A Modern Jack and Jill

So Who is the Man behind the Mic?

“Alright, I’m gonna go confirm this.” He smiled they walked away.

Sandi was like a little beam of sunshine in the dark 10:00 hour that it was. Sharon walked over to where she sat at the lake. She squatted down next to her and slurred, “Doll, you know, Matty-boy isn’t what he seems. He’s no peaches and cream if you get right down to it. Just watch your back darling.” Then she staggered away.

Sandrine looked back out at the lake, when Matt sad down next to her and wrapped an arm around her, “What did she want?”

“Oh, nothing, just bantered about something or another. Drunk talk.”

Matt nodded his head, “well we better get going, Hard Rock café in Florida is the next stop.”

Sandrine nodded they both got up and walked to the bus. They entered the beast and walked to the back where the bunks were. On the way, Sandrine observed the lifestyle of rock stars; Johnny had two seventeen year olds on either side of him, James had a more mature fifteen year old on his arm and Brian had an immature twenty year old chick ravaging him. Johnny smirked at Sandrine, “Welcome to the party.”

They traveled to the back where Zacky was ‘sleeping’ although he was just being a sore drunk. He drank himself sour and needed some alone time.

Sandrine giggled, “Where am I going to sleep?”

“With me, of course.”

Sandrine shrugged stripping to her underwear then scotching into bed. Matt having slight decency, put on pajama shorts over his boxers and got to bed himself. Sandrine was facing the wall and Matt was facing her back, “Hey, babe?”

Sandrine flipped over to face Matt, “Yea?”

Matt smothered her lips with his own wrapping his arms about her. “Good night.”

“Good night Matt, sweet dreams.”

Since Matt’s arms were around her waist and behind her neck, Sandrine snuggled
closer. That was how they slept.

The next morning, Matt woke up and quietly slipped out of bed. He went to the front of the bus, grabbed breakfast which was an orange and a bottle of water, then sat down to enjoy it. Not two minutes later Zack emerged from the back.

“Well look who’s up.” Matt mocked.

“Why’s she still here? I thought all the groupies left and we were on the road.”

“She’s not a groupie. She’s now an employee and my new girl.”

“New girl? Officially?”

“Not yet. But close enough.”

“Look Matt, I don’t think she should be here.”

“What Zachary, jealous you don’t have someone to fuck at night?”

“No, I’m afraid for her own safety.”

“What are you saying?” Matt threatened.

“I’m saying you get a little rough sometimes and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“How would I get hurt? Come on Zack, look at me!” he gestured with his hands down the length of his body.

“You seem to know yourself well enough, but what always happen when they leave before you allow them to?”

Matt rolled his eyes, “It will be different, I promise. And damn you sound gay.”

Zack shook his head in disbelief, “I don’t want you getting in any trouble. I’m trying to be a friend. If you get in trouble the whole band goes down with you.” Matt nodded. “And besides, you attach too easy.”

“What’d you mean, ‘I attach too easy’?”

“Well the whole stunt of sleeping with your arms around her, calling her ‘babe’, and leaving that massive hickey on her neck after you first met her.” Zacky started to raise his voice in annoyance and as he listed what Matt had done the previous day he counted on his fingers.

Matt’s face flushed with anger, raised his voice louder, “Well, what the hell am I supposed to do Zackary???”

They heard some soft hurried footsteps, “Is everything alright?” Sandrine asked.

Matt turned his back on Zack, put an arm around Sandrine and calmly said, “Yeah, everything is fine, Sandi.”

Sandrine smiled, “Ok, good.”

Matt steered her back from where she had emerged from so they could hang out and chill.

At around six o’clock , they arrived at the Hard Rock café and began to set up. Sandrine was lucky enough that all she had to grab were the same boxes she had carried yesterday, and set them up close to the bar. Despite the fact that not many people were there, she had a good view of the stage. She had done about the same thing; hung up one item from each box, adjust the boxes for easy access, and then went to get ready. When she was just about ready to leave the booth to ‘get ready’ by means of put on some eye liner and lip gloss on, Sharon came by the booth.

She asked, “Honey, is that what you’re wearing tonight?”
Sandrine looked down at herself, “Well yeah, I don’t have anything else to wear.”
Sharon put a finger on her chin in thought; she called out, “Matt?” Matt came bounding over, “I’m taking Sandrine shopping. We’ll be back before the show starts. Anything special?”

Matt smirked, “yeah, corsets, mini skirts, thongs, and tight cloths.”

“Ok, we’ll be off then.” She grabbed Sandrine’s arm and they walked off. Sharon mumbled to Sandrine, “Typical arrogant male.”

“How so?”

“Tight fitting clothes, sexy lingerie, it’s the whole male flaunting his prize and for what? For his won insecurity and to make others jealous.”

Sandrine mouthed, ‘oh’; they got in the car and drove down the road to a mall with the largest Hot Topic in Florida .

~ To get the feel of how BIG this hot topic is, would be the equivalent to an American Eagle store.~

Sharon picked out almost one of everything in the girl’s section, paid for the purchases with a credit card, then left. They next went to Victoria Secret’s and bought some undergarments, perfume, and some of their VS clothing line. They left the mall after everything was paid for, to go back to the café.

Walking back into the café was almost impossible; fans had started lining up to try and get good seats. Sharon shoved through the crowd while Sandrine followed close behind. They finally make it to the bouncer blocking the door, Sharon flashed her ‘manager’ pass and yelled, “She’s with me.”

The bouncer moved the door open and they entered quickly. Once inside, everyone was scuttling about checking to make sure everything was in place. Sandrine was dragged to the bathroom and given a change of clothing from Hot Topic that they had just bought. “Here. Do it quickly, Matt’s impatient.”

