Status: NaNoWriMo peice - so there should be an update a day - but I am really rubbish at remebering so yeah - sorry about that

Working Title

Peg’s Prologue

In a world of uncertainty and chance Peg was a constant. Peg was on time, she was where she said she’d be when she said she’d be there. Peg was reliable; she would do what she said she would when she said she’d do it.

She always ordered the same food at the local restaurant, and she always went to be at twenty past eleven during the week and twelve during the weekend.

Peg was clear, concise and definable.

On Monday morning Peg’s alarm went off for the first time at six twenty. She hit the snooze bar twice before finally getting up at six thirty. She then took a shower lasting exactly ten minutes, the length of two turns of the shower egg timer. Peg then got dressed, in clothes left out the night before and went downstairs to fix herself breakfast, her usual honey porridge and mug of tea.

She ate her breakfast while she listened to the radio and flicked through her sister’s fashion magazines. When she’d finished porridge she washed up the plate and bowl and left them on the drainer before going back upstairs to do her makeup and dry her hair.
Peg left the house as always on the dot of eight o’clock.

Because Peg was so exact with her timings it annoyed her when other people where late. Which is why at eight fifteen on that same Monday morning Peg couldn’t help but wonder, why was she friends with the terminally late Anna?

“Peggy,” Anna yelled from up the road, causing a faint blush to creep into Peg’s cheeks as everyone turned to look at her. “I’m so sorry,” Anna clung to Peg’s arm her eyes begging for forgiveness.

Peg glared at her friend before sighing. “Don’t be late again,”

Anna grinned. “I won’t,” she paused. “But I can borrow your English homework, right?”