‹ Prequel: Second Chances
Status: On hiatus

Only Time Will Tell

Anything For An Easy Life.

Matt felt as though he'd travelled back in time almost ten months as he stood in front of Brian's front door, hesitating for a while before actually finding the courage to knock. Once more he found himself in a situation where he was about to tuck his way through a massive serving of humble pie, and finally do what he should have done weeks ago. Inheriting the Sanders stubborn streak was not something Matt would count as one of his finest attributes. It caused him to act like an asshole, and invariabley upset those that he cared for the most. For reasons unbeknown to him, it always appeared to be Janey who was on the recieving end of his attitude of late. 

All throughout their childhood, the unpredictable teenage years, and even their first steps into the unknown realm of becoming adults, Janey and Matt had fallen out twice from what he could remember. Ever since she'd been back in Huntington this past year or so, they'd managed to double that tally. However, there was one common denominator that tied all of those arguments together, Janey's relationship with Brian. 

Matt had always tried to deny that he hadn't liked being replaced as the one person Janey would always turn to whenever she needed help or advice. Yet he knew he fooled no one. He and Janey had always been so close. He'd been fiercely protective of her, more so than he had of his sister Amy. And when Brian had started to play a more pivotal role in Janey's life, Matt had found it difficult to deal with. He'd felt excluded, and that's how the whole wedding fiasco had made him feel. It had stirred up old insecurities and memories, and lashing out at Janey with snide remarks and sly digs had been Matt's way of dealing with it all. Yet instead of making him feel better about the situation, all he'd managed to achieve was making himself, and those around him thoroughly miserable. And Matt needed to rectify that before the rot set in too deep. 

With a deep breath, Matt finally knocked on the door, and waited. Janey's voice drifted through from the other side of the wooden barrier.

"I'll get it babe, it's probably Val," she called to wherever Brian was in the house.

The door flung open, silence thick in the air as Janey took a moment to eye her visitor.

"Well you're not Val," she stated calmly. 

Matt gave a sheepish smile, hoping to break the ice a little.

"I'd like to talk," he told her quietly.

"Depends on what you mean by talk Matt. If it's trading insults and sly digs, then forget it. But if you want to sit down like the mature adults we claim to be and have a civilised conversation, then sure."

"No insults, no digs....I just wanna explain, and apologise," he admitted.

Janey nodded and stepped aside, allowing Matt to enter. 

"Baby, have you seen my....Matt?" Brian couldn't disguise his surprise to see Matt in his hallway.

"I'll get on with packing, leave you guys to it," Brian added, quickly figuring out the reason for Matt's visit.

"Actually, I'd like to explain to you both if that's ok," Matt stated.

"Er sure," Brian answered. 

All three stood awkwardly in the hallway for a moment, as though not quite sure who should make the first move.

"Sitting down might be a start," Janey mumbled, leading the way through to the lounge.

Brian joined her on the couch, whilst Matt sat on the edge of a chair, looking decidely uncomfortable. Janey knew one of them was going to have speak, the silence was almost suffocating. 

"Well, I guess it's down to you Matt, as, I have no idea what's going through that bonehead of yours," she stated.

Another embarrassed smile appeared on Matt's face before he begun to unravel the mystery of his actions. As he spoke, Matt carefully watched Janey and Brian, needing to know that they believed he was sincere. He and Brian had been civil to each other the past few weeks, but Matt was very aware that on Brian's behalf it was purely to prevent the problem affecting the band anymore. The scepticism on Janey's face told Matt she was wary of what he was saying, the promises he was making to understand that she and Brian had a life that didn't always need to involve him, that he had to learn to let go of the fact that she wasn't little Janey who he always felt he needed to protect anymore.

"Matt, each time you do this, you always make promises that things will change, yet here we are again, listening to the same old speech" Janey stated cooly.

Matt nodded. He understood her reservations. He'd made the same promises last christmas, only to break them at the first given oppurtunity. Matt knew there was little point in pleading his case til she caved, he had to give her time. 

"I understand, and appreciate you listening to what I had to say," he told her standing up, not missing the way Janey rolled her eyes.

"Matthew, just sit down," she ordered. "I know how hard it must've been for you to have come here today and finally say all of that. You're a stubborn asshole at times, to the point where I could happily strangle you. I want nothing more than for us to not be at each other's throats over every little thing that Brian and I do that doesn't include you, I just need more than a few heartfelt words and a sincere look on your face to show me that you really do mean it, that you really won't revert to behaving like a brat, but that you'll actually learn to accept that Brian and I are allowed to do whatever we want without having to run it past you."

Janey glanced over at Brian, who gave an encouraging nod for her to continue.

"Look, I know that ever since I've been back in Huntington we haven't spent the time together that we thought we would have. I've spoken to Brian about this, and I think it would be good for both of us to occassionally have Matt and Janey time...like we always did when we were kids. But that's not going to work unless you are able to be the Matt that I love to pieces, the Matt that I always used to want to spend time with. Cos believe me Sanders, I prefer him a whole lot more than the Matt that's taken his place of late."

"I'd really like that," Matt admitted quietly. 

"Good, but remember...it only happens if Bonehead takes a hike," Janey told him with a smirk. 

Letting go of Brian's hand, Janey got up and went over to Matt, embracing him in a hug. 

"Let me just say one more thing though," she began. "This is the last time Matt, you do it again, and I won't be so forgiving, if at all."

"I know," Matt murmured, believing that Janey meant every word. He'd pushed her far enough, any further and that would be the end. 

"Now, go home and get laid....because I know it's been driving Val insane sticking to her threat, so it must be killing you!" 

Matt chuckled and stood up once more. He looked at Brian, who grinned at him.

"Get outta here dude, and I'll see you in a couple of days when we hit the road yeah?"

Matt said his goodbyes and couldn't get out of the door quick enough. Janey flopped back down next to Brian, cuddling into him as he wrapped an arm around her.

"I didn't think you'd go that easy on him" Brian admitted.

"Sometimes we do things just for an easy life," Janey murmured, hoping that she'd done the right thing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the small delay in updates, but there are times when a girl's love for certain boys from Huntington Beach takes priority over her writing. And it was worth it, because they were amazing :D
Thanks as always for the comments guys, I really appreciate them :) xx