‹ Prequel: Second Chances
Status: On hiatus

Only Time Will Tell

Sick Sick Man

Checking the text that Mikki had sent to let her know where Brian would be, Janey began to feel the familiar rush of excitement she always experienced whenever she was going to be seeing her husband after a few weeks apart. Not that she didn't feel the same when she saw him every day, because there was no denying that Brian was able to make Janey feel things she had never believed possible. Yet there was nothing quite like the rush that she gained from being able to drink every last detail of the man she loved when they hadn't had the pleasure of being together for a while.

Unable to keep the smile from breaking out as the cab came to a halt outside the hotel, Janey grabbed a couple of $20's from her purse and handed them to the cab driver.

"Keep the change," she beamed as they both got out so that the driver could retrieve her case from the trunk.

"Why thank you miss, Happy Thanksgiving," he stated with a grin.

"And to you," Janey answered, thanking him as she took her case.

Smoothing down her newly dyed hair, Janey took a moment to try and compose herself before heading for the hotel lobby. Walking through the door, Janey glanced around, spotting that the lounge area was off to her left. With the hint of a smirk on her lips, she walked casually towards the spacious room, the back view of Brian meeting her eyes almost instantly. His head was bowed slightly, his elbows resting on the arm of the chair in which he sat, telling her that he was no doubt reading the somewhat dog-eared copy of Motley Crue's "The Dirt" that he had packed just incase he needed something to help him pass the time. Thankful for the soft carpeting that covered any noise the heels of her boots would make to alert him to her presence, Janey crept up behind him, and bent down behind the chair.

"Hey handsome, " she whispered, snaking her arms around his shoulders, nipping at his earlobe.

"What the fuck?" Brian cried, jumping out of the chair, anger evident on his face. "Janey?" he questioned, looking down at her, his expression softening as it dawned on him that it really was her.

"Hi," she answered meekly with a wave, standing back up. 

Brian stepped forward. enveloping her in his arms and pulled her into his chest.

"Fuck Janey, I thought you were Michelle for a minute there," he murmured, kissing the top of her head.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think," Janey whispered, Brian's chest vibrating as he laughed.

Looking back down at her, Brian shook his head and smiled. He studied her, appearing as though he was trying to figure something out. His brown eyes sparkled as he ran his fingers through her dark brown hair.

"Wow," he stated quietly. "Is this what Gena did before they all flew out?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to go back to my natural color," Janey admitted. "Like it?" she asked, a little unsure.

"I fucking love it," Brian assured her. "Don't get me wrong, I liked the blond....but fuck, I look at you now....and it's the Janey I fell in love with when I was a kid," he murmured, caressing her cheek.

Lowering his face a little, Brian kissed her softly, sighing happily.

"Hi by the way," he stated with a smirk as he pulled away.

Taking her hand, Brian led Janey back round to the chair he had vacated, pulling her onto his lap as he sat down.

"So Mrs.Haner, care to explain why you're here and not working that cute little ass of yours off?" he inquired, curling a lock of her hair round his fingers.

Listening intently as Janey explained the conversation with Beth, Brian couldn't help but look a little concerned.

"Baby, you're not just doing this because of how I reacted when you first mentioned the job are you?"

Janey shook her head with a smile.

"No. I listened to what Beth had to say, and I knew that what we want is so much more important to me than some promotion. We have so much to look forward to, and I want to be able to enjoy those times," she assured him. 

"You're amazing," Brian murmured, leaning in for another kiss. "I'm gonna take it you're the reason we've stayed here overnight," he stated, resting his forehead against hers.

"Mmmhmm. I called Val and Mikki as soon as I knew I could come out, and that was it, they started plotting," Janey answered with a grin. 

Brian took hold of Janey's wrist and looked at her watch.

"Hmmm, well, there's a few hours til dinner, what's say we head up to our room," he suggested, nipping her neck.

"Mmmm," was all Janey could think of in reply.

Not needing to hear anything else, Brian stood them both up, taking Janey's hand in his, and her case in his free one, practically dragging them both towards the elevator. The ride up to the room was silent, Brian's arms firmly around Janey, his lips launching an attack on her neck as he held her in front of him.

"I think you'd better walk in front of me," he admitted in a whisper, pressing himself against her to let her know why as the doors opened to let them off. 

Janey shook her head and laughed as Brian guided her down the corridor towards the room. No sooner were they inside than he led her over to the bed. Sitting down next to her, Brian groaned as he raised her leg.

"What?" Janey questioned. 

"These!" he exclaimed, pointing to her feet. "Baby, as much as I adore your fetish for boots, especially the ones you save just for the bedroom, right now I'm harder than I have been in weeks to the point where I fear my jeans are going to cut off the fucking blood flow."

