Status: Sparsly active.

My Guardian Angel.


(later that day.)

Silently, I watched as Claire moved around the kitchen. Despite being an orphan at a young age, she seemed quite comfortable with who she had become. I give her credit; she was only a few years older then I was, and she lived alone with her boyfriend, Quil.

Quil was your typical Quileute. Dark skinned, black hair—which was a simple buzz—tall and burly. To a majority of offenders, Quil was a tough, ready-to-snap-necks kind of guy, when in reality, he had the most calm personality. I remember when Claire and I were younger—she was extremely protective and possessive of Quil. Whenever we heard anyone dare to raise their voice to him, she would get angry. Even though she's very protective over him, she still enjoys to tease him.

"How're things at home?"

Shocked, I looked up at Quil and smiled, "Never been better." Beside me, Embry coughed loudly. With a sigh I continued, "Alright. So, maybe I'm becoming a little bit more of a loud mouth, perhaps I'm getting paranoid about Asher changing into someone he's not, and maybe, just maybe everything's going alright in my head, when in reality it's not."

"Wow." Embry said, leaning back. "And I didn't know any of this."

"Wait—you said you're scared that your brother might change? What do you mean, exactly?"

I shrugged, "Dan isn't exactly someone I'm too fond of—and Asher spends a lot of time with him. Nate's already changed, I'm just implying that I don't want my brother to change as well."

Quil glanced at Embry. Though I wasn't very interested in what either of them had to say, my breathing at hitched up a notch. Claire placed a bowl of chips on the wooden table and aimlessly rubbed Quil's shoulders. "Well, I don't think you should worry too much, Aura. You're beginning to look a little pale."

"Clarie's right, A." Embry said, moving my hair from either side of my shoulders, "You should take some time to relax."

"Yeah, don't let Dan or Nate bother you." Quil said, eye's closed happily, "Their nothing but amateurs."

"Amateurs?" I asked, tugging the gray sleeves of my brothers athletic shirt over my hands.

Quil smirked, and started, "Well, you didn't think that joining into the—" A loud, beeping noise sounded over the tiny apartment.

"What the hell?" Quil stood from the table, following Claire into the hallway to move smoke away from the detector.


He ruffled my hair, his face still hanging low, "Don't worry about it." Standing, he took hold of my hand and brought me out into the living room. Taking a seat on the couch, I watched as Quil frantically moved around the tiny space, his large frame seeming far to big to fit anywhere.

Laughing, I pulled my knees to my chest and settled back, "He's going to break something."

"He's far to careful to break something." Embry countered.

"Want to bet?"

"I can't take your money!"

"Coward." I said simply, watching Claire disappear to the bedroom.

Emrby's large hand grabbed mine, "Five bucks."

No more then two minutes later, a thunderous crash sounded from down the hall, followed by Claire's scream, "Quil Ateara!"

"I'm sorry!"

Holding my hand out, I smiled as Embry placed the bill in my hand reluctantly. "I'll get it back." He said, arms folded across his broad chest.

"Is that a bet?" With a deep chuckle, he grabbed my waist and wrestled me over onto the floor.


"Eew, look it! They're kissing!"

"That's hot."

I rolled my eyes, vowing that I would never, ever try to watch a romance movie with my brother and his friends again. "You guys are so immature."

"Really? I'm not so sure about that. Let me show you how mature I am." Krys said, leaning towards me with parted lips.

"Most definitely not." I said, pushing his face away with my hands.

Krys was Jared's kid. Jared and Krys moved back to La Push after Kim passed. Story has it that it was a late night getting in, and Jared was driving. He was angry about something, and wasn't paying attention to the road. He didn't see the tree, and the next thing he knew, he was in the ER with Kim.

Krys was like Dan and Nate; he was different.

Embry dropped me off at home, and said he had to work late again, but that he would come back in the morning. Since then, I've been sitting on the couch, surrounded by large, burly, heated, testosterone-filled teen boys.

Dan watched me, his eye's full with amusement. "One little kiss, Aura. That's all."

I looked away, and met the eyes of the three other males. Nate lounged on the floor, head perched on his hand. Krys sat beside me, blush flowing through his cheeks while Asher watched me with careful eyes. He didn't look very impressed with the idea of his friend kissing his sister, nor did he look horrified with the idea.

"Oh, c'mon!" Dan said, nudging me playfully, "You have to start somewhere. Or are you going to stay a greener till you meet 'the one'?"

"Who says I'm a greener?" I asked, my eye's flittering back to meet his.

"Well.. a little birdie told me—"

Horrified, I looked at Asher and smacked his head, "I hate you sometimes, you know?"

"Ha ha, very funny."

Glaring, I looked down at the floor, "Watch the movie." Nate turned away, unhappy that there hadn't been any kissing. Happy, I settled back against the plush couch and watched as the two characters on-screen gave each other one last kiss, before leaving forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry I haven't updated in a while. I'll explain more about the other wolf members and their kids later and how that all worked out and crap, k?
don't be quiet, readers. COMMENT <3

xox aliyah.