Status: as active as possible

All For You & More


"It isn't like it's you're fault you know," A voice said from next to Vic, startling him.

He looked to his left to find Ms. Carter, Dannicks mother, standing near the door, a paper cup of coffee in her hand. Her eyes were glassy, and red rimmed. Her long dark black hair was pulled back into a sloppy pony tail, she had no makeup on, and she was wearing pants and an old tshirt. In all of the times Vic had seen Dannick's mother, he had never seen her so unkept. He couldn't blame her, it just took some getting used to is all. She was always dressed in business attire, her hair perfectly straight, and her lipstick always on. It was weird, but then again, this whole situation was pretty fucked up. And it was his fault.

He found it odd that even though they had both been sitting in this room for so long together, that this is the first time she had actually spoken to him, more than a few words that didn't require a response. In all honestly, her presence didn't matter to him at all, he hadn't even noticed she had left until she had spoken to him just now.

He shook his head at her, looking back to Dannick, whose condition still hadn't changed. 

"Honestly Vic, she... She loved... I mean, she uh, she loves you." she spoke awkwardly, with a tinge of sadness, but only a tinge, that was her, never the emotional type, not from what he had seen. It really actually surprised him that she had been crying so hard since.... What happened.

He nodded, looking down at his lap, "I love her too... I really do... But uhm... It isn't.... I mean... I feel like... Like it is my fault." he said miserably. Looking at Dannick as his lip quavered. He brought his thumb and forefinger to his temple, pressing firmly, trying to stifle the headache he could feel building in his head.

"Vic, I uh..." she said as she ambled toward the chair near the foot of the hospital bed, opposite of him, "I know she... I mean, I know she had some... Issues," she spoke in a low tone, as if someone might over hear her, and the words would taint her reputation somehow.

He looked at her curiously, Dannick swore her mother knew nothing about her problems.

Ms. Carter noticed his curious glance and smiled sadly, nodding her head, "Yeah I knew... Any parent would know... She uh, she wasn't happy... I could tell... But I... She never came to me and said... Said anything... I don't.... Shit. This isn't your fault, it's mine." she said helplessly. Starring at her daughter, more afraid then anything that she wouldn't wake up. Not knowing at all that in all reality, Vic was almost completely responsible.

Vic felt awkward, he had no clue how he was supposed to respond to that. 

"It wasn't.... I mean.... You didn't-" He began, but she quickly cut him off.

"No... I just... I have to accept that fact... And if she doesn't come out of this... I'll never be able to forgive myself." She said with a nod.

Vic shook his head, he had to tell her. He couldn't let her think this was her fault, it really wasn't.

"Ms. Carter I.... It isnt..." he began with a stutter, "I broke-" And just as he began to tell her something that would change her whole perspective on the situation, they heard a sharp high pitched beeping sound coming from one of the many monitors Dannick was connected to. Both of them stared at Dannick and the screen in horror.

She was flatlining.

They heard a hustle of people scrambling into the room, nurses and a doctor, everyone with a scared look of sadness and anticipation haunting their faces. 

"Code red, code red! Get me 12 cc's of-" the doctor began to yell at the nurses, as a female nurse ushered Vic and Ms. Carter out of the room saying, "I'm sorry, you can't be in here now," with a mumble.

Vic's mind was screaming at him, he didn't know how to react to this, how to respond. His whole world was crashing in an instant. 

"What? No! Dannick! Dannick wake up!" he screamed as the door was slammed in his face. He pounded a fist against the solid door. Ms. Carter just stood against the wall with her face in her hands, sobbing.

This couldn't be happening, it just couldn't. She had to wake up! She had to! Vic felt the tears pour from his eyes as he yelled out in anguish as he fell to the floor. He brought his knees towards his chest as he cried. She had to wake up.

Flatlined. That's all that kept running through his confused mind. Flatlined.

She could still pull through, he still had so much hope in her. She couldn't do this. She couldn't.

"Please god, oh please," he prayed between sobs.

It felt like they were sitting for hours right now when in reality it had barely been minutes. Vic was crying great chest racking sobs and Dannick's mom stood there mumbling, "My baby, save my baby," over and over again. It killed him. This was killing him.

Just then the doctor rushed outside the doors and went to the nurses station, he mumbled something to them with a nod and Ms. Carter rushed up to him, "Can't you do something?! Can't you just operate?!" she screamed.

He looked at her with sorrow in his tired eyes, "Mam, in order to operate... We have to have a pulse."

Vic saw her shake and collapse to the floor. He rushed forward to help her up, she continued to cry.

"We're doing the best we can right now, I'm so sorry," he said as he rushed back into the room.

Dannick's mom buried her head into Vic's chest and sobbed and so did he. He had little to no hope left that she would come out of this. He couldn't believe this was happening to him. To her. His heart ached so bad.

Dannick... I'm so sorry. 
♠ ♠ ♠
I love you guys for subscribing, and commenting... It means so much. Only a few more chapters, feedback? Thanks guys <3