A Modern Jack and Jill

Moving in with a new dog in town!!

Matt had gotten up bright and early and sat up with Steve watching the road for a sign. They were traveling on back roads at Matt’s request. Surprisingly enough to Sharon, they were making great timing. Suddenly the sign appeared. Matt told Steve to stop the bus, then went back to the bunks, “Sandi, wake up, I have a surprise for you!”

“What?” she asked sleepily.

“Come on, I have to show you this.”

“Fine.” She got up with a pair of Matt’s boxers and a big t-shirt on, “Should I change?”

“Not on my account.” He smirked, she rolled her eyes; she still wasn’t happy with Matt for slapping her, but followed him regardless. She slipped on some Vans and they went out of the bus to someone’s house. Matt spoke, “Hi, you had a sign outside your drive saying you were selling healers?”

Sandrine’s ears thought they had heard wrong, ‘Matt didn’t just say healers did he?... well yeah he did but, why? Plus I doubt they are my blue healers.’
the farmer said, “Yeah, give me a minute.” The guy reached behind the door grabbing boots then led them around to the back of the man’s house to a little pen with as bad as Sandrine’s were, little barking beasts.

Sandrine’s breath caught in her throat. She looked up at Matt, he smiled down at her warmly, “Matty, what are you doing?”

“Givin’ you a partner in crime.”

She squealed and ran over to the pen of puppies. She asked the farmer, “Got any males?”
“Yup.” He picked up one particular pup with black around his eyes like major eyeliner, black ears, and a black ring around his tail. “He’s the only one. The rest are females.”

“How many?”

“twelve total.”

“Wow, eleven sisters, he’s gotta be one heck of a lady’s man.”

“Yes ma’am. He seems te love you.”

Sandi picked him up, “Oh, and aren’t you the cutest little pup I ever set eyes on.” She turned her head to Matt, “Matt, I got my baby.”

He whined, “A boy? Why not a girl?”

“What? Ya jealous?” she giggled, turning back to the pup she was holding. She asked the farmer, “What’s the bitch’s name?”

“Lady… just Lady.”

“Lady, I remember I had a dog, some breed, named Lady. I know what I’m calling you lil boy. The Lady’s Rhett, but Rhett for short.”

“Rhett? From Gone with the Wind?”

“Yes sir, also cause he’s a lady’s man to, she stood up, puppy in arm, “Come on Rhett, let’s go meet everyone.” The pup let out a small woof in understanding.
Matt stood next to the farmer, “How much do I owe you?”

“Nothing, if you didn’t take him, he’d end up with his older brothers. The bitches we can breed, the males are worthless, although they are good trackers.”

“Good, well thanks man.”

“No problem. You take care of that baby. You don’t know what you got till she’s gone.” He muttered ‘she’ so Matt wasn’t quite sure if he was talking about the dog or

Sandi so he nodded and got back on the bus to head off.
When Matt sad down, Sandi was walking around with Rhett in her arms and she was scratching his tiny tummy. She sat next to Matt, “Rhett, meet Matt, he’s my boy, almost like you.” The pup rolled over, sniffed Matt and growled at him. “Rhett!!” she tapped his nose, “No growling, that’s not nice.” The pup smiled up at her, his puppy brown eyes glowing with mischief and adoration. “God you’re adorable.” She scooped him up, hugging his middle.

Matt shook his head, “Never knew you could be so mushy.”

“You are gonna think I’m crazy with this puppy around.”


“Paranoia, and teaching him, and just talking to him.”

“Exactly how big do they grow?”

“To my high shin, and they protect their territory just like you witnessed.”


“When he growled, he was protecting me. The breed with pick a person and will stick to them.”

“Great, so when we’re having sex he’ll bark cause I’m near you?”

“Not necessarily, but if someone walks in on us, then he’ll go ballistic on them. That’s why I love them.”

“Oh. Have you introduced him to anyone else?”

“Nope not yet.” Sandi had let the puppy down when all of a sudden; they heard a yelp from the back. “Rhett?” Sandi questioned when they looked at Zacky’s bunk; he had gotten up on the bed and was licking Zacky’s face. Sandi cooed, “Aw, Zacky, Rhett loves you.”

