A Modern Jack and Jill

It was only innocent fun!!!

The next morning, Sandrine awoke at thelate hour of seven thirty in the morning. She noticed Matt wasn’t in bed and the bus had stopped. She got up and went pottie; when she came out, on the bed were a dozen red roses. Sandrine’s heart melted; she ran to the front of the bus and squeezed Matt’s waist from behind, she snaked her head around,

“Thank you for the roses.”

He smiled, “No problem, thought it would get me on your good side.” He moved to the couch, guiding Sandrine to sit with him.

Sandrine raised an eyebrow, “Drinking this early? By the way, why are you up?”

“Well, you know, cutting fresh roses, smelling the morning air.”

Sandrine gasped, “Oh yeah!” then ran to the front of the bus. She opened the door and stepped outside. She was gone for about a minute then returned.

“Um… what was that?”

Sandrine glided back over to Matt and laid down to look up at the ceiling, “I went outside.” Her eyes clouded dreamily.


“To remember what morning felt like.”

“Damn, if I’d known this worked on you, I’d have gotten you up a while ago. This
‘morning’ thing is like a major aphrodisiac on you.” The bus driver came in with his coffee and revved up the engine.

“No, it just relaxes me, and makes the world feel good, clean and right.”

The rest of the band had groggily woken up. Matt said in a hushed voice, “I can make your world feel right and good and other such feelings.”

“Well it was the roses, too.” She nuzzle into his chest


“It reminded me of Jack.”

Cockily, Matt asked, “Who’s Jack?”

“An ingenious psychotic serial killer/ stalker from a TV series from ’97.”

“Um, elaborate please.”

“Well, Jack stalks this woman, Sam, and he kills people for Sam even though she doesn’t want those people dead and one of his trade marks is to leave Sam, or rather Samantha, red roses. And Jack is this absolutely cruel and unusual awesome character. The series is called ‘Profiler’ there are four seasons ant it’ll take about a month to fully watch all four at the least… I think.”

The guys had heard Sandrine ‘elaborate’ upon Jack so Johnny spoke up, “That sounds pretty sweet. Let’s get it.”

“Well you’d have to find a ginormous Best Buy.”

Johnny ran up to the bus driver and then ran back, “Stevey said that when he sees one, we’ll stop.”

Sandrine asked Johnny, “Does this bus have a CB radio?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Be right back.” Sandrine skipped to the front of the bus, “Hey, Stevey, can I borrow that CB for a quick couple minutes.”

“Sure I never use it.”

Sandi picked up the speaker, “Uh, hello, two 49er two 49er. Red blue seal, I repeat red blue seal.”

A voice erupted from the radio, “What the hell are you saying?”

“I’m a catching your attention is what. Now I got a quick question.”

“What do ye want?”

“Where is the closest Best Buy.”

“Where are you?”

“We just passed mile marker 520 west bound out of Florida , to Mississippi .”

“Well, hear the Alabama / Florida border there’s a Best Buy.”

“Thanks buddy”

“No problem, honey.” With that Sandrine turned off the CB an hopped back to the guys.

“Well my good son, we shall be coming upon a Best Buy around noon I suppose. But until then I’m playing ‘Munch’.”

Brian questioned, “’Munch’?”

“ ‘Odd Worlds Munch’s Odyssey’.”

Johnny sat down next to Sandrine, “Can I watch.” He asked this because surprisingly enough Johnny had never played the game. Sandrine nodded her head ‘yes’. Matt took a seat behind her and everyone else went back to sleep.

They played for a while when Matt tugged Sandrine away, she handed Johnny the controller then followed Matt. He started, “I suppose we’ll be at Best Buy shortly.”

Sandrine nodded, “but um, I’ve been meaning to ask you something. Will you go out with me?”

“Yes, I will. I’ve found my Jack, but am I your Jill?”

“Yes you are.” They kissed. Soon enough they arrived at their shopping destination, Johnny, Sandrine and Matt all clambered out of the bus to the store. Both guys had to wear the typical sunglasses and hat and Sandrine quickly jittered to the TV series aisle. She grabbed the four collections, they went to the cashier, paid, and then went off to the bus.

“So, Johnny, would you like to get to know Samantha and Jack?”

“Yeah!!!” Johnny jumped.

Sandrine handed him the first box and said, “Have fun.”

She went to the back of the bus to read a book she found among the various odds and ends. She dosed off after a while.

In the front, Johnny had watched the first two DVD’s of the first season. “Two down, four to go.” But he turned off the player to sit and chat with Matt, “So, you two official?”


“She seems cool enough. A little quiet though, but cool.”

“Yup, I think she’s a keeper, plus I like my woman quiet to society and loud with me."

Johnny rolled his eyes, “Is that all you think about, the sex?”

“It’s not all I think about, a house and family would be nice.”

Johnny laughed, “Ha! I can see it now, M Shadows with twin two year olds, you singing them to sleep ‘Sweet Child O Mine’ or ‘Seize the Day’ AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!”

“Shut up Johnny! At least I’ll have someone.”

“So? You’re old; I got a few years on my hands. I will wait thanks.”

Matt rolled his eyes and went to the back of the bus to catch some Z’s. When he got there, Sandrine was asleep with a book Wicked as her pillow. Matt gently moved it away and slipped his arm in where the book had been in so doing, climbing into the bunk. He got comfortable then dosed off to sleep.

A few hours later, Sandrine awoke up to her name being called out. She opened her eyes and say Matt’s sleeping body next to her. “Matty… Matty” Sandrine would call his name when he would call out hers.

“Don’t leave me.” He whispered. Sandrine leaned in and kissed him. Matt opened his eyes, “You promise?”

She kissed him again, “What do you think.”