As he continued to ramble, Janey simply began unlacing her boots, throwing them to one side.

"I mean, as lovely as they are, they kinda wasting precious time.." Brian continued, still sitting next to her.


"Yes baby?"

"Shut the fuck up and get your damn pants off before I change my mind and let your jeans snap the damn thing in half."

"Yes baby," he mumbled, standing up and undoing his belt.


Sitting in her room, Michelle kept going over the events of the night before with Brian, trying to figure out if there was a way she could maybe try and get him back on side. Maybe all he had needed was a good nights sleep to get over his bad mood, and would be more receptive to the idea of giving them another go. Glancing at the time, Michelle realized that everyone would be gathering for dinner within the next ten minutes, meaning that she would have to take her chances now. Letting herself out of her room, she strode with purpose along the corridor in the direction of Brian's room. Raising her hand to knock on his door, she stopped midflow at the sound of Brian's voice coming from the other side.

"Keep looking at me like that and I'll be undressing you all over again, and then they'll be sending out a search party. "

Michelle's mouth fell open as Brian's words were met with a laugh that most definitely belonged to a woman. 

"Fuck! Stop it woman!" Brian growled playfully. 

Stepping back from the door, Michelle hurried back along the corridor towards the elevator, relishing the thought of being able to announce to one and all that Brian wasn't alone. Tapping her foot impatiently as she descended down to the ground floor. Michelle tried to work out if she should feel offended that he had spurned her, yet had willing sought out the company of another. The doors finally opened and Michelle walked quickly towards the dining room, seeing that the others had all gathered outside.

"Val, can I have a word?" she asked as she approached her sister.

Val rolled her eyes and excused herself from where she was talking to Gena and Mikki. 

"What Shelly?" she asked a little impatiently, making no attempt to hide the distaste she felt towards her sister at that moment.

"I was just outside Brian's room, and well, there's no easy way of saying this, but he was with a woman. I heard them," she stated, faux shock and disgust lacing her tone.

"Mmhmm, I see," Val began. "And just what were you doing outside of Brian's room huh? He made it perfectly clear to you last night just how he feels about you," she pointed out.

"I was simply going to let him know it was almost time for dinner," Michelle replied with an air of innocence.

Val couldn't help herself as she laughed at her sister's words.

"You're a real piece of work Michelle," she told her.

"Valary! Are you not listening to what I'm saying?" she demanded angrily.

"What's going on?" Matt questioned walking over to them.

"Nothing sweetie, just Michelle being...well Michelle," Val told him with a subtle wink.

Michelle turned her attentions to Matt, a devious smile working it's way onto her lips.

"Whilst your precious cousin is too busy to give up work to spend Thanksgiving with her so-called loving faithful husband, he's currently holed up in his room with another woman!"

Matt bit down hard on his lip in an attempt to hold in the laughter that desperately wanted to escape him.

"It's not funny Matt..you were all worried about what I was going to do, and yet you're not even concerned that he's up there with some random slut!" Michelle exclaimed.

"Might want to watch what you're saying there Michelle, seeings as that random slut happens to be my wife."

Turning her head slowly, Michelle paled as she saw Brian standing there, his arm firmly around Janey.

"Happy Thanksgiving!" Janey threw at her with a wave before the others descended on her in a massive group hug.

Michelle glared back at her sister.

"You knew!" she hissed.

"Sure did," Val replied. "Even arranged for us all to stay here so Janey could join us, " she added. "Oh, which reminds me, whilst I was doing that, I also booked you a flight home. A car will be here to collect you in a couple of hours, so best you get your shit packed up and let us all enjoy our Thanksgiving in peace."

"But Val..."

Val held up a hand to cut Michelle off.

"Shelly, I almost lost my friend because I listened to you, but thankfully she didn't allow what you poisoned my mind with to come between us. You may be my sister, but there are times when I really do wonder how the hell we can even be related. "

Without another word, Val walked over to where Janey stood with Brian, and hugged her friend warmly, ignoring the glares her sister gave her as she stomped back to the elevator.

"Is she going to be okay?" Janey asked.

"Right now, I couldn't give a damn," Val answered honestly. "All that matters is that you're here putting a smile on that miserable bastard's face," she added, nodding her head in Brian's direction.

"That's because she was sitting on it earlier," Brian quipped with a wink, wrapping Janey up in his arms.

"You sick sick man," Val laughed as she walked away, just glad to see her two friends happy.
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Huge apologies for the length of time between updates, but December is one busy month for me what with birthdays, Christmas fast approaching, work...oh and generally trying to live life!! It will be like this on all my stories I'm afraid, but thank you guys for sticking with me, I appreciate it so much xx