Status: Just starting out. Hope you like it :)

Wicked Game


I gripped my seat in fear for what seemed like the millionth time as Jax whipped around yet another corner. Luckily, the old Camaro, along with the both of us, arrived to Bam’s place without any scratches.

“You’re never fucking driving again,” I mumbled to Jax as we exited her car.

“Oh come on, lighten up,” she said nudging my arm, “I’ve never gotten us into an accident yet, have I?”

“Actually, there was that time you rear-ended the cop car,” I said pointedly as we approached the front door.

“That was his fault! He suddenly stopped!” she said ringing the doorbell.

“Yeah, at a red light,” I said laughing, “Weird concept.”

She opened her mouth to try and defend herself, but was cut off by the front door sliding open and revealing bam.

“Jax! Rory!” he said pulling us both into a hug, “I’m glad you could make it.”

“Barely did with dipshit driving,” I mumbled into his chest.

“Which is why we never let her drive when we go places,” Bam said releasing us, “Lets head out back, everyone’s already here.”

We followed him through the vast house, which I vaguely remembered from the night before, before walking out onto a deck that overlooked the closed pool.

“Yo shit heads, Jax and her friend are here,” Bam yelled getting everyone’s attention, “Rory this is Dunn, Novak, Dico, Rake, Raab, my parents Ape and Phil and Glomb. Everyone this is Rory.”

I waved to the large group of men in front of me, before I was pushed down into a seat between Novak and Jax. I sat there nervously for a few seconds before a beer was placed in front of my face.

“Gnarly cuts and bruises you got on you face there,” Novak, the holder of the beer said grabbing my attention.

“Yeah, I got them from a crowd surfer last night,” I said twisting the top off.

“So you’re the chick Millionaire was blabbing about this morning,” he said with a look of realization flashing across his face.

“I’m guessing you mean Bam?” I said sipping my beer.

“Yeah, he kept saying how this super hot chick was down with medical when he was looking for Frantz,” he said smiling, “And boy was he right about the hot part.”

“Uh, thanks?” I said uneasily shifting in my chair.

“Novak, leave the girl alone,” Bam said pushing him from his seat and taking it.

“So, I’m super hot, huh?” I asked Bam with a smirk on my face.

“I-uh-he-uhm,” Bam stuttered quickly, “Yeah, I said that last night.”

“Well thanks dear,” I said patting his shoulder, “And red really is your color, suits you.”

This only caused him to blush harder, but that only last a second before he had a comeback for me.

“Well, at least the person I find attractive finds me attractive too,” he said making it my turn to blush.

I was about to make another remark to him, but was cut off when something slimy hit my face. As it slid down my face, I made a face of disgust and glared at the direction in came from. Vito was yelling his random grumble, and before I could even speak, he had 7 hot dogs flying at him.

“Vito! What the hell man?” Glomb asked from next to him, “What did Rory do?”

“She a nice girl, and tehkin Bam’s azenshun,” he said before trailing off into something I couldn’t understand.

“Oh sweetie, I’m sorry about him,” April said approaching me, “Let’s go get you cleaned up, and a new shirt.”

“Thank you,” I said pushing up from the table.

I followed Ape into the house, but not before telling Jax. April lead me into the small half bathroom off of the kitchen, and gave me a washrag before heading to find a shirt. I wiped the ketchup/mustard mix from my face, as well as my bangs before April reappeared.

“It was the smallest one he had in the closet,” she said handing me a shirt.

“Thank you so much,” I said smiling at her.

I took off my red and blue plaid shirt, before placing the gray Element shirt over my thin white tank top. By the time we had gotten back to the deck, Vito was gone, something I was thankful for.

“Sorry about my uncle, he can be an ass at times,” Bam said as I took my seat again.

“It’s okay, it’s just a shirt that can be washed,” I said waving it off.

He tried to protest, but I quickly shushed him. We all finished lunch quickly, and before I knew it half of the crew had disappeared. The only people left a half hour later were Bam, Jax, Novak, Dunn and myself.

“So now what are we doing?” I asked as we sat on the couches in Bam’s living room.

“Pool?” Jax suggested looking at the purple lined pool table.

“And when you miss a shot you take a shot,” Novak said high fiving Jax.

We all nodded in agreement, and split into two teams. I was placed on a team with Novak and Dunn, since I had never really played pool before. This fact, naturally, had me taking a shot nearly every time it was my turn.

“I think I have to forfeit,” I said stumbling over to a stool and sitting down, “I’ve had like 10 plus shots, and a few beers.”

“Party pooper!” Bam said taking a shot, and making it, “There’s only three more balls to sink.”

“Which is three more shots I don’t need,” I said laughing, “But it’s super entertaining to watch.”

I laughed as the game when on for 15 more minutes, and everyone had to take a few more shots. When Novak finally got the 8 ball into the hole, I cheered for him along with Dunn.

After a few more shots each, me finally breaking down and taking a few, we all decided that it was time for bed. Jax, Novak and Dunn all knew where to go, and dispersed before I even had a chance to ask where to go.

“Uh, where should I head?” I asked Bam as we were still sat on the couch.

“I can show you to a guest room,” he said standing up and offering me a hand.

I graciously took it, and he pulled me up with a little too much force, causing me to stumble into his chest. I breathed in his intoxicating scent, before looking up through my lashes and into his eyes. He looked back down into mine, and I could see the lust swimming in his steel blue eyes. I bit my lip and broke eye contact for about half a second before looking back up at Bam.

The next thing I knew Bam was leaning down towards me, and I was pressing up on my tip-toes to reach his lips. At first it was innocent, but it didn’t take long for us to heat it up, and find our way back onto the couch.

We heatedly made out for around 10 minutes on the couch, before I came to my senses and separated from Bam. I sat up quickly and opened my mouth to deliver the news that I knew Bam wouldn’t be a fan of.
♠ ♠ ♠
Semi-cliff hanger :)

I promise it will pick up in the next few chapters, I just have to lay the ground work for my ideas :)