A Utopian Delusion

Mark of destiny

Sounds of heavy rain drops woke me the next morning, the sun was guarded by dark clouds and I felt myself smile. Hoping out of bed my nightgown fell off my shoulders and revealed the top of my mark in the mirror in my vanity table. I could see the top of it and smiled, pulling down my nightgown to reveal the golden heart. It was my mark, my name made it shape in golden letters and in the light it sparkled off my pale skin. Every royal has a mark in my world, each meaning different things. Most marks were just crowns or symbols or our cities.

My fathers and mothers were silver crowns meaning they were to be king and queen, if you are born with this symbol no matter if you were born first or last in your family you were to be king or queen. Tom's was the same as my parents and he was the third born in my family, I was born after him. But even though Jereck was the first born son in our line Tom will wear the crown when our father dies. Other marks are usually symbols of what position you will take in the kingdom. Depending on what symbol you have if it matches the symbols of monarch or parliment it will decide your job and duty. All of this would be important for me if my symbol was to any of those jobs but it's not.

There is a story in my kingdom of the one who wears a unique symbol. It tells of how this great person will go on to do something remarkable and save the lives of millions. This person is destined for greatness and will find strength in a lost hope. I am this person, although no one would say that exactly. Since I was born no one has believe I will be anything great. Bliss questions too much, she doesn't understand anything they would say behind my back.

It would seem that in a perfect world the one who is born to do something increadible would question her own life. I touched my mark and felt a confidence that I knew did not exsist rise within me. I did not care what any one thought of me, because it did not matter if I was who they expect they would still not see me as this wonderful person. Pulling my night gown back up I heard a knock at my door, my mother soon barged through the door before waiting for my reply. Her face had a look or great despair and I laughed in my mind.

"The wedding has been postponed for two weeks!",she exclaimed sounding out of breath,"I just ran all the way to tell you the news from king George himself."
Trying to look sad I walked over to her,"Mother it's alright",I said trying to calm her down.
"Alright it most certainly is not!",she said crying as she looked out my window to the gloom.
"This is probably for the best",I said in a calmer tone as a mother would say to her chile,"Prince William and I need more time together",choosing my words carefully so she wouldn't see the joy I had in this wonderful or as she put it dreadful news,"Maybe it would be wise for us to know each other more before the wedding."
Her crying stopped,"You are right",she said the ran to my door yelling out two names,"I have just called the maids to help you dress so you can go see him now",she said walking towards me.
I mentally roled my eyes at her,"Thank you",was all I said as I smiled sitting at my vanity table.
She ran her fingers through my hair,"I am so happy for you my dear",she looked off dreamingly,"Soon you will be married and living out the life you were meant to have."
"The life of the chosen one",I said.
"Bliss those tales are just fairy tales",she laughed walking toward my wardrobe.
"Mother you and I both know that is not true, Our whole society lives off this story and believes it more than they believe the world is round",I said crossing my arms.
"Bliss you are not the chosen one",she said looking at me.
I pointed to my mark,"What does this mean then?"
"It means nothing, it was a mistake and everyone knows that",she said angrily,"That mark was meant for someone else not for you."
"Explain then why I have it",I said.
"Because it was meant for you twin brother!!",she screamed at me.

Also shall I mention I was a twin, my brother who has no name since he had no mark. Died when we were both born, he sufficated in the wound yet I am blamed everyday for his death. It's no secret that my parents believe he was the one to bear this mark, a boy not a girl was chosen to save us from danger.

"He would have lived if this was his mark to bear",I said turning so I didn't have to face her.
"You killed him",she said walking out the door again blaming me for his death.

I fell into my arms and cried, sometimes I did believe it was my fault and today was no exception. The maids walked in and dressed me in a pink dress that was not as dramatic as the one I came here in, it tightened around my waist and flowed down my legs. My shoulders were covered in small sleeves that matched my bodice and the back opened to show my mark. I pulled my hair into a curly bun and walked out of my room to the garden where it was covered from the rain.

