A Modern Jack and Jill

Matty's birthday!!!

She sat down on the couch and fell asleep sitting up so she wouldn’t ruin her hair.
She awoke on schedule at 7am, got up, went to the bathroom that was near the kitchen where she had hidden her morning attire. Got dressed, put makeup on ad went to start breakfast around 8.

Matt awoke to the smell of freshly made coffee; he opened up his eyes to see Sandrine walk in with a silver tray that had breakfast on it. She was wearing her small silk robe, hiding whatever was underneath. Her hair was darker brown, auburn, and it was curled. Her makeup was black eyeliner, red lip stick, and greenish blue eye shadow.

“Good morning sunshine. How’d you sleep?”

“Great. I feel like I still am.”

“Well, you’re not, and breakfast is served. I’ll be back in a bit to pick up your empty tray.”

Matt nodded wolfishly, and Sandrine left.

Matt sucked down breakfast, took up his tray then went to the kitchen. His jaw dropped at what he found. Sandrine was at the sink, on her last pan, but wasn’t in her robe. What she wore was black and purple corset with a matching thong, fishnet stockings attached to a garter belt, and in three inch stilettos. Matt stalked across the kitchen floor, set the tray down quietly, came up behind Sandrine and wrapped his arms around her. Sandrine smiled at Matt’s reaction, “I thought I said I’d be back to get that?”

Matt was searing her milky skin with his passionate kisses, “Yeah, but, I couldn’t help myself.”

Sandrine put her finished clean pan in the dish drainer and turned to face Matt. He took one look at her and his senses freaked. He growled, shoving her against the counter, kissing her with brute hunger. He bent over, grabbing her ass and lifting her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Being in this state of desperation, Matt ran with Sandrine to the bedroom where they had hot, rough, passionate sex.

Around noon, they rolled out of bed and got dressed. Not only it was noon and lunchtime, but the rest of the guys had come over to ‘celebrate’. So they drank a couple shots, then left to go out to a late lunch at a fancy wine and dine place. After that, they went back to Johnny’s house where they did the whole cake and ice cream deal. Also opened presents, most of the stuff he received was inside jokes that not the average person could understand. After they finished that, Johnny asked, “Hey Matt, now that you’re 30, aren’t you supposed to be sophisticated and all that shit?”

Matt sipped off his beer bottle, “So, Jimmy and Brian are 30, you see them being all ‘adultish’? fuck no! but hey, I guess, you could break out the martinis.”

“Yeah!” Johnny bounded up to his kitchen and made the drinks. Johnny yelled back to the pool area where they were currently hanging out, “Sandi, what do you want?”

“Red wine, or whiskey.”

Johnny mumbled, “I ain’t got red wine, but whiskey, strange choice.”

Sandrine got up from her spot on the couch, to sway over to the pool table. She put the balls in the triangle and the white ball where it belonged, along with swiping up a stick and shooting. All the while she was doing this, she was humming. Brian shot Matt one of those looks, the ones that say,‘I’m up to no good and I’m lovin it. Do you mind?’ Matt shrugged and Brian moved his seat. He in turn picked up a pool stick and played her. Johnny came back in with the beverages and gave them out.
Brian finally said, “Whiskey, what a strange preference especially seeing your face.”
Sandrine finished swallowing her shot and answered, “Strange preference for a strange girl.”

She shrugged then shot the last ball in.

“You beat me!?” he yelled in shock, “What were you humming before?”

Before He Cheats, by Carrie Underwood. Good breakup song, great to listen to during college.”

“Why?” Johnny asked.

“Because it tell that every chick as the right to destroy a cheating boyfriend’s car. Great song as I said.”

Jimmy mocked, “Exactly how much country do you listen to?”

Sandrine shrugged, “I grew up on it, learned to love it. After a while it grows on you. It’s good driving music.”

Brian walked up behind Sandrine and hung his arms on her shoulders, he commented, “Not to go off topic or anything but you sure are short. And short chicks are light so that means…” Brian picked her up bridal style, “I can pick you up and…” he threw her into the pool. Sandrine landed with a giant splash. “I can throw you in the pool.”

---yes dear reader there is a pool table and a swimming pool in the same room, along with couches and stuff. That’s why it is called a POOL room. ---

Sadly for Sandrine, she was wearing all white so the water turned her dress transparent and it stuck to her.

