Status: Writing as much as possible.

Hiding My Wings

Welcome To Your New Life

Their wings fluttered in the air as they stood staring at the building before them.
“Why do you want to go “there”, it’s so boring Faye!” the fair haired boy rolled his big green eyes.
“I don’t know Elden, I just need something. I want more than...this” the purple haired girl slammed her feet to the ground.
“You won’t fit in Faye, you aren’t like them. They’re not like us” the boy explained moving to fully face the building.
“I don’t care, we’re not like them either. It’s an adventure Elden, it’s a road meant to be taken. No one for years have even tried to just be something more than this, I’m not missing out on a different kind of life” the girl smiled looking deeper at the building before them
“Well then go Faye. Do it. See it for yourself, but I told you so” the boy walks back towards the woods.
At that moment, a bell rings from the building.


~Freya's Point Of View~

“Everyone we have a new student today, I hope you will all give a warm Algonquin welcome to Freya Rose” my new middle aged teacher smiled before my new classmates.
I stood there pulling strands of my curly purple hair till they were straight.
The class didn’t even stop talking as he spoke.
Realising this, he gently pushed me towards an empty desk and chair.
I sat down and pulled out whatever note book came out first of my bag.
“Is that your natural hair colour?” a blonde girl from the desk to the right of mine asks.
I don’t answer her, instead I just stare blankly.
She hasn’t even spoken much and I already don’t like her.
My instinct.
It’s the worst, it’s probably not going to help me make friends in this place.
“Hey look, I know you’re new here and everything. That’s cool, but this is my school okay? I run the show around here, and I’m not liking you already, but if you cause me any trouble you’re not going to like me much either okay?” she spits like I’m a piece of dirt on her shoe.

“Oh don’t worry sweetie, I don’t like you already” I smile before directing my attention towards the teacher.
She flips her hair and does the same.
I can feel eyes constantly staring at me, but I ignore it until the class is over.
I jump up from my sit and rush to run out of the room when a hand grabs my arm.
I turn around to see a short girl with long blonde slightly curled hair.
She looks like one of us, but she couldn’t possibly......
“Hi I’m Jessica, everyone calls me Jess. Welcome to our school” she reaches out her hand.
I don’t register it for a second, I’m too busy examining her.
I eventually shake her hand.
“Hi Jessica, I’m Freya, people sometimes call me Frey” I shrug with a smile.
“Freya? That name has something to do with fairies or something. Doesn’t it?” she almost bounces.
“Eh does it?” I gulp.
“I’m almost certain it does. I love fairies...actually I love any fantasy type creatures. Fairies are definitely my favourite though” she smiles.
Well that sums up my question on whether or not she is one of us.
“Hey our teacher for the next class is out. So we’ll probably have a sub, I can introduce you to the group” she smiles sweetly walking out the door.
A sub? What does she mean?
Damn teenage slang and shortened words.
When I walk into the new classroom, I realise she meant substitute teacher.

We sit at a desk next to the window and Jessica begins calling over some friends of hers.
“Alex, Seth, Mark get over here. Sit in front” she waves her hands.
Two of them sit in front of us and the third sits in the desk in front of them.
“Everyone this is Freya, she’s new” she puts out her hands in that “tada” way.
“Wait wait, where is Trisha?” she asks putting her hands down.
“Sick again, she’s got a nasty flu or something” the boy with big green eyes and black hair laughs.
“I like your hair” the boy with fair hair and blue eyes smiles at me.
“Oh right yeah anyway, Freya that’s Mark, This is Alex and This is Seth” she points to the boy who spoke before her.
Alex and Seth both wave with a smile even though their right in front of me, Mark just nods with a slight smile.

“Our friend Patricia usually sits with Mark. We call her Trisha, but she’s been sick the past while” Jessica explains.
I nod slowly not really paying attention, my eyes are fixed on Seth.
He also looks like one of us, no blemishes or anything.
“Freya you are so pretty, I love your hair. When did you dye it? What dye is it? What’s your natural hair colour?” Jessica rambles.

I shake my head trying to focus on what she is saying to not seem so rude.
I don’t dye my hair, purple is my natural hair colour.
Obviously that wouldn’t sound even the slightest bit normal.
“Eh it’s blonde originally, light blonde” I smile at the lie.
“Oh wow that’s awesome. It really is beautiful. I could never do wild colours though, I’d be too afraid too” she laughs loudly.
I laugh too awkwardly but I laugh.
“Where do you live?” Seth asks grabbing my attention.
“I’m staying with my aunt and uncle here. Amber and Frank Rose” I explain.
“Oh I think I know them, they have a daughter Victoria. She seems.........nice” Jessica attempts being nice.

The last I heard Victoria wasn’t very nice.
She was and probably still is very selfish and unkind.
That isn’t really like our kind usually but like any kind of people.
We have good fairies and then the bad selfish ones.
Victoria......I guess she is mixed.
I see good in her at times, at least I try too.
“Victoria is very.......complex” I nod politely at Jessica.

“You’ll be living very close to me then, very close to all of us really. That’s good, I think you’ll like us. We’re not like Christina and her clones” Seth’s head movement directs me to the blonde girl who spoke to me in my first class.
“Oh I think I have met her already, she doesn’t even try making a nice impression does she?” I laugh lightly.
“She doesn’t even know how to” Seth speaks, suddenly angry.
“Christina and Seth were best friends up until a few months back. I guess we were all friends....outside of school. But she got very nasty and now she acts like Seth doesn’t exist” Jessica whispers.
I nod again, very slowly still staring at Christina.
“She wishes I didn’t exist” Seth spits.
“I really doubt anyone could be that mean” I speak, knowing it is a stupid thing to say.
Regardless of how mean people are, I do try see some good.......I try.
“Oh trust me, she is” the four speak in unison.
I knew I shouldn’t have said anything.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have a current obsession with pixie fairies.
I have decided to write this out of my excitement and obsession.
I hope everyone had a good Halloween.
If you want to see what Freya looks like and what I went as.
Click into my profile.
Tell me what you think of my costume, and the story of course.