“Yeah, good morning to you, too, now get off me.” He freaked.

“Fine.” Sandi reached in and took the puppy.

Johnny rolled over, “What’s going on down there?” he rubbed his eyes, looked closer, “PUPPY!” he squealed. The puppy whined, climbing up Sandi’s shoulder.

“Calm down Johnny, be more quiet, you can pet him.”

“What’d you name him?”

“Hold on. Let’s get everyone up.” She put Rhett down on Jimmy’s bed when what did the dog do but pee on the bed. Sandi was absolutely shocked. “No bad Rhett. Don’t pee on the bed!” but they all couldn’t help but laugh, face it, Jimmy would probably deserve it in the long run.

Jimmy awoke disgusted, but promised not to hurt the pup . all that was left was Brian to wake up. Although from all the commotion, he had gotten up, picked up the puppy and looked it straight in the eye. Both boys inspected each other. Rhett licked his face which brought a smirk to Brian’s face, “Well he’s not half bad for a runt.”

Sandi took the pup back, “He’s not a runt! ”

Matt butted in, “Yeah he was. He was the smallest one there.”

Sandi rolled her eyes, “Well, hey, what can I say, I have a soft spot for runts.” She looked at the puppy, “Rhett, you got a family and only one momma. I’ll always love you. I’ll never leave you alone in the dark. I promise.” She whispered

Jimmy blurted, “Well that’s a dominatrix if I ever heard it.” Everyone laughed and that night they performed with Sandrine working the merch booth with Rhett. They had stopped at a Petco and bought a harness, crate, leash and puppy kibble and t-balls. Sandrine make a special stop at Stop and Shopfor a kong, peanut butter, and an assortment of puppy chews! They packed up and left for the next show, Rhett almost being comfortable with society. Yet what most of the guys disliked, especially Matt was that the lucky runt got to sleep on the bed with Sandi instead of in his cage

That’s how it went for the next three months, they toured, plus adding on a couple of dates here and there when it was the last show. It turned out that Sandrine had the flu the past couple days so she never danced. In truth, that was absolutely A-OK to her for she didn’t much care to do it anyways. Actually the full truth was that Sandrine had been sick but that day she felt fine but since she hadn’t practiced, she wasn’t that comfortable doing it. Lucky enough, the concert was ten minutes away from where the band lived. They had all chipped in and bought about 75 acres of land and make their own street and each built a house.

When the concert finished, the all climbed into the bus, each person was dying to get home. Rhett’s stuff was all packed and he was lying on Sandi’s lap, she resting her head on Matt’s shoulder. She said, “You know, we have yet to have sex.”

“Yeah, I know. We’ve done some stuff but, I would have thought a bedroom would be more appropriate for our first fuck.”

Sandrine giggled, “Yeah that’s true.”

“But there’s no better night than the present.” He hinted.

“Nope, there is no better night.” She patted his thigh, “Once Rhett gets tired, I promise.” She kissed him to seal the bargain/promise. Just as cliché as it sounds, when
they broke the kiss, the bus stopped and they were home.

Matt grabbed his and Sandrine’s things while she grabbed Rhett and his affects. “Sandi, Rhett, welcome to your new home.”

They looked at the house, it was huge! It was at least three stories, which included the attic, probably three bathrooms cause of how much space the house took up. They walked through the front door into a greeting room/ entry hall. Matt gave them a tour; there was the typical kitchen, dining room, living room, bedrooms and not three but five bathrooms. Well two were just toilet, sink and medicine cabinet, but the other two had shower/ bathtubs just in case a guest wanted a bath or shower but the last one was the master bathroom. It had the usual but a Jacuzzi in it instead of a bathtub. There were the typical bedrooms, five as well, four were guest rooms, who would have guessed with blues and greens, but Matt’s room, surprisingly enough for all that black he dons his constitution with, was gold and the bathroom matched. Also with a walk in closet, king size bed, and all that cool stuff. The house also had a den, pantry, and other rooms that famous people could afford with no problems.

After the tour, poor Rhett got exceedingly tired, so they set up his puppy pen and crate in Matt’s room then he fell into a dead slumber. Matt looked down at Sandrine, nibbling on her neck, encircling her waist with his arms, “Are you ready now?”