"We must share something in common for this is where I come to think as well",said Will appearing from under as low tree.
"Who said I was here to think",I said to him walking under the tree.
"My mistake",he laughed,"I was only guessing."
"Take another guess, maybe this time you shall guess correctly",I said smiling slightly.
"Well since you have no book you cannot be here to read",he smiled,"You are here alone besides me so you cannot be meeting a secret lover."
"I don't have all day dear prince William",I said turning and walking to the other side of the tree.
"I give up and please ",he walked over to me,"Call me Will", I felt myself smiling," My only other guess is you are here to tease me."
"To bad you gave up",I said,"I do love to play games and I was becoming fond of this one."
He smiled and walked over to me, I could see he longed to touch my face and kiss me like he had the other night,"I'm sorry today you could not be married",he said.
I walked back to the tree and sat down on the ground leaning against it,"Rain is not a bad thing."
His face turned curious as he stayed where he was,"Did you not wish to be married today?"
"I do love questions",I said smiling looking at him,"And yes today was not a good day to be married."
"Perhaps, if I may assume maybe it's not that today was not a good day it was that you did not want to marry me",he looked out on the rain.
"Would you like me to be honest?",I asked.
He turned and his face did not hid his sadness,"Yes, I would ask you for nothing less."
"I do not know you very well",I said looking at him,"But I can see you are sweet and I can see you do love me, even if you hardly know me. I just need some time I suppose."
He smiled,"Was I too forward",he said sitting by me his face close to mine.
I blusehd,"A bit",and he laughed so I joined him.
"I forget my manners sometimes",he said,"Can you forgive me?"
"A question I can answer",I smiled looking back up at him,"Yes."
He smiled and grabbed my hand,"Shall we start again?"
I nodded and he laced his fingers with mine.
"I would love if you would like to come take a walk around the palace with me",he said.
"I wouild love to join you",I said and we got up and began walking in the rain.

Both of our cloths became soaked with rain water but we kept walking. We just talked trying to some what get to know the other person and finally he asked.
"Bliss, your mark on your back",he said.
"Yes",I said.
"It means what I think it means right?",he asked.
"Yes or that's what I believe",I said,"I can't say anyone would agree."
"Then why would you have it?",he asked.
I could have kissed him at that moment, he wondered about these things too,"My parents believe my twin brother was supposed to bear it."
"Then why does he have it?",he asked.
"He's dead",I said and his face was torn in confusion and sadness,"I don't think it's true eiter but I am denied the right or being called what I am or what I would like to be because I am a girl."
He suddenly understood and his face fell."Well maybe greatness isn't defined by gender",he said ,"But we shall never know."
We kept walking and the sky turned darker and when we could not stand to be wet any longer we returned to the palace.
"Bliss may I walk you to your room?",he asked politely.
"You may",I said as we walked to my door.
"This is the part where my manner would fail me",he said,"But I have made a promise not to break them.
I laughed as I kissed his cheek and he moved and we kissed. The spark between us grew and we did not pull away. His hands moved to my waist pulling me to him and his lips softly moved with mine. I closed my eyes moving my hands to his chest and I slowly pulled away.
"I'm sorry",he breathed,"I could not help myself. Are you sure two weeks isn't too long?"
He laughed and I shook my head at him opening my door and closing it once I was inside. I changed into a simplier dress and walked through the secret passage door to the kitchen and found some bread to eat. I needed the time I thought. Slowly I returned to my chambers and fell into a sleep. I felt myself being sucked into a dream.

Fire burned every where, people were screaming and running in all directions. I ran from person to person and they all fell to the ground dead. My father layed before me with a sword in him and a pool of blood around him. screaming I called out to Will, I feared for him and ran through the palace to find him under our tree. His eyes were closed and his hands covered in blood. I fell to my knees begging him to wake up.

But his eyes remained shut. I kissed his forehead his cheek and hisl lips yet still he did not wake. The sky turnd to black with colors of orange and red burning every where. I felt my mark burning on my back and it burned through my body. I began crying not knowing what to do, a man who had my eyes walked toward me and smiled an evil smile. The future unfolded before my eyes as he stabbed a sword in me and I fell back on the ground and out of my dream...