I'm not human

Forty Three

Gerard’s POV

I cannot believe they have found the body already! I knew they would but I didn’t think it wouldn’t that quick! Dose someone go to the cemetery every night just too look for bodies? Well I know that Andy didn’t break up with me. Frank broke up with him for me... I don’t care because I love Frank even though he hurt me bad I still do. Love isn’t a feeling you can just lose... I smiled. Frank looked at me a smiled as well.
“Gee... Lyle still wants you dead...”
“I know. If he tries to kill me or hurt anyone close to me. He will be the next body found.” Frank nodded and kissed me softly. I smiled. Kat and Mikey were looking at us.
“By the way your face when I said thanks for breaking up with Andy for me was funny.”
“Shut up!” Frank whined. I laughed. I hugged him tightly.

I lay on my bed. A knock came to my bedroom door.
“What?” I asked. It opened and Andy walked in. I sat up.
“What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to see you.”
“I don’t want to see you so go away.” I hissed. He sat next to me.
“Andy go away!” I yelled. The door opened and I saw Frank. I was glaring at Andy. Andy slowly got up and left. Frank and Andy glared at each other.
“What did he want?” Frank asked annoyed.
“I don’t know I just told him to leave.” Frank sighed.
“I’m sorry. I’m just worried, that you will cheat on me because I did to you.”
“Don’t worry Frankie. I won’t.” I smiled and lay back down.
“Did you need me for something?”
“No... Just wanted to see you.” He smiled shyly.
“Aw! Come here.” I smiled. Frank walked over to me and kissed me softly. I pulled him onto the bed and hugged Frank close. I kissed Franks neck.
“You’re so annoying Gee!”
“And proud.” I mumbled
“I wanna sleep!” Frank whined.
“Fine!” I sighed. I rolled over staying in my clothes and pulled the covers over us.
“Gee!” Frank whined again poking me...
“I am not here right now. Don’t leave a message.” I replied.
“Gerard... you want to have sex?”
“I am not here right now. Don’t leave a message.”
“Fine!” Frank sighed. I felt him roll over so he was facing the other way. I slowly turned to face Frank’s back hoping Frank didn’t feel it. I put his arm around Frank and he jumped. I laughed and Frank turned to look at me. He kissed me softly. I smiled.
“You totally love me.” I laughed.
“How could I not? You’re perfect.”
“Aw Frankie the only perfect one in this bed is you.”
“Aw. Your making me blush!” Frank smiled as blush crept into his cheeks. I closed my eyes. I felt frank kiss me again. He begged for entrance which I allowed. Frank pulled away and peaked Gerard’s cheek.
“Thought you were tired.” Gerard laughed.
“So what?!” Someone ran down the stairs and the door burst open. It was Kat... Her face was paler than normal she had tears rolling down her cheeks. I sat up worried.
“What’s wrong?”
“Have you seen William?!” She cried.
“Not for a few hours...”
“He went out and he hasn’t come back and its sunrise soon...”
“Frankie I have to find William.” I said worried. Frank nodded fast.
“Do you want help?”
“Split up over town. Get Mikey as well. Everyone be careful.” I yelled rushing off to find William.

I ran around the darkest part of town. I walked into a small ally and I saw a street lamp shining on something red. I walked over to it and saw it was blood. I looked at the fence and saw lots of blood on it. I followed the few drops. It led to a small body. I got my phone out and called Kat.
“Kat... Go back home I will be back soon.” I said slowly...
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Mpreg or surrogate mother?