t too hard.’ She started working that minute. At the end of the day she got her hours; she worked five days a week, Sunday thru Thursday, 6am to 2 pm , the hours were weird but she didn’t mind.

That is how it went for the next month and a half. Sandi was opening up shop at quarter of six, thinking, ‘wow thank god that I’m in Georgia, it’d be snow banks and below zero wind chill right now’, when her thoughts were interrupted by Dan. They had gotten closer as friends now.

“Sandi! Guess who will be here this weekend at the southern Heart Fairgrounds in Southwick, one town over!!!!”

“Uh… the Brady Bunch?”

“NO!!A7X! And look who bought tickets!”

“OMG Dan! How could you not tell me this!? Ah, it’s Thursday!”

“Yeah, so?”

“So, I can’t buy tickets!”

“I bought it for you! I can’t go, but I saw it and said to myself, ‘Sandi needs this for saving my ass a month ago’ so here you are. It takes ten minutes to get there and since you don’t have a car, I’ll drive you there at 6am . Ok?”

“Ok. I’ll be ready.” So they got to work opening up and finished their shifts and went home.

Sandrine went absolutely nuts over what to wear. She finally went with a black skirt, green shirt, black short sleeve blazer top, and black-and-white sox along with her beloved Vans. Once she was satisfied with her outfit, she went to sleep. That night she slept like a rock and woke up at 5am .

She took a shower, put on the outfit she fussed over, put on make-up, threw her shoes on and was out the door with her purse in hand at 5:55 . Dan pulled into the driveway a minute later. “Are you ready for the most exciting day of your life?”
“Hell yeah.” Sandi got in the car and they sped off to the grounds. Like Dan had said, it took ten minutes to get there. He dropped her off at the front of the place then left.
Sandi went up to the ticket man, “Um, sir, I know it’s a little bit early but can I go in? Maybe I could help set up or something.”

The ticket man had a cigarette in his mouth, “Yeah, sure.” He took her ticket and stamped her hand and let her in. Sandrine walked through the gates and looked around trying to figure out what to do. She walked over to where trucks were parked and men were unloading equipment.

Some woman with platinum blonde hair yelled over, “Hey, girlie, what are you doing?”

“I’m here to help if help is needed.”

“Sure it is, I’d be damned if I turned down some free labor. You here for the show anyhow?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Alright, you go up there and bring those boxes over to the tent and when that’s done, organize the place. It’s the merchandise you’re setting up.”

Sandrine nodded and got to work. The woman turned around and went over to a rather large coach bus. The lady was wearing a light crystal blue suit; as she looked about her, the five members of the band were working out or relaxing. The leader of the group growled, “What do you want Sharon ?”

“Money, fame, your success, why?”

The youngest spat “Cut the crap Sharon . You know we haven’t gotten any in weeks.”

“Well then, I suggest you look out the window to the merch tent.”

“Why?” the lead guitarist asked while tuning his instrument.

“Oh well if you guys don’t wanna prowl on some fresh meat then fine.”

The drummer looked out the window towards the merch tent, he saw her and said, “Meh, she’s not a burger but she ain’t no filet minion, I guess a prime rib.”

Their leader looked over at her, “mm, she looks nice.” The guys all knew their leader’s taste in women; not the hottest of them all, usually they turned out being bitches but still enough to make his blood boil. “Pretty toy.”

“For god sakes Mathew, let the girl finish her job.”

“How long?”

“Give her a half hour, then she should be done. Plus, no one will be here just yet.”
Matt rolled his eyes then sat down to sulk. Sharon left the bus to go harass others, while the band sat waiting.

“God this is boring.” The youth said

“Relax Johnny, down Georgia here, they got some fine girls. You’ll have your choice of groupies by tonight. But that one, she’s mine.” Matt smiled wickedly.

Sandrine had unloaded twenty boxes of t-shirts, posters, hats, ect. Then had to set up things like the long table, hand up one of each article of advertisement on the cloths line, set up chairs and organize the boxes with the items. She stepped out of the tent to admire her work; it had one shirt crooked; she went back to adjust it, and when she turned around, a couple of men were standing in front of the tent and in the sun.

“Can I help you?” Sandrine asked shading her eyes.

“I don’t know. Can you?” the shadowy man said, as they stepped closer and under the tent. Sandrine’s face lit up with excitement and awe. The aviator glasses smiling down at her was none other than Matt Sanders and Brian Haner from A7X

“Wow… Um, hi, I’m Sandrine Beech. One of your people told me to set up and organize this place. So what do you think?” Sandrine stuttered.

“Well it’s good except for one little detail.”

“What?” Sandrine turned around to see what she had over looked, when she felt big hands on the bottom of her shirt, and heard the fabric rip all the way around, as well as her sleeves. Matt spun her back around, opened up a sharpie and wrote, ‘A7X’ on her stomach. He rose up from being bent over; put her chin between his index, thumb, and forefinger. He smiled down at her; Sandrine looked in his eyes and smiled back.

“There, perfect.” Then leaned down and kissed her gently. Sandrine smiled as he pulled away allowing a slight satisfied sigh. Fireworks were what she felt and then Matt’s mouth was on her neck sucking also engulfing her within his arms. He whispered in her ear, “Sorry if my actions came off strong, but, you have no idea what you’re doing to me.”

Sandrine smiled again, “So, what else can I do?”

“Well you can entertain me for a while” Matt said

That was exactly what Sandrine did; they took a walk, talked, and got to know each other until the park opened. They went back to the merch tent and signed autographs, sold merch, and hung out until show time. When it was time, Sandrine sat at the tent and waited for customers.

After they performed, they came back to chill out. Once it was closing time she helped set down the tent. Matt pulled her aside.

“You know, Sandrine, I’d really like it if you came with us on tour, ya know, work the tent while we work the stage and, whatever else.”

“Ok, I’d like that very much.”