“Yes.” He muttered.

“Exactly.” She paused kissing once more, “Now, what time is it?” she looked up at the digital clock and it was 6:39pm. She groaned, “We gotta get up.”

Matt groaned, “But..”

Sandrine smiled, “Come on.” She rolled over and stood up. She walked over to the bags of clothing and picked something out to wear, but when she stood back up, a tall, lean, body was directly behind her. She felt a hard bubble up around her lower back. “Matty!” she giggled, “Now, now, you have a show to do.”

“What about you? I have to do you, too.”

Sandrine smiled tuned so she was facing him, went up on her toes, wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. After she turned around and walked to the bathroom and changed into yet another skirt. Once she was done dressing, she went back into the bunks and saw Matt waiting for her. She swayed her hips walking closer, “Hey.” She straddled his lap, scooting up close to him as she could, kissing him, “Am I going too fast?”

“A little, yes.”

She leaned into his ear, whispering, “Do you want me to stop?”

“Never.” He moved in to the soft flesh of her neck starting sucking and biting.
He was right next to the spot, and when he hit it, Zacky came in, “Matt, time to shine.”
Matt sucked twice as hard on the spot and Sandrine had to bite her lip exceedingly hard to keep from letting out an exasperated moan. He also made on odd sound that meant, “uh-huh”. Zacky left and just in time, for Sandrine let out the slightest moan to which that Matt smirked at. He kissed the bright red hickey then kissed her lips, “You held it in when Zack was here. You should have screamed out, he would have left.”

A bit off balance, she said, “Kay, next time I’ll scream for you.”
He growled, “You better.”

They got up and walked out of the bus. Sandrine was a little confused from Matt’s queer aggressiveness, but shrugged it off.

“I gotta run, babe, see you soon.” He kissed her and ran back stage.
Sandrine walked around until some kid ran up to her and accosted he, “Can you dance, tap?”


“You, you gotta do this.” The kid was quite out of breathe.


“Take Candy’s place.”

“Um… who’s that?”

“Come on. I’ll tell you on the way.” he grabbed Sandrine’s hand, dragging her to this other bus, “Panic! At the Disco does shows, not concerts. It’s a new phase, they sing their songs, but they have a story type thing. Candy was tonight’s character, but she’s sick.”

“Sure, I just have no clue what to do but, I’ll do it.”

“Don’t worry, we got an hour.” The kid started training Sandrine for the part, costumes and all. Apparently the kid was Brendon Urie from Panic. He praised, “This show is gonna be amazing.”

Sandrine thought, ‘good thing I got the night off’. Then she got all dolled up and was pushed on stage. The concert opened with ‘The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide is Press Coverage’, that was the narration of the girl’s start to stardom. Next was ‘Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off’, which told of how someone broke her heart but she got over it and moved on, to ‘There’s a Good Reason Why These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven’t Thought of it Yet’. That was how this girl became Miss Famous. At the end of the song, there was a twist for during her performance, Sandrine disappears and Brendon flashes smoke to where he was standing. At the end of the song, Sandrine lifts off the hat she was wearing for she had swapped places with Brendon and winked at the crowd. The show continues with ‘I Write Sins Not Tragedies’ telling how Miss Famous gets married but isn’t exactly faithful. The last song was ‘Build God, Then We’ll Talk’ showing that Miss Famous is truly evil and is sent to jail. With that, the show ends.

Brendon thanked the crowd and they all bowed. Brendon thanked Sandi privately then they went their separate ways. Sandrine skipped to the merch booth where there sat the band in particular a gloomy looking Matt Sanders. Sandrine thinking nothing of it was bubbly as usual, “Hey guys, how’s business?”

Brian, Johnny, and Jimmy were slightly intoxicated, but were all in high spirits, saying that everything was good. Zackary, on the other hand, had warnings written across his face; Matt was a little out there and hadn’t recognized her yet. Zack leaned forward, whispered, “Go to the bus, now.” Zack was as serious as diamonds are hard.

Sandrine turned on her heel when someone spoke, “Sandrine, wait, I need to talk to you.” Matt spoke with silent venom.

Zack butted in, “She’s going to the bus, she’s tired, you can talk to her in the morning.”

“I don’t doubt she’s tired. In that case, I’ll walk her there.”

“Matt, no.” Zack tried but to no avail. Matt pushed past him and grabbed a hold of Sandrine’s upper arm.

They walked silently till there was on one around where their bus was, “What the hell was that?” He growled.

“What was what? The show? I was a fill-in for some girl. They needed help so I helped and assisted.”

“I’m sure. What, did you fuck ‘em while we were performing?”

“What? No! why would I do that? What are you thinking?”

“What were you thinking going on stage dressed like that?”

“Am I that disgusting?" She asked calmly, too calm.


She asked louder, “Am I that disgusting, that no one can see me?”

“No, I don’t like people staring at you. You’re mine!”

“It’s cute that you think that but, no oneowns me. And I don’t like you screaming at me.”

“I wouldn’t be if you hadn’t done that.”

Sandrine shook her head, turned about to walk onto the bus, “I’m going to bed, see you later.”

“Wait.” Matt called after Sandrine turned to look at him, “Can I get a kiss?”

Sandrine snorted at the idea, “Maybe tomorrow when you deserve one.”
“Why don’t I deserve one?” he demanded.

“Because you are being a total asshole and I don’t want to kiss you or anyone right now. Do you mind?!” she spat.

Matt stalked closer, he grabbed her hand, “Yes.” He yanked her down and kissed Sandrine forcibly. He released her and walked away, Sandrine walked back into the bus, wiping away his kiss and said in spite, “De mater a filia.” (which means from mother to daughter. In Latin) she flopped onto the bunk and went to sleep.