“I suppose, yes.” She turned to meet his lips with her own, pressing her fleshy form up against him as much as she could considering her height compared to his…

NOW dear reader, if you do not wish to continue with this next part skip over it, no one is forcing you to read this. But for others that have such the twisted, corrupted mind of the teen years, continue at your own accord…

“But first, I should take a shower.” Sandrine added quickly.

Matt growled, “Make it quick.”

Sandrine pecked him on the lips, and then turned to take her shower. Just as most chicks are, they love to make good impressions on or off the record. Sandrine washed up with tropical fruit scented shampoo and conditioner, shaved, put lotion on her legs, towel dried her hair as much as she could then walked out to the room where Matt had turned down the lights, lit some candles and had champagne with two glasses set out.

Sandrine raised her eyebrows, she definitely wasn’t expecting this. “Well Mathew you sure know how to romance a girl.” She had walked over to where Matt was sitting in his boxers on the side of the bed.

Matt had been in his own world, thinking when he heard he voice, he looked at her, followed her movements with his eyes. When she got close enough, he stretched out his arms, pulling her in between his legs and she sat on one knee.

He smirked, “I know, I wrote the book. Plus first impressions are everything.”
Sandrine put her hand to her mouth, giggling, Matt continued, “So, my lovely, now that you have showered and smell maliciously delicious. Are,” he kissed her collar bone, “you,” he kissed her neck, “ready,” he kissed her jaw line, “now?” he finally kissed her lips. As he was kissing her, he had his hand on the inside of her thigh working its way through the moist towel that had covered Sandrine’s body. He gently slipped his index finger down along her sensitive skin, applying the slightest amount of pressure then brought his finger back up. Sandrine moaned slightly from the sudden tender attention she had been given.

She murmured, “Yes.”

Matt smiled wickedly, “Is this your first time?” he asked, removing the towel from her body and lying her down on top of the cream colored sheets with the drawn back comforter.

She blushed, “No, but I haven’t had any since high school.”

“Oh, ok, at least you won’t be scared then.” He sounded slightly disappointed, climbing atop her delicate form.

Sandrine poked, “I’m sure I’m not your first.”

Matt blew at that, “Yeah, you could say that I’m an experienced predator.” He nicked at her throat also tickling her outer walls with his finger. He finally slipped a finger up into her. She groaned aloud; Matt, being fresh said, “Don’t be too easy.” He spoke nibbling on her ear.

“Why? I’ve been such a good girl for so long!”

He had shoved in two fingers, just as deep as they could go in. then he slowly, retracted his fingers, “But, if you insist.”

Sandrine flipped Matt over even for as big as he was. She sat on his waist, pushing back about five inches, and then returning to his waist, sliding her groin over his.
He groaned loudly; Sandrine teased, “Don’t be easy yourself, Matt.”

She leaned down, bit his neck and kissed it, kissing all the way down to his elastic boxers.

“I,” he moaned, Sandrine had slipped a finger down his boxers to slide horizontally below the left hip bone. “Can’t help it.” He gripped her hips and pressed her seat down more into him.

She arched her back in bliss, Matt, taking the opportunity of her disposition, flipped her back onto her back, proceeding to crash his mouth onto hers. He took up her arms in his hands and brought them up over her head, pinning them there. He had his cock in position to enter with full force. “Will you sing for me?” he whispered his venom into her ear.

“Yes.” She breathed; with full force of eagerness and excitement, he drove his vessel up into her cave. Sandrine screamed which echoed throughout the house in painful pleasure. He felt so big in her, despite the fact that she, in turn was small, she thought, ‘so this is what sex is like with an experienced man’.(man being the key word) with just the first drive her brains were leaking out the back of my head.

After two hours of this erotic sex, Matt exploded his seed within her walls. They lay there panting, Matt pulled Sandrine up against his chest, kissing her forehead. “Sleep.” He half ordered, have suggested. Sandrine, being tired as she was, did as Matt said.

---There, now for my more delicate readers who ignored the semi-erotic sex scene may rejoin the reading---