Sandrine smiled in thanks and changed fast, put more eyeliner on and eye shadow to match her red miniskirt. There was a pound on the door, “Sandi, you ok?”

It was Matt on the other side, “Yeah, I’m ok, be right out.” Sandrine touched up her face then walked out. “Ye-es?”

“Wow. Nice.” He grinned.

“What? You like it?”

He nodded his head quickly, “When can I have some?”

“Tsk-tsk. Matt, now, now, don’t let your hormones get the best of you.” She stared to walk in front of him when as she expected, he caught her and hugged her from the side. She giggled as he pressed her closer, “You’re warm.” She tucked herself up against his chest.

“It just goes to show that I got the hots for you.” He nuzzled her neck and led her over to the merch table. Once they got there, the place became instantly mobbed with teenagers. “Oh lord I better get back stage.”

“Ok, be careful you don’t get ambushed by teenie boopers.”

“Ok.” He kissed her on the lips then left. Sandrine wasn’t too board for long, the cause was by fans coming to buy stuff from the booth. She was bust until Brian hit the first cord, starting their first song. The fans went crazy while Sandrine sat in the back, dancing as they played, trying not to make it obvious. After about a half hour she leaned over the bar and ordered a coke.

The bartender got her requested beverage and said, “Such a pretty baby sitting
back here all alone. Why?”

“I’m with the band. I work for them and I’m…connected with one of them.”

“Connected, officially?”

“Well not by word of mouth but on most other aspects.”

“Huh, which one? I haven’t seen any of them look directly at you.”

“Vocals, he has to concentrate on his crowd, not me.”

“Aren’t you a little DAINTY to be a rock star’s girlfriend?”

“Well, to a degree, yeah, but isn’t that normal?”

“Well, I guess, but you’re single for now, right?”

“In a way, maybe, why?”

“Can I buy you a drink after the coke?”

“Maybe.” Sandrine smirked, she chugged her soda then said, “Now, you just said, something about,” she belched, “oh, excuse me! Um a drink.”

“Well, what’d you want, little lady?”

“How about a bottle of October fest, best shit I ever tasted.”

“Ok, one cap of October fest coming up.” He reached below the bar, taking the
bottle out, “In a glass or straight?”

“The bottle, please.” She politely smiled, “Now, boy, you ain’t hoping that just cause you buy me a drink that I’ll go home with you, eh?”

“No, no, no, I know you wouldn’t drop a rock star for a bartender, but just in case the relationship goes south, you might think of me.”

“Why would I do such a thing? I don’t know your name.”

“Does it matter?”

“Well, if I wanted to fine you then, yeah, it might be significant.”

“It’s Vincent, call me Vince.”

“Ok, Vince.”

“So, what’s your name, baby?”

“That, is a secret.”

“Well that’s not fair. I told you mine.”

“Well, what if I don’t want you finding me? Plus, you gave the notion of me finding you, not the other way round.” She smirked and turned away with her beer bottle and noticed A7X wasn’t on stage anymore. In fact just as she noticed this, a set of arms wrapped around her waist and she was yanked down upon a male’s lap. She swiveled her head around, and saw Matt’s face. She smiled widely, “Hey! Have fun?” she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him lightly.

Matt’s face was dead serious, or at least tired, “Hey,” Sandi twisted her head back to face the stage to watch the other band perform. “I saw you back here dancing, pretty hot.” Sandrine blushed at Matt’s words, “Maybe you can show me sometime, privately, behind closed doors.” He paused. “I also saw you flirting with that bartender.”

“Matt, I was just humoring him.”

“You were still wrong to do it. So what would you have done if I hadn’t come out, make out with him and ditch me?”

“No, Matt! What are you thinking?!”

“Then why were you embarrassing me?”

“How was I doing that?”

“You were pretty much saying I’m nothing to you and you’d leave me ASAP if I weren’t a rock god.”

Sandrine shook her head not believing her ears, “Well I mean we aren’t dating anyway so what’s it mean to you?” she got up off his lap and walked off.

The rest of the band was there while this fiasco was occurring, as Sandrine walked away

Johnny yelled, “Hey Sandrine, where are the purple shirts?”

She walked back over and showed the guys where everything were quickly, looked Matt directly in the eyes then walked off. As strange as this seems, our character, Sandrine, like almost every average girl walked over to the bathroom to collect herself. She had to rein in all those tears that were threatening to pour out.

She was thinking, ‘come on Sandrine, you’re bigger than this, No Tears. Tears are for babies, especially cry babies. He’s just some guy, yeah, with money and a smile to die for but no tears. Why are you gonna cry anyways? Cause you got too pissed at a guy you met yesterday, yet had ‘loved’ since freshman/ sophomore year?’ until her thoughts were interrupted by Matt’s constitution ambling over to her. She tried to rush into the ladies room, but Matt caught her wrist before she could escape.

“Sandrine, please, I didn’t mean it.”

“Then why’d you say it?”

“Because I got a bit jealous, it’s just all the fame and money, I get confused by if people like me for me or just ‘I fucked M Shadows’.”

More anger started to build up, “You know, I should leave your ass for saying something like that to me but,” she paused her voice softening, “since you’re being straight with me, I guess I forgive your outburst.”

Matt pulled Sandrine to his chest and bear hugged her, “Sorry, I’ll be better, I promise.”

“Well let’s just put this behind us, and look on the bright side, at least I didn’t give my name.” Sandrine smiled sweetly.

“You better not have.” He half heartedly threatened.

“Well, duh! I don’t want those teen chicks to come kill me I think I like life a bit much.” They smiled at each other. Matt put an arm around her shoulders and they walked back to the bus to sleep.