Status: Just starting out. Hope you like it :)

Wicked Game


I swirled the beer in my plastic cup before taking a sip and directing my attention back to the band that was on the giant stage. Jax had drug me to this so-called house warming party, saying she was on the same sponsor team as the guy who owned the house. It wouldn’t have been so bad, if she hadn’t disappeared almost immediately after we arrived.

I figured it would be best to try and find her, so I tried to make my way out of the crowd. As soon as I turned around, I was met by a crowd surfers foot hitting me square in the face. Instantly I could feel blood pouring for my nose, so I cupped my hand under it and found my way out of the crowd.

“Excuse me miss, do you need some first aid?” A guy with a camera asked.

“Uh yeah, that’d be great,” I said sniffling a bit.

“Alright, come with me and I’ll find you a medic,” he said leading me through a wooden black door and into a kitchen, “Just sit on this stool and I’ll send the medic in here.”

“Thank you,” I said accepting the paper towel he was handing me.

While I waited for the medic, I pulled out my phone and sent Jax a text telling her that I was being seen by a medic. As soon as I hit send, a medic came around the corner while pulling some gloves on.

“So what happened miss,” he said pulling the paper towel from my face.

“I was trying to leave the crowd outside and was kicked extremely hard by a crowd surfer,” I said wincing as he cleaned up my face.

“Well, they got your nose really good, as well as your lip,” he said as he tried to stop the bleeding, “And your upper lip has a small split in it. We can take care of that with some liquid stitches.”

“Ugh, you’ve got to be kidding me,” I mumbled as the medic searched for the stitches.

“Yo Frantz! You down here?” a man called as he bounded down the stairs.

“He went back outside, Bam,” the medic said as he pulled out the stitches.

“Thanks Kevin,” he said approaching us, “Oh shit, what happened here.”

“Kicked in the face by a crowd surfer and got a bruised nose and busted lip,” Kevin said prepping the area.

“Oh damn, that sucks,” he said turning to me, “I’m Bam Margera.”

“Rory Bercow,” I said shaking his outstretched hand, “Wait, this is your party isn’t it? I remember Jax saying your name when I asked who’s it was.”

“Sure is,” he beamed proudly, “And your Jax’s friend? She talks about you quite a bit, and was looking for you a while ago.”

“I’ve been looking for her too,” I said as my lip was sealed up, “Do you know where she is?”

“She’s upstairs on the main level, I can take you to her real quick,” he said as the medic told me I was good to go.

“Thank, I’d appreciate that,” I said as I stood up and re-adjusted my leather jacket.

He motioned for me to follow him and lead me up the stairs and into the living room where people were standing by the huge glass windows watching the show.

“Jax! I found your friend,” Bam shouted during a break in songs.

“Thanks Ba-Oh my fucking god Rory, what happened to you?” Jax said running over and grabbing my shoulders.

“A crowd surfer busted my lip and bruised my nose,” I said shrugging, “And where have you been all night? You haven’t been answering any texts.”

“Sorry, Novak dropped it into a beer and it won’t turn on,” she said almost angrily, “But I found you now! I see you met Bam.”

“Yeah, he was looking for someone and came over and introduced himself,” I said smiling, “Would you mind splitting a little early, my face is sore.”

“Yeah dude, just let me get my deck and we can go,” she said walking over to the couch.

“You’re still coming to the barbeque skate sesh tomorrow right Jax?” Bam asked as she came back with the board.

“Yeah, of course,” she said before glancing at me, “Is it cool if I bring Rory?”

“Yeah, definitely,” he said smiling at me, “There will actually be a paper you have to fill out for MTV medical. Just so you don’t try to sue and all that bullshit.”

“Okay, I’ll come then,” I said as we walked to the front door, “Nice meeting you Bam.”

“Nice meeting you too Rory, see ya tomorrow,” he said as he waved and closed the door.

Jax and I made the short hike to my A4, and were lucky enough to not have it blocked by another car.

“I’m amazed right now,” Jax said smirking at me.

“At what?” I said driving down the private road.

“The fact that even with a busted lip, and a bloody nose that you are able to get guys to flirt with you non-stop,” she said shaking her head, “And even Bam! He hasn’t given a girl the time of day like that in forever.”

“He was just feeling sorry for me because I was hurt,” I said shrugging.

“I’ve skated with Bam for 10 years, trust me on this,” she said still smirking.

In order to halt our conversation, I turned the radio up higher. We sang along to Turbonergo as we made our way back to the apartment we shared. As soon as we walked in, her phone was ringing, and she disappeared into her bedroom.

I went into my room right after, and flipped through my closet making sure I had clothes to wear tomorrow. When I found my outfit, I set it out over my desk chair, before slipping on a pair of sweats and getting into bed.

As I was falling asleep, I found myself thinking about what Jax had said to me earlier. I couldn’t help but to hope that she was wrong, because I didn’t need another guy coming into my life and screwing it up.
♠ ♠ ♠
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