Status: Sparsly active.

My Guardian Angel.



When I walked into Biology the next day, Set wasn't in class. In fact, he hadn't shown up for four days. I didn't bother to look into it, but when I walked in today and saw him sitting down, doodling aimlessly on a piece of paper, I couldn't help but feel anger rise throughout my body. Marching over, I sat down next to him on the stool and glared at the tabletop.

"Your angry."

"You were gone." I stated, "Why?"

He didn't reply—instead, he focused on Coach Lidbetter. To my surprise, he wasn't as cocky today, but perhaps a little more harsh in his words.

The class was like that—Set ignoring me as I (reluctantly) tried to get rid off the nagging in the back of my head. I was normally an understandable girl, but for a reason, with Set I felt like a mess.

Embry knew something was wrong when I stomped over to him after the final bell, messenger bag hastily slung over my shoulder, my brows set mashed together and my actions rigid. He promised a fun-planned weekend, due to Mom and Dad taking a trip to visit some family. Though Embry was trust worthy, Dad made sure Nate and Dan came over. Naturally, Asher was pumped, but Nate and Dan were more suited away themselves, like they were different.

I wasn't a fan of Dan much—despite the fact that he was my brother's best friend, and my cousin's, I just couldn't bring myself to think of him as a good person. I always thought Nate would be the black sheep, but of course not. It was Dan.

So, my mood fell as soon as I walked in and saw Dan, Nate and Asher lounging around the living room eating their hearts content. Embry noticing my distress hung out in my room with me for the remainder of the night, bringing me a box of the ordered pizza Nate had bought.

"You got some kind of beef with them or something?" Embry asked, wedging a slice into his mouth.

I shrugged, "I've just had a horrible week, honestly." I sighed, collapsing back into my pillows, "I'm thankful for the weekend."

"I'm going to visit Quil and Claire tomorrow. You want to join?"

"I would, but I can't. I have laundry."

Embry groaned and slipped onto the bed next to me. His arms pulled me into his chest, and he covered me with the quilt papa Billy made me. "Come with me." He whispered, hugging me tightly. "I can't just leave you here with your brother and the two morons."

"Embry Call," I warned, placing my hand over his heart. "That's not very nice, despite what kind of people they are."

He smiled apologetically and exhaled heavily. "Are you sure?"

I nodded, "Yeah; I'll be fine." I closed my eyes and relaxed, "Maybe I'll catch up on that novel you bought me for Christmas."

"If your sure.."

"Emb," I started, "You don't have to worry about me. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself."

"Your fourteen."

"Almost fifteen."

"Given in two weeks, granted. But, you're still my best friend, and I'm just looking out for you." He said quietly, rubbing my arm tenderly. I'd just taken into account on how close Embry and I were getting; but to me, Embry was my teddy bear. The one every kid has, that they cry into and hug tightly when their afraid. It's always been Embry.

I stand next to Embry, and others see a girl who literally reaches a few inches over his belly button; I stand at a 5'2" while he's a heavy 6'4".

"Hey, Emb?"

"Mmm." He murmured.

"Do you think that Asher will turn out like Nate and Dan? To be different, I mean." I asked.

He sighed, "I don't know."

I closed my eyes and fell back against the pillow, breaking away from Embry. "I don't.. want him to; not if he's going to become a monster."

Embry scoffed, "A monster?" He questioned, "Hardly," Embry traced circles on stomach, "If he even get that's far—don't worry about it!"

"Yeah.. alright." I mused, pushing the pizza box away from our bodies and I slowly started to drift to sleep; Embry eating soundlessly beside me.

* * *

Black eyes, never ending and lonely reached out to me. I found myself walking forward, my feet scraping over the dry leaves. Leave? Why were there leaves? Why was I outside? Better yet—how was it raining and the nor I were wet? When I willed myself to stop and look around, I noticed that I was standing in the undergrowth just outside the back of Embry's house.

That meant that the dark figure ahead of me was Embry!

Excitedly, I stalked forward, taking his outstretched hand and felt a terrible shot of coldness rush over me. Pulling away from his embrace, I looked closer, realizing that Embry was not reaching out, but a demon. His face was pale, his eye were black, his teeth were bared and adorned with a sadistic smirk.

Behind me, in a blurry haze, tall tan figures ran slowly—all calling my name angrily.

Confused, the blackness from the man before me faded and I took his hand away, escaping away from the followers just to be taken and with a quick snap

Frightened, I sat upright in my bed and clutched the quilt to my chest and breathed heavily through my mouth. I glanced slowly up to my door, and my window before I reluctantly crawled out of my bed and out into the sun-lit hall I padded down the hall to the kitchen, in hopes of a cool drink. My action were rushed and rigid, but I tried to calm myself as I drank the water quickly. Behind me, someones heavy pounding off feet caught me off guard and I screamed a little as they entered the kitchen.

When I noticed who it was, I calmed a little, "Sorry." Dan muttered, rubbing his eyes. His tall, lean body stood several heads over my own, but he was little compared to our fathers—or Embry for that matter.

"W-What are you doing?!" I demanded, pressing my hand to my heart.

He smirked, "Waking up?"

"No, no. I mean here, in my house." I said slowly.

He shrugged, "Asher asked us to stay."


"Nate too."

I groaned, "Wonderful." I hissed, leaning back against the counter. My heart had slowed, but I wouldn't allow myself to let my guard down—not with Dan at least. "Where is Asher?"

"In the living room." Dan said, helping himself to a large bowl of cereal—almost as large as dads.

I stared at him in disgust, but walked towards the family room. Spread over the floor, Nate was lounging shirtless, and Asher had settled himself onto the couch, his legs hanging over the edge. Behind me, Dan chuckled and leaned against the wall.

"Their huge." I stated.

"Not as huge as your old man—" I rolled my eyes, "—or the rest of them."

I turned to him, "The rest of who?"

"Oh, you know. Quil, Seth, my dad, your pops, Paul, Embry, Jared, Collin and Brady." He said with a small shrug.


"Speaking of Embry," Dan started. "You two are close." He wagged his eyebrows suggestively.

I scoffed, "Embry and I are close, but it's nothing that serious."

"Hmm, so.. are you saying your available?"

I growled, "Don't even try, Uley."

He snorted, "I'm not interested." Laughing he exited into the kitchen.

Flushed, I followed him, but continued down the hall. When I reached my room, I slipped my shirt off and replaced it with one of Asher's stolen cotton blend athletic shirts—particularly this one was gray. I left my pants, and slipped on my jacket.

I glanced at my pile of laundry, and sighed. I'll do it later. I promised.

Out by the door, I shot my feet into my shoes and looked back into the family room. Silently I stepped out only to smash into a large body.

"You have laundry." Embry stated.

"I'm doing later. I was going to go see you," I said, pushing past him. He followed me down the stairs and onto the road.

"Oh, so your going to see Quil and Claire?"


I spent the morning with Embry, running across the beach while we made our way to the house on the corner. And all the while, Dan's smirk burned in the back of my head.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about not updating earlier. :/
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