Status: updates are slow, but they're updates. ^_^

Sanity's Left Us All Blind


I decided to call Natalie as soon as I was back home. I plopped down on the couch in the living room.
"OMIGOD! Ember! I fucking miss you!"
I laughed. "I fucking miss you, too."
"How's Huntington?"
"Dish. Now."
"I met a guy."
She gasped loudly. "Is he a fucking studmuffin?"
"Yes, he's a fucking studmuffin."
Mother walked past my room. "Language, Ember."
"Fuck you," I replied, then turned my attention back to the phone. "He's the hottest thing I've ever seen. And he's really nice, too."
"So you talked to him?"
"We walked on the beach."
She squealed. "This is like a romantic film, girl. What does he look like?"
"Black hair, green eyes, dresses like Kayson. He has a lisp. A. Fucking. Lisp."
"Oh, he sounds like your heaven." She knew I loved Kayson, and lisps. I'm pathetic.
"So? You and Parker?"
"We're a thing now. He's so nice. Oh, and Dan and Kayson are a thing, too."
Holy shit. That's a new one. "Danielle? Really?"
"Fuck. I gotta go. Yes, Danielle. Love you Emberbabes," she whispered, hanging up.
I glanced at the clock as I set my phone down. 3:37 a.m. It was as good a time as any to try to sleep.
Something that sounded like rocks hitting the window made me get up. "This better be fucking good," I mumbled.
I looked out to see Zacky. He looked freezing. I didn't see how, it was 55 out.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I whispered harshly out the front door. I didn't want to mean, but I didn't want to be awake, either.
"My parents are uh, fighting. I was wondering if I could stay here."
Yes. Say yes! "Um, can I go ask my mom quick?"
"Sure. Can I come in, though? It's fucking cold out."
"Yeah, of course." I ran away before he could ask anything else.
Mother chose a room that already had a bed in it, lucky bitch. I shook her awake, not caring if I was gentle or not.
"Hey, is it alright if Zacky stays the night?"
"Mmm?" she asked sleepily.
"Zacky needs a place to stay. Can he stay here?"
She waved me away. I took that as a yes.
I raced back down the steps to find him sitting on the floor playing with his lip ring.
"She said it's cool," I said, startling him a little.
"Oh, okay." He remained silent as I wrapped myself in a blanket and joined him.
"What's up?" I asked casually. I was hoping to learn a little bit more about him.
"I wish they wouldn't fight. I fucking hate it."
"I know how you feel."
He shook his head. "They fight over everything. I get a B on a test, they argue over who made me a fuck up. Matt asks a girl out, they argue about who decided he was old enough. I'm just so fucking sick of it!"
Before I realized it, I was hugging him. "It's okay, Zack. They're fucking retarded. Why do you think I hate my mom so much? Why I won't even think about my dad? I know what you're going through, and you're not alone."
He hugged me back. "Thanks, Em." I could tell he was about to cry by the way his voice shook.
"You're welcome, Zacky."
For once in my life, I felt like I belonged.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's been a while, eh? Well, I'm going to try to give you another update later today, this was just because I made brownies, and I need to go eat some. >_O
Thanks to my commenters, you know who you are. (;