“Brian!!!” she screeched, they all laughed at her.

She swam over to the ladder on the deep end, stripped her dress, walked over to the guys with an angry puss on her face then stuck her tongue out at them. Matt raised an eyebrow at her, turned to Brian, “So are you gonna finish what you started?”

Brian rolled his eyes, got a towel for Sandrine, and walked over to give it to her. She was standing extremely close to the pool.

“Thank you.” She took the towel and his hand, dragging him forward into the pool.

When Brian resurfaced, everyone was hysterical; Sandi gave him a cute girly wave.

He yelled, “Sandi! When I get outta here…”


She tossed the towel and ran to the deep end, Brian had lifted himself out of the pool from where she had pushed him in. Sandrine got up on the diving board they dived back in just as Brian was getting close to the board.

She reached the surface and floated on her back, waving at Brian in mockery.

“There you are gentlemen. Now that I have made a fool out of Brian, I retire.”
She swam to the stairs and walked up, out of the pool, took her towel, lay it off to the side of Matt, and sat down on the floor. Matt put a hand on top of her head, combing her hair with his fingers.

Zacky looked over at Brian’s dripping form back to Matt and his pet when he saw something black on her hip.

“Sandi, what’s on your hip?”

“Tattoo of a death bat.”

“When’d you get the ink done?” Jimmy asked.

“Summer before college with my friend Yasmine. She got one on her lower back. Expensive, but an endeavor well worth it.”

“Well come on Miss. Death Bat, you need to get dressed.” Matt got up giving her a hand up as well. They walked to Matt’s house, Sandi in a towel, holding her wet dress then changed into a backless halter top and mini skirt.

When Sandi came down starts, she found Matt sitting at the table thinking. She walked over and knelt down so she could look into his face, “Hey, what’s wrong?”
He turned his head, “Nothing, it’s just… I don’t like you flirting with my friends.”

“I wasn’t-”

“Yes you were and you know it.” He interrupted her.

“…if it looked like I was, I didn’t mean it. When I said I love you, I meant it. You don’t say that if you don’t mean it.”

“Same opinion.” He picked her up off the floor and sat her on his lap, hugging her tightly. “Sorry.” He mumbled into her hair, it was heartfelt and Sandi smiled.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to spoil your birthday.”

“You didn’t. but we got to go. Don’t want to be late for this evenings events.”

Sandrine slumped, “ok…”

She kissed him for no more than a second then skipped off of him.

He groaned as he got up, complaining, “I’m getting too old for this.”

Sandrine bounded “No you aren’t, it’s that hot sexy lovin you’ve been givin your baby girl.” Pointing to herself since she was in fact his junior.

“Yeah, you’re right. You are my baby girl.”

He put an arm about her shoulders then they walked out to get in the limo that awaited them. They went to this new up and coming club, again, it was just for making appearances and drinking. Sandrine was completely all over Matt all night. All the guys had asked her to dance but gracefully she declined all of them. Matt mumbled in her ear, “Dance with Zacky. I tryst him with you out of all the guys.” Matt had interjected this because Zacky had just asked her to dance.

Sandrine said, “Alright, I’ll dance one song with Zacky.”

She got up taking his hand as he led her to the floor. They danced to some hip-hop song, but Zacky had some ulterior motives.

“Hey Sandi, what happened to you?”

“How so?” they both were yelling because of the loud music.

“At Johnny’s you were a flirt and had personality, now you’re all over Matt and are like you are just there like a watch. What happened?”

“Matt got jealous, kinda. It wasn’t intentional, but you know.”

“Yes I do, but you don’t. he’s dangerous Sandrine. Did you say ‘I love you’?” Sandrine nodded her head, Zack swore loudly. “Jesus! Be careful. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

“Zack, what can he possibly do to me?”

“You don’t wanna know.”

“The only lethal thing he could do to me is clove my heart in two.”

“He’s done worse.”

“Zack, what are you saying? Run away? Look, I appreciate your concerns but I can take care of myself.”

“That’s what you say now. Please just be careful.”

“I’m fine. And I will be.”

The song finished and they went back to the table. Sandrine sat back with Matt curving herself into him, he sitting, drink in hand looking considerably smug.

The night went on like this, the guys drank and got drunk while Sandrine took sips, not much, but it didn’t take much to get her buzzed. They went home after a while, and had a night cap for good measure and all passed out.